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Posts posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. Trusting her with books is one thing, and I can see that, if she demonstrated that she would be careful...

    but transcribing a book requires a lot more than trust - it requires A LOT of practice, effort, preparation, and supplies. You don't just pick up a pen one day and suddenly you find out that you have gorgeous handwriting and an amazing drawing ability. You need to do a lot of practice and learning. And even with all the disparate skills, you also need practice putting it all together into one thing - drawing a comic is different than transcribing a book is different than writing a story and illustrating it.

    As she grew older, it became clear that her special talent was having an impressive memory. Her memory allowed her to quickly and easily read books and transcribe what she's read. It did not seem like a terribly useful skill until Scribe discovered the Canterlot University's rare book library.

    She'd been transcribing books before she got her cutie mark and had plenty of practice.

  2. Why was she transcribing an ancient tome as a little foal? Why would the librarians let her near the ancient and fragile books?

    Maybe instead she had a foal's book that she 'copied'? With colored pencils and construction paper?

    Maybe she found a little foal who had been bullied and her favorite book ruined...

    So she took the book home and cleaned off the mud but it was ruined, so she took out colored pencils and paper and made a new one? Not as professional as the original, but... the look on the little foal's face when She presented the copy to her... that's when her cutie mark appeared.

    She always loved drawing, and illustrations, and especially the old style, and she loved Calligraphy and stuff... but it wasn't till that point that it all came together.

    I was thinking that she got her cutie mark pretty late, like as a filly instead of a foal.. and because of her parents and the fact that she hung around the canterlot libraries a lot, the librarians trusted her with books they may not have trusted to many young ponies. Just the way I was picturing things

  3. Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Name: Scribe

    Sex: Female

    Age: Young Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Scribe's colors are inspired by this photo


    Eye Color: Warm Red #CC0000

    Coat Color: A deep purple tinted gray #50404D

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane and tail are brown #964B00 and just a little bit curly/wavy. She keeps her mane in a high ponytail, it's just long enough that the ends fall around her shoulders. Her tail is medium length, she keeps it simple and just lets it stay naturally wavy.

    Physique: A little on the short and skinny side, but nothing dramatic.

    Cutie Mark: An open book with a feather quill scribbling something on the page. In the bottom right corner of the page is a little heart. (I'll get a picture soon)

    Scribe's cutie mark appeared just as she finished transcribing her first rare book. Although she loved doing it, she was certainly not expecting to get her cutie mark from rare book transcription! After her cutie mark appeared she realized that she wanted to spend her life preserving historic books and ensuring that old knowledge was easily accessible to everypony.

    Origin/Residence: Born and raised in Canterlot

    Occupation: Librarian and rare book preservation expert at Canterlot University

    Motivation: Scribe believes that it is important to preserve knowledge, therefore she uses her special talents to ensure that old literature is kept safe as well as easily accessable.

    Likes: Books, libraries, peace and quiet, academia, her family, her giant collection of feather quills, and her cat Mr. Boots.

    Dislikes: Loud or rude ponies, coffee, sports, rain, books they are irreparably damaged (either intentionally or unintentionally)

    Character Summary:

    Scribe was practically raised on the campus of Canterlot University, some of her earliest memories are there. Her parents are both university professors and they'd often bring Scribe to campus with them. As a young foal she very much admired and looked up to her parents, and so she emulated them as much as she could. Scribe's emulation of her parents helped to foster her quiet personality and love of learning, two of her most defining features.

    When Scribe was young she went to school with the other foals, but it just wasn't enough for her. She was always the foal who sat in front of the class and asked endless questions; she just wanted to know more about everything. Scribe would read anything she could get her hooves on, but her favorite was non fiction. Books that could give her real facts about the world around her were the ones that she enjoyed the most. Until Scribe was old enough to attend Canterlot U she was not able to take out university library books herself, but her parents were happy to check them out for her. Of course as soon as she was old enough, she enrolled as a student at Canterlot U. Although she graduated with a degree in history, she still takes classes occasionally.

    As she grew older, it became clear that her special talent was having an impressive memory. Her memory allowed her to quickly and easily read books and transcribe what she's read. It did not seem like a terribly useful skill until Scribe discovered the Canterlot University's rare book library. The rare book library was full of old, amazing books; on all different types of subjects. What all of the books had in common was that there were few known copies of them, some books in there were one of a kind. An unfortunate property of paper is that it does always survive the test of time very well; therefore, in this library, Scribe's talent for transcription was quite valuable. Ever since her graduation from the university she has worked in the rare book library as a librarian and transcriptionist.

    The rare book library doesn't get much daily traffic and is known for being one of the quietest places on campus. Scribe takes advantage of the peace and quiet and spends nearly all of her time at work copying books. Transcription is by far her most time consuming duty but also the most rewarding. She copies the rare books for other libraries and universities around Equestria to ensure that their knowledge will not be lost just because the original books are getting too old to be read. Her job also has her reading books in some interesting languages, she's been picking up a few snippets of the native dragon and griffin languages. All of her experience with these languages is written, and therefore Scribe would not be able to speak them at all.

    Scribe is a bit of a pack rat, her little Canterlot apartment is cluttered full of all sorts of her favorite things. Her living room is practically a library, bookshelves line the walls and they're all packed full. She's also amassed a rather large collection of feather quills over the years because she just can't seem to get enough of them, many of them are exotic or unique. Despite the clutter, Scribe knows exactly where to find just about anything in her apartment, thanks to her eidetic memory.

    Scribe has very little interest in equestrian politics, and most other current events. She'd much rather hide in a stack of books than worry about what's going on outside of the library. Life is quiet, for Scribe, and she likes it that way. Her favorite companion is her cat, Mr. Boots. Mr. Boots was a gift from Scribe's parents, and she's had him ever since he was a little kitten. At night after Scribe gets home from work the two are nearly inseparable, he'll often accompany Scribe on any errands she has to run.


  4. I won?! :-o:?::?:shock::-|

    The other apps were so good. I seriously didn't think I was going to get her. :blush:

    Can't say I'm not happy about this though. Hopefully I do this great character justice. ;-)

    and you jumped right into Dirty Lyrics! thank you :) I was totally hoping the new Rarity would pick that thread up! *flutteryay*

  5. jen_pony_header_250.png

    As Twilight finally stopped thinking about her list and actually looked at the baby dragon who was standing right in front of her, she realized that he looked like he was nervous about something. The two of them had been together long enough for Twilight to know when Spike was trying to keep a secret. "The culinary section! right..." Twilight said as she smirked and raised an eyebrow. Before she could open her mouth to say anything else about the library, Spike jumped back into the conversation with a long, even more suspicious offer to help out.

    Twilight continued smirking at Spike, just trying to figure out what the hay he was up to. "Oh it was for Applejack; well Apple Bloom really, but I can bring it over to sweet apple acres myself that isn't a problem! As for chores, I think the only chores that have to get done are in the library. At least... I can't think of any errands." her eyes wandered towards the big backpack that Spike was carrying. "What were you out here doing, anyway? you usually only bring a backpack if you're already doing errands."

  6. jen_pony_header_250.png

    Twilight stood in the middle of the quiet little side room of her library and stared dully at the bookshelf in front of her. The book she was looking for was in here somewhere, at least it was suppose to be. Twi scoured through all of the shelves twice now and she still couldn't find the library's copy of Silly Filly, You Can't Eat All of Those Apples!. It wasn't terribly important that she find it today but Applejack had mentioned Apple Bloom looking for a copy and Twilight always loved it when she could help her friends out, especially with a book! The mare let out a little bored sigh and gave up on her search, at least for now. Since Spike handled most of the shelving and organizing, he probably knew where it was off the top of his head. As she walked into the main room of the library she yelled for Spike "Spike! Spike are you in here?" but there was no answer "I wonder where that dragon ran off to... " at this point she was simply talking to herself.

    Since Spike didn't seem to be home and Twilight didn't have much studying to take care of for once, she decided to head to town and see if she could find him. Few things bothered her more than losing a book, especially one that was hidden somewhere in her own library.

    After grabbing her saddle bags and putting a few books she was reading into one of the pockets she headed out the door. Twilight didn't have to go far, Spike was actually right near the library talking to Fluttershy. Twilight approached the two of them and smiled "Hi Fluttershy! Hey Spike!" but before she let anypony get a word in she continued on "Spike do you know where our copy of Silly Filly, You Can't Eat All of Those Apples! went? because I was just looking all over for it... and while I was looking around the library I noticed that a lot of the books weren't where they should be. When was the last time you double checked all of the shelving? I think it's on the list of things to do this week. Now that I think about it, where IS the to do list for this week? I haven't seen that around either." She finally stopped talking as she trailed off, thinking about her to do list.

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  7. bolt_pony_little.png

    At first Bolt kept her eyes focused on the flowers, making eye contact with Carrot just seemed too scary. The flowers really were nice; Bolt could have sworn that they were picked out and arranged to match her colors but she was probably just thinking too far into it. After all, pinks and purples were the most common colors for flowers, especially in the local area... it must have just been a coincidence.

    Bolt let out a little sigh of relief and finally looked up at Carrot after he said he did really want this to be a date. She was still feeling a little insecure and worried that she accidentally scared him into this whole situation. The idea that it would have been strange for him to bring her flowers if it wasn't a date was making her feel a little better, and his honest smile sure wasn't hurting either. She continued to blush and smiled back at him when he complimented her. She was about to open her mouth and start apologizing about how nervous she was and how awkward she made that whole situation when she realized he was alright with what happened. Sure, she could have handled the whole thing a lot better but he wasn't mad. He was still just looking at her with the same honest smile as before, maybe even feeling just as nervous as she was.

    Luckily for Bolt, Carrot turned the subject back to the stars; a much more comfortable topic for both of them. Bolt's blush finally started to fade and she sat back down in the grass next to Carrot. "Well.. names were always the hardest part for me..." she was cut off by the sound of Carrot's stomach grumbling quietly. She looked around for her saddle bags "Oh no! I was totally going to bring snacks but I forgot my saddle bags in my room... sorry." She couldn't believe that she forgot her bags, or that she didn't even notice until just now.

  8. Hey guys... got some news.

    If you follow my Tumblr, and lessly my DA, you probably know of the monetary issues I've been going through.

    All of this has lead to me being very inactive in my Rp's here in Canterlot. I have still been around to help out with apps and draw for the site and stuff, but mostly I've been silent.

    This has lead me to announce finally: I'm hereby putting ALL RPS THAT MY OC'S ARE IN ON INDETERMINATE HIATUS. Like, I won't be posting even as Aqua until I have things in my life under better control.

    This also means I've decided to relinquish my ownership of roleplaying as Rarity. As much as I adore playing as that beautiful pony, she needs much more love than I have been giving her.

    This won't mean I won't be around and about the site. You'll still see me about with the Monthly Drawfriends, and helping out a bit with the gallery and the RP apps. A great way to see what I've been up to is to follow my tumblr (kudalyn.tumblr.com) cause lately it seems like all I've been doing is hanging out there XD

    Also, you can get ahold of me is to email me (kuda,kitsune@Hotmail.com) but please, keep that in moderation. I don't want my email to get crammed with 'hi' and 'how are you?' emails. I won't give out my skype for this very reason, but if you're in a -certian- pony group on there (you know who you guys are) then you'll see me often on there.

    I don't go on the IRC much anymore just cause... I don't. That's all.

    I'll try to update my art thread a bit more, but generally I just post my art to my gallery here on the forums. I love comments btw <3

    So, I hope that eventually I'll get things level again, where I can get back to rp'ing with the ponies and bronies I love.

    Kuda out :)

    PS: to those that wish to RP as Rarity and make apps? Beware. I will be very strict on who I help choose as Rarity. Only the best, most elegant and spot-on-personality app will get her! Please be true to her element and character. Thank you.

    Kuda I hope things start getting better for you soon, you were a great Rarity and it's been fun RPing with you <3

    • Like 1
  9. Scootaloo tripped over her hooves as she tried to scamper away from the flood of water that was spreading around the doorway. As the bucket that Sweetie Belle had been carrying rolled away, Scootaloo said "Um... Sweetie Belle I don't think that worked". The door swelled up and looked even more stuck and Scoot could have sworn she heard Rarity trying not to yell.

    Scoot thought to herself about what else they could do to fix the door but before she got any good ideas, Rarity had one! Rope might work... but... Scootaloo had no idea where rope was at Rarity's house so she looked over at her friend "Do you know where the rope is? you can get the rope and I'll get a rag for the floor so we don't slip when she try to pull on the door!". Before Sweetie could answer, Scoot ran off to find a rag.

  10. jen_pony_header_250.png

    "I'm late!" Twilight squeaked, as she ran around her bedroom trying to gather together all of the books she had been reading the night before. She fell asleep at her desk late last night while doing research for the barn project. "ooohh this isn't good" she whined to herself, a few of the books weren't where she'd left them. Thinking that Spike may have put them back for her she headed into the main room of the library. It was quiet and empty so Twilight paused and took a deep breath to clear her mind and refocus. "Ok where could they be..." still talking to nobody but herself, she glanced around the shelves until she finally saw the two big books she was looking for! The mare smiled and quickly used her magic to float them right into her already stuffed saddle bags.

    Twilight always hated being late, so she rushed through town as fast as she could until she finally saw Sweet Apple Acres farm. A little out of breath, she slowed down to a trot as she walked through the farm looking for the rest of the crew. "Hi Applejack!" she said cheerfully when she saw her friend "Got as many books as I could find on the subject of barn building!".

  11. Pinkie Pie has had experience since she was a filly - or so I would guess. However, Apple Bloom was new to the gig and she was having trouble holding everything up; a unicorn would have no such difficulty as soon as they had magic.

    we're seen plenty of examples in the show of ponies holding all sorts of things that they shouldn't actually be able to hold in a pair of hooves. In the show and on our board all 3 races of pony are treated as equally as possible, oppression and disadvantages due to race are not something we want emphasized in our mane RP.

  12. 1. Is it ok for me to have 5 characters? earth pony,unicorn,pegases,hippogriff,and hippocamp

    A. You're allowed to have as many original characters as you'd like to play but only a certain number of cast characters (the cast rules are in the post I linked to).

    2. Could hippogriffs go to Cloudsdale and to flying camp,along with pegasi?

    A. Sure!

    3. Could hippogriffs live in Everfree Forest?

    A. Yup, any character with an appropriate back story can live anywhere in Equestria.

    4. Which town would be most suited for my group of characters,and has places of businesses? Ponyville or Fillydelphia

    A. While either location would work, Ponyville is quite crowded. Fillydelphia would give you more room to open up any types of business because it's a larger city and more likely to have specialty shops.

    5, May I roleplay my characters as young blank flanks who want their cutie marks?

    A. Absolutely!

    6. Do the rp staff help new roleplayers?

    A. Sure, feel free to ask questions!

    7. Does either Ponyville or Fillydelphia have maps that show their restaurants,shops,and other places of interests?

    A. Details maps of the cities are in the works!

    8. Does the weather,or the seasons change in the roleplay?

    A. Each thread in our RPs is it's own little timeline, although it's winter right now there are many mane RP threads that are still in other seasons. RPs don't move in real time because that would be quite difficult to keep up with. Therefore you can start any thread in any season, just describe the weather in your RP post if it's important. We DO have a winter RP section if you'd like to RP in there :)

    9. Is there a money system involved in the rp?

    A. Technically there is money in the RPs but unless you'd like to make it important it doesn't need to be. Depending on your character's background and lifestyle you're allowed to decide how much they can afford to spend. You don't start with zero bits and work your way up if that's what you meant.

    10. Do the pony characters make money,and how do they do that?

    A. Characters would earn money doing their jobs, but again it's not something that is kept track of. When it comes to money it's best to keep it simple.

    11. Do the pony character own their homes?

    A. Sure, you can decide your character's living situation when you write their back story and character application.

    12. Do pony characters have jobs?

    A. Adult ponies are required to have a job or some other way to be productive members of Equestrian society (unless you have an explanation as to why they don't), foals have to go to school.

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