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Everything posted by LonelyHooves

  1. The video that made me intested in MLP FIM in the first place. Ever since then I keep meeting the most wonferfull people.
  2. Hopefully HASBRO sees the money side in this for them and thries to make something like this for us.
  3. YOU KNOW YOUR AN MLP FAN: When you use brohoove over voice chat when playing with your friends. Strated sleeping with a plushie again even though you haven't had one since you were twelve. Started keeping home made cupcakes on hand in your pastery display cases. Asked another member at the gym if they wanted to trot with you. Pull up to another car blaring "smile" while driving. Giving someone a hearts and hooves day gift.
  4. Sure parker fire away. What would you like to know about me? Cause with out specific questions "my deal" could range from my upbringing to to just about anything in my life. So feel free to ask anything. P.S. I never said i was a good medic alot like Zed I dont have a license. But thats never stoped me from enjecting everypony with weird meds,
  5. Anywere near Sacramento or are you a LA. colt Bellosh
  6. Beleave it or not Lonely Hooves was a nick name before MLP. When I would play FPS's with my clan I would always have a bad habit of getting seperated from the group and getting lost. I guess having a medic with a bad sense of direction isn't very team productive lol.
  7. Hi Amaroq and welcome to Canterlot. I'm new here my self.
  8. About Myself: My name is Jesse. Ijust recentley moved from Houston Texas to Sacramento Calafornia. Im thirty year old colt. I find my self in a strange place with no one I realy know and I'm hoping to make some friends. How I found Canterlot.com: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111108184700AAo9Rrk How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Lauren Faust involvement with the project. My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie HELLO Oh man were starte I find my self staring at a blank page here feeling like I am about to take a test. My name is Jesse I just moved here from Houston Texas to Sacramento Calafornia with a frind of mine Mikey. Out of the two of us he was the firdt one to find employment with a driving outfitter England Trucking I found work my self shortly after. Unfortunately Mikey had to go to South Los Angeles for training for three weeks. In this I have slowley started to realise I don't know any one out here or have any friends and find my self feeling extremely alone. After the first week I started to watch "PONIES The Anthology" by ZephyrStar wichlead my intrsdt into finaly sitting down and watching the show and falling in love with it. After following a few Bronies on YouTube I thought I would actually try to make contact with other fans anf like minded people and mabey make some friends. P.S. I'm sorry if writing is bad English was never my strong suite in school. Signed Sincerely Yours Lonely Hooves
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