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Posts posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. After her 'rescue', Midnight didn't move. She was just staring at Tehengu, but her eyes were...wrong. Often times, her amber eyes had a glint to them, a sign of amusement, of anger. A shimmer of emotion that appeared as if sunlight was gently kissing them. That glint was gone, and while the girl herself seemed emotional and restless, what stared at Tehengu were not the eyes he was used to seeing. For those moments, gone was the young girl who had worked herself into such a state he'd needed to kiss her to get her to focus. The eyes that stared at him were dead, cold and harsh as winter itself. The eyes of a killer. She stared at him for many moments, before slowly standing up and examining herself for injuries. 


    Her right shoulder had been stabbed, and was bleeding down her arm and onto her black jacket. She let out a sigh, one of frustration over pain, as she applied pressure to the wound with her other arm. She had been about to answer, when the Professor ran off once again. Leaving Midnight and Tehengu alone in the room. The girl had no idea what to say. He'd saved her, and her heart had leapt out of her when she'd heard his voice coming to save her. But, ironically, she loathed the very fact she HAD to be saved. While her eyes appeared dead, she smiled, but it failed to reach her eyes.

    "Thank you T....That Psycho was....she was after Grim, and thought i'd give him up" despite knowing Tehengu didn't like the idea of her and Grim, she had to tell someone what happened. Incase they came back for vengence "They were trailing us since Beacon. They knew about you and Slash, meaning whoever that was, they knew about my connection to the fang for a long time...Given they way they fought....." Suddenly, with seemingly no warning, the girl went from standing up on her feet, to slumped. Her legs failing to hold her up as a wave of fatigue hit her. She reached for the flask, which had escaped her pocket and now sat on the ground nearby, just out of her grasp "I'm certain that assassin....is someone at Beacon"

  2. Midnight found herself really taken back. Not by the fact that they threw a blade at her neck and heart, but that she didn't feel fear. She knew the facts. She would die here, and there was nothing she could do about it. A fact she accepted so, no matter what, if this was her last act. She'd make them spitful. Whoever this person was, they weren't getting a thing out of her. Even if they killed her. She was silent as her attacker got more and more angry, but all she returned was a silent glare. She would die, but her final victory would be this. The insanity of her attacker, that she would die with all her information, and give away none. 

    Of course, IF she had been sleeping properly and was alert. Perhaps she'd of paid attention to the voice of someone she was supposed to know growling at her. Then she'd realized Andrea was her tormentor, but alas, was not the case. She had nothing, no tricks, no ropes....She was alone. So she grinned a cocky grin. 

    "Even if i knew where Grim was, i wouldn't tell you. None of us will. We fight and die for the Fang, for his leadership. I was his second for years, his assassin, his shadow. If you think i'd give him up willingly, then you truly are an idiot" She spat at her, and waited. Waited for the swing that would bring her death. She closed her eyes and huffed. Her life should have been so much more. And if there was, just a single regret above all else that she held...She never got to finish her....!



    Her mind screamed it before she was aware, and she opened her eyes, quickly zeroing in on the Archer. It was...him!? This wasn't a dream, her attacker hadn't killed her and this was all a dream? She cut herself with a nail. Nope, ok, not a dream. 

    "T! T-this thing, it has Andrea and Slash!" she yelled from her trapped position "Kill it!" She hadn't expected to survive, but now it was being offered, she wanted to grab it with both hands...Right before tearing her attacker in half with her bare hands! 

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  3. Midnight glared up, but she'd lost the will. With her team already dead, it promised that she'd join them soon after. Not that she cared. All her fighting was pointless, everything she'd fought for, killed and murdered for, was taken away from her. She slumped backwards as the thing spoke about her 'boss'. Was it referring to Slash, Grim or someone else? Not that it truly mattered. She couldn't answer those questions. Grim never really talked about his life before the Fang, other than he wanted change. Bases were often set up in the forests, although, the specifics she couldn't get because she wasn't looking for them. It was always subtle, marks on trees, symbols etched into rocks, so only Fang members knew where to talk. 

    "I don't know where they are" She assumed this thing was after her White Fang, after Grim. "They set up camp wherever i close to their next mission, usually in the forest. He uses proxies to go into local towns to get whatever is needed, weapons, medical supplies, food. But never in the same place, so good luck" She snorted as her attacker. She had nothing, no information, that would be relevant. Too obsessed on the past, they refused to look forwards to what the White Fang were building. Although, she realized, she wouldn't be alive to see it. 

  4. Slash ran and Tehengu....dead?! No, no no no no! That wasn't possible! She couldn't listen to what else was said, those words being burned into her. Andrea prisoner, Slash running and Tehengu, he couldn't be....right? Yet the fact this thing knew that Slash was a Faunus and Tehengu was an Archer meant they had to have....Did it attack them right as she left? Was it all her fault they were now dead? It was, it had to be. If Tehengu wasn't so focused on her, maybe he'd still be alive... She was a soldier, but they...weren't. 


    Midnight had no idea that it was all a lie, but with Andrea a 'prisoner', she had no reason not to believe it. And her Spirit, her fiery spirit, went out like a puff of smoke. It took all her will just not to cry, she hated crying in front of others, crying in general. She looked up at him/her/it with a defeated look, no longer even struggling. 

    "Take it...." she told the thing that had her prisoner weakly "T-take whatever you want, you've stolen so much from me already..." 

  5. The death that Midnight had been expecting never came, but rather, she was dragged inside a building, basically as a captive and pinned to the wall. She tried to struggle where she could, but her fatigue was simply overwhelming and she gave up not long after being ensnared. She had to assume that, whoever it was, she was its target. What did it want from her?! It hadn't asked her anything, no nothing. 


    However, the sound of Andrea' voice filled Midnight with fear. This, Thing, had already captured Andrea?! Had it attacked the camp when she left, and her entire team was already its prisoner? Even so, it didn't make sense, so much of it didn't make sense. She could do nothing, once again, as she was forced to listen to Andrea suffer. She may not have liked the girl, but not even she deserved to be tortured. 

    Weak, useless, pathetic. Once again, i'm utterly powerless...I promise i'd never let this happen again! Even if i hate her, i'm so...useless. 


    As Andrea came back, Midnight was fighting herself, trying to surpress her every emotion, and failing horrible in doing so. Her lips were trembling and anger burned within her eyes. She recognized the coat, it was Andreas. The girl was silent, which didn't sit right. Andrea was loud, so why was she so silent....She knew the possibility, but refused to acknowledge it mentally, praying she was wrong.  

    "...If you've hurt anyone on my team, or done anything to Andrea, i don't care if she is a pest, i will tear you open!"

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