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Everything posted by sundancer

  1. Good Character summary. Should mkae him tougher to fight off the bullies, like sundancer. Interestinf naad varied careeer. DId Not know that knowing mane characteres was frowned upon as I have it in my character summary, In short, a good rendition.
  2. AS it is labor day weekend, I doubt that Sundancer (WIP) is not been scanned and approved yet wither. I shall check in again late Tuesday when it is finalized. Sundancer
  3. Wnat to post avatar but no idea how?

    1. Davroth


      On the top right there should be you username with an down arrow. Click on that and then on the default avatar. You should be in your profile now. Click on the avatar on the left corner of your profile and you should be able to upload a new one.

    2. sundancer



      THanks, but i wanted an avatar from the gallery of avatars on line. Now I can;t seem to find them, much less download them

      Sorry to be a a newbie but I am getting lost trying to set up for RP and losing my application, having all the links go to "page not found" and now I can;t even find the avatar gallery. HELP!

  4. Another RP and main display question Where do we go to get avatars or can we upload them? If so, how do we post them?
  5. first video game? Pong, in my 20's Lost every time so after Pac-man, I gave up.
  6. Hi All, Sundancer here. I wanted to sign up for RP but everytime I cloick on a link to get more info or post my Alter ego, I get "Error 404" Page not found. DId someone update the website and forget to update the links? Please let me me know as I would like to post my character but am not sure how! Thanks a bunch Sundancer
  7. Hello Merry Paws If you consider yourself a gray mane, than I am a Grandpa by comparison. I think I am one of the odest Bronies on this forum. Age? Not telling but the 80s comics were out of my leaque back then. I have ripened with age and as I like anime, I appreciate good animation and storytelling, not to mention good character development. This show has all three Welcome aboard!
  8. Hey everyone, Sundancer again. I forgot to let the sun go down and heard it from Princess Luna. Well, no more of that for a while. Speaking of awhile, I see a lot of rumors about season two and it begs the question. Hasbro is either selling a lot of pony dolls or has heard (DUH) of the Brony following. That brings me to the question of when it wll start. There is a lot of Spec. about D=Sept;, although the last season started in Oct. I personally hope for September and that some resourceful Brony will put it on you tube. It is easier than recording the shows myself. Hey,,, that;s this month! Omigosh, Omigosh, Omigosh, Omigosh!. Anyone heard a more definite rumor? I also tip my hat to the great Rob Renzetti, late of My Life as A Teenage Robot, as story editor. Fine work Rob. Hmmm, Seems I am taking up too much space here, well sunset is coming so I am away to dance. Bye for Now!
  9. hello Fellow Bronies! I am Sundancer, a unicorn with the desire to dance just beforo sunset. Hence my name Mt Coat isi dark blue and My Mane is Gold, makig for a striking combination MY Magic power is to make sunsets last longer so I can dance longer. This caused some problems with princess Luna, who raises the moon, so I use my power sparingly. AS result, I have adapted it to make the sunshine brighter wherever I am. No Reason, I ust like sunny days. I am eager to see you all and get to know you. I understand I must post three times, so next time will be a story of how I met Princess Celestia. Toodles till then Sundancer
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