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Status Replies posted by SymphonicFire

  1. Tomorrow is my first day in a new school! GAAAAAAAAAH

  2. I need a break from the world...

  3. W...Why am i always alone...

  4. W...Why am i always alone...

  5. Uhm, so, when did my title change? And by who?


  7. I learnt a painful lession today, glue from a glue gun BURNS and when you wet it it burns more as it solidifies the moment the water hits it, causing it to get stuck on your finger :( In short words, IT HURT

  8. I'M BAAAAAAACK (Just not that frequently :3)

  9. Starting a Doctor Whooves RP if anypony wants to join

  10. I want to make an oc that is half pony and half cat. What is the species called?

  11. I want to make an oc that is half pony and half cat. What is the species called?

  12. ha I have. no idea what im doing im ready to rp

  13. SYMPHONIC FIRE obtained dried mangoes from the Philippines

  14. I tried drawing ponies.........it was a disaster O_O

  15. Goodness, the artists here are awesome! I can draw myself, but I can never draw ponies! You guys are awesome! :3

  16. Goodness, the artists here are awesome! I can draw myself, but I can never draw ponies! You guys are awesome! :3

  17. Sick report: Still sick, though i feel so much better. I have gone from not being able to eat or talk without painkillers and a throbbing head + a really bad stomch ache too a really bad head that hurt when i walked, so i couldnt walk I still found it hard to eat and talk at this point. Then i went to a less throbing head, still painful but at this point i could eat and talk. Now, just a normal headache plus a small stomach one....Thats been my week

  18. Need some one to draw an oc pls

  19. me when I draw something and people thinks its something that is completely different: -.- *faceslam, as facepalming just isnt enough...*

  20. UGH THANK CELESTIA i can eat again. This whole week i have been sick, and iv eaten about three times, been to sick and my throat has been to sore. Now, i feel a lot better and i can EAT AGAIN, WHOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO

  21. Some one please join Teen titans? >.<

  22. Some one please join Teen titans? >.<

  23. Eugh, my lava lamp is making alien eggs

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