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Motion Paradox

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Everything posted by Motion Paradox

  1. Wow....Diamond Tiara's Father looks exactly the way I imagined, he even has dark circles under his eyes
  2. Dosen't the face shape look a little familiar? They look a little bit like an evolutionary link between G1 and G4 (not to mention they look a bit like two of the G1 characters)
  3. One of my friends recently brought this film to my attention, a film made in Argentina that's appearently one of their better ones (neither of us are really sure of that much about it), either way I think it's better to just let this clip speak for itself Some how I feel this explains something....I'm not really sure what but definately something
  4. True they do have the DVDs coming out and with the large fan-base they probably will release all the episodes on discs (instead of what happens with most series where they only do a hand-full of episodes), but they are first and foremost a toy company, they aren't really losing that much by having the episodes be free so I don't really see why they should be objecting to the episodes being online so strongly Now, I live in Canada, but I do get a station that plays, at least the season 1 episodes and perhaps I would be able to buy them off of I-tunes (though I have all the released ones downloaded in good quality) I'd rather not buy them there, simply because I find the idea that I could buy the episode file and if something happens to the file I'll have to re-buy it and not have some sort of gurantee somewhat distasteful, (or is there some sort of gurantee? Either way I would probably only buy episodes of a show under that system if there was no other way to get it, for example there's one series that has an americanised version that's criminally bad and you can also buy the original Korean version of the series with English subtitles off of I-tunes and I'd buy that) Though what we should do is a petition, until then there are other video streaming websites that usually aren't effected as heavily by these sort of things because they aren't as big as youtube that we can watch them on
  5. She is a fun Pony, sort of like My Little Pony's version of the Hidden Mickey Actually if they had gone with the original plans and had Surprise the Pegasus I can imagine a lot of people would wonder if they were sisters
  6. Hmm, I'm willing to believe that Pinkie Pie did know the others but perhaps didn't know them equally well, Rainbow Dash said herself that she thought Pinkie would be annoying so she probably avoided her as much as possible after moving to Ponyville Rainbow Dash probably knew Fluttershy enough to identify her by name when telling her story in Cutie Mark Chronicles instead of "This one really weak flyer at camp" and probably knew Applejack as well Then Rarity may have known Applejack in passing, she probably bought fruit at her stand but little else and she may have known Fluttershy before the series started but they could just have easily not have known each other And Fluttershy probably knew Applejack a little bit, perhaps some helping to lead some Rabbits away from the farm or helping with some of the Animals, either way I imagine that everyone she met happened when cercumstances forced her into it, for example she went to Sugar Cube Corner and Pinkie introduced herself, and threw a welcome party and talked to Fluttershy when ever she came by, she met Applejack either buying apples or helping with the animals and met Rarity going to her shop or when Rarity needed help with Opal or maybe to ask for some molted feathers
  7. Perhaps the proctors were told to use the Dragon Egg test on a foal that they sensed had powerful magic, that could also explain why Princess Celestia was outside, she had no way of knowing when the Dragon Egg test would be given. Also, perhaps similar tests were given to students but not that one, it may be that Dragon eggs are extremely difficult to hatch so most students are given another animal, for example an Owl, to hatch while a student with very strong powers gets the Dragon Egg (and an easier one if they can't manage the Dragon's Egg)
  8. Except maybe for Unicorns being practical, but apart from that yes (come to think of it, out of the Mane 6 the Earth Ponies are the only ones who don't have anxiety issues, I've noticed) As for me, I think Unicorn. All the species have their good and bad points but yes, dexterity is important to me and Unicorns are the only species that can do all those tiny incricate things I love (plus being a germaphobe, the thought of opening doors with my mouth makes me cringe). Being able to do magic at all would be great and I'd like to think that I'd be fairly good at it and if I wanted to fly there are flight spells (actually I'm also acrophobic, even if I tried something like the gossamer wing spell and something happened to the wings I probably wouldn't be very high up)
  9. Well it might be one of those things they have in shows where they show a doctor's office and the diagram isn't accurate Though he did say that he specialised in treating Baby Ponies, so maybe it's just babies that have the tiny brain which then grows rapidly or perhaps it only grows slightly in mass but it's more dense and has more connections than, for example, a human's brain (similar to how a pound of bricks weighs as much as a pound of feathers but one takes up more space than the other)
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EfEDyw9LxU Around 17.58, you can see a Santa costume in the window
  11. Since it's close to Christmas, I thought I'd remind everyone of the Santa costume we saw during Ticket Master What is your image of Pony Santa? Personally I think that instead of having a sleigh pulled by Reindeer that he could be a Reindeer and pull the sleigh himself, because that sort of thing is possible (also the leaving out cookies thing makes a bit more sense)
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