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Everything posted by Armony

  1. Welcome to Canterlot!
  2. Actually, "brony" is a portmanteau "bro" and "pony". The difference is only significant because bronies originally came from 4chan, where, among other uses, "bros" were people who were helpful and kind to others. The anonymity of the site meant that you never knew if a "bro" was really male, female, or anything in between, and it didn't matter to anyone who posted there; a bro was a bro, no need to complicate it any further, and thus bro became gender neutral in that culture. So, with "brony" being a combination of two gender neutral terms, I've never really understood why some feel the need to make it gender exclusive; I'd rather keep with simplicity. But, as others in this thread have said... some people prefer using pegasister instead. I'm sticking with brony, myself.
  3. Don't know about you, but I generally find kindness much easier than being a jerk. I like to think that, if there's a point to that line beyond being a short section for Fluttershy, it's to tell the audience that sharing kindness should be a natural response that is very easy to bring out. Or, it could be that they wanted to get across the idea that it doesn't take an enormous effort of kindness to help someone out who is in need of a reliable ear or shoulder. Or it could just be that it's a children's show theme song and nobody put nearly that much thought into writing the lyrics.
  4. Armony

    Hi :I

    Welcome to Canterlot!
  5. Sleep would be a good idea right now. Perfect time to play Dust: An Elysian Tail.

    1. Conor Colton

      Conor Colton

      What is this 'sleep' you speak of? I have only heard of such thing in legend.

    2. Rosewind


      That game is soooo good!

  6. I'll definitely be going, I think I've had my registration and hotel taken care of since the day they announced the Baltimore venue. Anyways, I'll make sure to keep my eyes open for a King Sombra while I'm there!
  7. Thank you, Jane! I got the link all fixed up and ready to go! Oh, and this isn't just any old Statue app. This was the one that started it all - my very first Pony OC.
  8. Armony

    Hi all,

    Welcome to Canterlot! Fluttershy is indeed best pony.
  9. Rewrite done and ready. Come at me, RPH team!
  10. If you're still taking ponies, Stormsong and Sage Leaf would be happy to attend.
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