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Everything posted by Dabom444

  1. The road was Muggy, It Was quiet but Many Noponies trotted along. A few conversations sprung up here and there as they found others to converse with. They seemed to enjoy themselves as They talked about many topics. Tales of bravery and hope, none though were of The graphic nature for they strayed away from it. A Blue Pegasus trotted along the street, He kept his gaze straight and unwavering. He Weaved between The small groups as they formed, He looked into one of them which were Chatting about Cakes and pasteries, As well as the happiness that came from this simple topic. He backed away, he felt slight Happiness from the oblivious others. He trotted down the road further, He Had trotted this road 10,20, No hundreds of times before. He watched as newcomer Noponies came and went. He sighed, it was always the same to him. He caught his eye on one of the many posters that Hung on the brickwalls around the Street. "Mother Celestia Is Watching You." It read. Flashbomb stared at the Round eyes that he swore were looking directly into his soul. He Grimmaced slightly and Rubbed his foreleg. He hated the look of those things, always watching. He trotted down the street Futher, he had to meet his friend soon. He heard distant hoofsteps behind him. A group Of Foals ran past him. He recognised them as the CMC. He watched them giggle and play as they ran past. The Orange Pegasus of the group stopped and looked back to him. She smiled at him, "Hey mister! Why dont you join the others in their Conversations on the sides of the streets? Im sure they would be overjoyed for you to join!" She asked him. He chuckled and nodded, He trotted to a nearby group whom Had been coversing the topic about A storytime, Something about a Daring do. He acted as though he was completly interested, he checked over his shoulder to see The foal had run off with her friends. He wiped some sweat from his brow and left the conversation. He picked up his pace slightly more until the Cafe where he was supposed to meet his friend came into view. He was relieved to see it, he trotted at a brisk pace trying to keep suspicions low. He opened the door and saw his friend. [colour=#0000FF]"Hello Winston. Lovely weather." [/colour]He said to him as he sat down. He looked over his shoulder to find the waitress whom seemed busy. He looked back to winston with a blank expression.
  2. Spitfire nodded to him, [colour=#FFD700]"Yea we should." [/colour]She said to him. She looked into his eyes for a few more moments before unfolding her wings, [colour=#FFD700]"After you." [/colour]She said to him. Rainbow dash took after Soarin, [colour=#00FFFF]"This party is going to be great!" [/colour]
  3. Rainbow dash was soothed slightly by him. She smiled [colour=#00FFFF]"Im sure its no big deal if we are note in proper attire, its just a party after all. I couldnt blame you though." [/colour]She said to him.
  4. (had to mow, Sorry bro couldnt write out the full reply.) Rainbow dash was about to respond to Soarin until he brought up the party. She facehoofed and groaned. [colour=#00FFFF]"My friends are all going to be there! How could i forget! We need to go!" [/colour]She shouted as she grabbed soarin and flew outside. She dropped him lightly on a cloud and shut her door. She looked back to Soarin, [colour=#00FFFF]"Do we need to dress fancy for it?" [/colour]She asked him. She was slightly panicing.
  5. (sorry for the late reply!) Spitfire smiled hapily as they flew to the location Carmus wanted to show her. They landed softly, She looked at many of the Statues with awe, They were Magnificant with the light portrayed on them. She trotted over to one of them as Carmus had explained them. She placed her hoof on the stone and looked up at the sentinels, She had a great respect for them. Then she turned her gaze to him as he began his speech. She trotted twoards him, flicking her ear with Curiosity. He told her that he loved her and how she had already figured out what was going to happen next. She honestly didnt have a clue and continued to listen to him. He told her how he wanted to be with her through anything, How he wanted their love to last and never fade. He curiosity spiked even more when he turned to look for something. The sun had set lower and Casted a Firey Blazen glow upon the courtyard. She looked at him with her Glowing gaze as he turned back to her hiding whatever he had. He told her how she was Smart, funny, talented and many more compliments. Then He held out the ring/Band. "Will you marry me?" He asked. Spitfire's eyes Dialated and she looked down at the item he held. She felt a feeling well inside of her. (Cue music pick up in that song you placed Saronyx.) She looked up to him and smiled, A few tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She drew closer to him staring him deeply in the eyes. [colour=#FFD700]"Of course i will." [/colour]She said to him. She leaned in and Kissed him deeply. She felt utter joy overtake her as they kissed. It lasted for 8 seconds before the released. She chuckled [colour=#FFD700]"I would love to Carmus. I love you." [/colour]She said to him. She let him give her the band, She hugged him and let a few tears of joy roll from her cheeks and down his back. The stars Formed above them as the sun sank lower.
  6. Spitfire gave a quaint salute to the others before she followed Carmus to wherever they were going. She let her wings carry her along through the air, the weightless feeling soothing her. Her hooves Dangled lightly as the breeze flowed past them. She Absolutely loved flight no matter how small each trip with it was. She stayed close behind Carmus as they went along. [colour=#ffd700]"This is great. The feeling of Flight, No war, No worries." [/colour]She commented to him. She did a quick Barrel roll while flying continuously forward. She giggled and felt as though she were a Foal whom had just learned how to fly.
  7. Spitfire felt Sad for Cloud dasher, She felt as though she should have looked harder for her and Angel Snapp. She even felt her heart sink when Cloud became withdrawn when Flash, Vel and Gadget were brought up. She looked to the memorial and tried to remember that all of them were happier where they were now. She Felt compassion for Carmus when he soothed Cloud dasher and Made sure she was ok. Spitfire smiled, Her Orange eyes aglow with hope. [colour=#FFD700]"It all happens for a reason." [/colour]She said to cloud dasher. [colour=#FFD700]"They are in a better place, just as Carmus said. With the loss of Life there is always Hope and New life comes along." [/colour]She said to her. She chuckled uneasily [colour=#FFD700]"Kinda sounds cheesy, with me saying all of that." [/colour]She admitted. She trotted up to Cloud dasher, [colour=#FFD700]"Hey i guess you should attend the party, it will be great fun." [/colour]She said to her. She looked to see the sun sinking quickly, [colour=#FFD700]"Carmus, we should go see what you want to show me before it gets dark." [/colour]She said to him. She looked to Shimmer as well as time, [colour=#FFD700]"We will see you at the party." [/colour]She said to them. She unfolded her wings and flew up into the air allowing the feeling of flight take her. She turned midair and waited for Carmus to take point.
  8. Spitfire nodded to Carmus and blushed a little more, [colour=#FFD700]"Yea, i prefer to use my wings that i was given." [/colour]She said flapping her wings to get them ready [colour=#FFD700]"I wonder what it is your going to show me." [/colour]She admitted to him. She heard hoofsteps and a familiar voice that Made her heart flip with joy. She turned to see Cloud dasher was there, alive and well. [colour=#FFD700]"Cloud dasher? Your alright? Thats wonderfull! Why didnt i see you earlier? I thought, well we thought that you were gone!" [/colour]She chimmed. She felt so dumb now, she had been caught up so much in the memorial along with other things that she didnt even know that Clouddasher was still here. [colour=#FFD700]"This is great! Im so sorry that i didnt Notice you! Please forgive me!" [/colour]She said to her. She looked back at the MIA Wall and then back to Her. [colour=#FFD700]"And is Angel ok? Did he make it?" [/colour]She asked her. She went red with guilt, [colour=#FFD700]"I feel so ignorant." [/colour]She admitted to her. Rainbow dash smiled at Soarin, [colour=#00FFFF]"Well honestly i dont know, what do you want to do?" [/colour]
  9. Spitfire goggled at Carmus's Jest at the ability to fly for pegesai. She gave him a Slight push when she said she looked cute with her nose all scrunched up. [colour=#FFD700]"Quit it your making me blush!" [/colour]She giggled. She looked over down the runway. They had built a small quaint Academy to keep the wonderbolt flow. It was way smaller than the 2nd one and even more smaller than the original. She hadnt really paid to much attention to anything except Carmus and the Memorial since. She thought she saw a Familiar mare in the window, but it was way to far for her to see who it was. She looked to carmus and smiled [colour=#FFD700]"Its so peacefull here, for the first time in a long time." [/colour]She said to him. She looked at Shimmer and Time [colour=#FFD700]"At least i think so." [/colour]She said to them. She streched and yawned loudly, [colour=#FFD700]"So Carmus what do you have planned eh? Im curious to see what it is." [/colour]She asked him with a flick of her tail. She felt renewed, like a soothing tone had overcoated them all. Rainbow dash shed tears of joy, She hugged him again. She smiled as she did so, She glowed a radient pink. But this time it was alot of love, way more than usual. It flowed into Soarin and might have caused him slight surprise. She Released the hug and looked him deeply in the eyes. She locked another kiss with him, A flash occured and even more love flowed from her. After a few moments she released it and looked at the gold band around her hoof. She was so happy. She looked up to soarin, [colour=#00FFFF]"I think its time for Lunch. Im starving." [/colour]She said to him. She got of of the bed and whipped her mane out of her eyes, she was due for a manecut. She looked back to him and smiled. [colour=#00FFFF]"Lets get something to eat." [/colour]
  10. Spitfire looked to Shimmer [colour=#FFD700]"Well i figured that Horizon was leaving right this moment but it seems like he likes our company." [/colour]She said to her. She leaned in and whispered to her [colour=#FFD700]"Congratulations on the engagement. I kinda overheard, sorry." [/colour]She said to her so Carmus wouldnt hear. She leaned back and looked to Horizon. He smiled at all of them [colour=#008000]"I guess i also heard that Celestia and luna are getting a defence system so that we wont have to worry about enemies for a good long while. But that doesnt mean that the lands to the west or north are safe. Just ponyville, cloudsdale and Canterlot." [/colour]He told them. Herolled his eyes though [colour=#008000]"But we all know how "defences" Can work." [/colour]He said to them. Spitfire smiled [colour=#FFD700]"Yea i know all to well." [/colour]She said to him. (ok since we are 8 months into the future, magical tech has gotten more advanced.) A rumbling sound emmited from behind Horizon, He turned his gaze to see a personal transport land. The magic it emmited popped and sparked until It shut down. It opened and 2 Raptors stepped out. [colour=#008000]"Sargent Horizon, we are here to take you to Canterlot." [/colour]The green one spoke. Horizon looked to Carmus, [colour=#008000]"I still dont trust non pegasus propelled aircraft, but what the hay." [/colour]He said with a smirk. [colour=#008000]"Hope to see you at the party." [/colour]He said to all of them. He trotted to the craft and saluted the 2 raptors who respectively returned them. He trotted into the craft, the 2 guards followed. The hatch shut, the machine powered up. It emmitted a loud noise and took to the skies above, flying on course to the city on the mountain. Spitfire scrunched up her nose, [colour=#FFD700]"Flying Aircraft....What a joke." [/colour]She said with displeasure.
  11. Rainbow dash's eyes snapped open when Soarin popped the question. She looked at Him and sat up, She couldnt believe her ears. She had a look of Sheer surprise. It seemed she was going to say no. Then the surpised look Turned into that of sheer happiness. She squeed [colour=#00FFFF]"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Yes soarin! Of course i will!" [/colour]She hugged him and smiled [colour=#00FFFF]"Ive always wanted this day to come!" [/colour]She took the band and kissed him.
  12. Horizon nodded, He kept silent and Looked out over Cloudsdale, Ponyville and Canterlot. [colour=#008000]"We will find them hopefully, For all we know they are right under our noses." [/colour]He said to them. [colour=#008000]"There is a Party in Canterlot for the completion of the reconstruction. It will be big. But i will let Jet stream know that you are busy, Although you could stop by if you deem it so." [/colour]He said to them both. He looked over his shoulder and smiled[colour=#008000]" Sadly though i will have to return with the last main raptor Squad." [/colour]He looked out over again, the sun had begun to slowly sink. [colour=#008000]"Even though we have our backs to the wall, When It all seems hopeless we will comeback. We wont dissapear, only Regroup." [/colour]He said to Them. He then focused on Carmus and trotted over to him and gave him a look of Brotherhood,[colour=#008000] "Fly true, Through dispair and Chaos. Forever pushing for Victory that seems evermore out of our Grasp." [/colour]He said to Him. He smiled[colour=#008000] "Remember that Carmus? One of the many sayings that us Raptors hold true." [/colour]He said to him. Spitfire stood aside and smiled warmly at Horizon, She looked to Shimmer and motioned for her to come say goodbye. Horizon chuckled [colour=#008000]"Im not leaving just yet Spitfire, I still have the party to Attend to." [/colour]He said to her. Rainbow dash smiled and looked at Soarin with her rose eyes. [colour=#00FFFF]"My arnt you a flirt?" [/colour]She chuckled. She hugged him and nuzzled him. They continued to lay in bed. [colour=#00FFFF]"love you." [/colour]She said to him. She rested her head on his chest.
  13. (Out of the blue. ) Horizon Looked to Carmus and took in what he had said, as well as what Spitfire said along with him. He still had the spark of Regret pulse through him though and still blamed himself slightly for the deaths of Vel and Flash, but he wanted to try to push forward. [colour=#008000]"I guess your right yet again. Just like the Book said, Life rises from the Ashes of the lost." [/colour]He said wiping away a few tears. He got up and Let out a huff. He looked to Spitfire and smiled to her. He trotted away further down the memorial looking at the MIA Wall. He scanned each name until he found Angel Snapp and Cloud Dasher. He pondered what had really happened to them. They had vanished, Possably hanging low. He looked to Spitfire, [colour=#008000]"You dont know where they are huh?" [/colour]He asked her. Spitfire shook her head, [colour=#FFD700]"I Havent really searched all that well. Their bodies were never found." [/colour]She said to him. Horizon looked back to the wall and Raised an eyebrow. He turned back to them and smiled [colour=#008000]"Well thoughts aside do you have any plans for tonight now that the memorial is finnished?" [/colour]He asked them.
  14. Horizon stared at the masks in the case, He sighed and felt more guilt waver over him. He looked up at the memorial and Felt his heart grow heavy with deep regret. He hadnt felt this in a long time but now he couldnt cope with it. He felt tears roll down his face[colour=#008000] "Its still my fault.....Velocity shouldnt have died.....I know he says it wasnt my fault, that he chose to do what he did....but Cud i should have Had my squad help him! I should have stopped him! We could have contained Swift and He wouldnt be gone! I just didnt see it until it was too late. Im fighting one moment then the next....I hear Shimmer crying Over his lifeless body. I feel so much regret, If that mask was so amazing as it is supposed to be, it shouldnt have killed him!" [/colour]He said. Spitfire's expression turned and she looked to Horizon as he let out the bottled up stress. She looked to Carmus and trotted closer to Horizon. [colour=#FFD700]"It wasnt your fault....it was nopony's fault."[/colour]She said to him trying to soothe him. Horizon looked to Spitfire, his dispair burning into her. [colour=#008000]"I could have done something! Anything! We couldve held Thunder Swift."[/colour] He argued. Spitfire looked at Horizon and felt deep regret for him [colour=#FFD700]"Thunder swift was not himself, The darkness had him possesed, He killed many with a single attack. Your squad would have been destroyed as well as the mane 6." [/colour]She said to him. Horizon kept silent for a few moments. Spitfire looked to Carmus for help. Rainbow dash lay in her bed curled up next to Soarin. They had been living with eachother for a long time, She had grown closer and closer to him each moment they were together. She Had loved him with all of her heart, the magic essence had fed Soarin and kept him well. She was happy to be with him. She drew closer to him and cuddled him. She sighed and Continued to snooze.
  15. Horizon laughed, [colour=#008000]"Well the Commander can just tell ponies to do stuff for him. I usually got to be hooves on with the matters." [/colour]He says to Carmus. He Looked to Shrike when he commented that the commander would be Resigning, [colour=#008000]"Wow he is? Huh. Thats new to me." [/colour]He said as he looked back to the memorial, it was hard for Him to keep his gaze off of the masks in the case. He hadnt gotten to Know more about them in the past 8 months. He looked over his shoulder to Carmus, [colour=#008000]"Hey sir could you come here a moment? What is it about these masks that make them so dangerous? I thought they gave incredible abilities to anypony who used them." [/colour]He asked Carmus. Spitfire had listened, well eavesdropped on Time asking Shimmer the big question. She smiled and was going to congratulate them but turned her gaze and attention to Horizon. She trotted to him and smiled uneasily,[colour=#FFD700]"Well they do. But i think it has something to do with the power source. Im not sure though." [/colour]She said to Horizon. She looked to Carmus, [colour=#FFD700]"Am i somewhat correct."[/colour]
  16. Indigo stood there for a few moments, the small sandstorm that had kicked up nearby had shrouded his vision. He didnt seeThe pony anymore and grumbled. He was in a narrow channel that caused the wind to pick up and cause the screen. He turned and began to trot in what he thought was his group's direction. He didnt want to leave Him there, but he needed to find shelter. The sand burned his eyes and made him cough. He activated his magic and a shield formed to block the sand from him. He trotted forward until he reached the edge of the channel. The walls slopped at an angle, leading the winds. He looked up at the tall wall above him and figured he could get a vantage point from there. (Teleportation) He closed his eyes and imagined himself at the top. He thought harder and harder until he felt his stomach lurch at the movement. He felt his hooves float for one moment and then hit solid below them. He opened his eyes and was utterly tired now. But he did have a view to look from. He looked around and scanned for his group, the waning sunlight made it hard for him to see though. He Hoped that they would do something to make them visible, such as a fire, reflections or other things that would help in any way. He continued to look with slight hope.
  17. Horizon Looked up at all the statues, he kept to his own little world as he recalled the battle. He nodded to Carmus [colour=#008000]"I suppose so....Give a little get a little, Give alot get alot. Life blooms from the ashes of death. And the wind shall carry the children to begin anew." [/colour]He said. Spitfire tilted her head and smiled [colour=#FFD700]"Wow where did you get that?" [/colour]She asked. Horizon chuckled as he watched the memorial, [colour=#008000]"The give a little part is mine, and the others are from the book called Sanctum exumous. A war book." (Based off of Sun Zu Art of war Great book) [/colour] Spitfire nodded to him and looked to Shimmer and time, Her ears perked for what he was going to ask her. Horizon got up and cracked his neck. [colour=#008000]"Im getting to old for this manual labor. Maybe i should have taken that promotion." [/colour]He said to himself. He coughed a bit and stepped forward looking at all the Momentos that were held in the cases.
  18. Spitfire Watched the Memorial as the last statues were just about in place.[colour=#FFD700] "Diplomacy, its always good when you need it. It will secure us great allies." [/colour]She said. The last statue had been set and Horizon had started to dismiss everypony. He sat and huffed to himself, he seemed tired. She smiled and nuzzled Carmus again, She left him and trotted over to Horizon. [colour=#FFD700]"You and Shrike seemed to be having so much fun." [/colour]She said to him. He laughed a bit [colour=#008000]"Yea well. they were very heavy, and the troops who helped seemed to Be either snotty or Suck ups. Shrike is and exception." [/colour]He said to her. He looked at one of the statues, It was of Velocity and Flashbomb fighting off 3 shadowbolts, one of the largest of them all. [colour=#008000]"Cant believe that its been 8 months. And the darkness seems to be gone for good." [/colour]He sighed. He looked over to Shrike [colour=#008000]"Hey thanks Shrike, Couldnt have done it without you." [/colour]He said to him. He stood up slowly and trotted to the the Marble wall, [colour=#008000]"All of the lost are listed by Race such as Earth, Pegasus and Unicorn." [/colour]He said to her. He placed his hoof on it. He looked at the Pegasus list with sadness. The list was 5 times larger than the earth and unicorn list combined. [colour=#008000]"That one spell with the moon, taking over everypony's minds in cloudsdale, that nearly ended us." [/colour]He said to her. He stepped back and felt his heart heavy. [colour=#008000]"Nothing will be the same Spitfire, Nothing will." [/colour]He said as he looked at the list. He turned his gaze to the military and MIA lists.
  19. Silver tilted his head as he took in all of the info that Silt had said. He was still bafled by it all. This unicorn knew his stuff and for good reason. He looked to Sky [colour=#A9A9A9]"You know we dont have to fix my hooves right away, i could sit on a cloud like Saphire said." [/colour]
  20. Spitfire chuckled After he startled Her.[colour=#FFD700]"Yes it is." [/colour]She said. [colour=#FFD700]"Oh they left huh? Well it has been 8 months And im doing well."[/colour]She said to him. She gave him a quick kiss and looked back to the crew, [colour=#FFD700]"Horizon is Giving them a hard time. Kind of reminds me of the days of the Academy." [/colour]She said. Horizon Shook his head as the crew couldnt Get the Statue up into position. He usually didnt get this Irate even under pressure in battle but this. The Ponies struggled and didnt keep their form. He looked to Shrike whom seemed to be just as frustrated as him. He sighed heavily and took the rope from a worker again. [colour=#008000]"By celestia....Let me do it."[/colour]He said as he pulled the statue, it lifted with the help of the pusher ponies and fell into place like the other one. He backed off and pointed to the last 2.[colour=#008000]"Remember what i said, you could get through it." [/colour]He said to them all. The crew groaned and went to another statue to attempt to pull it up. Horizon saw Carmus and Saluted him. He turned back to his work.
  21. (Time jump) The Building of the monument took longer than expected, The dwindling recources and pony labor greatly hindered by what was now called the War of The night. The Giant marble slabs had to be hauled manually, Each Chiseled Individualy by hoof. The pegesai species had taken the hardest hit due to their Home of Cloudsdale taking the most damage. Now very few of them existed to even be called a species of their own. The Monument took 8 months to complete, the statues of war heros stood proudly on the soil that once held the Academy. The Wonderbolts held true and still preformed but now only on rare occasions. A gian Marble wall 20 feet tall and 600 feet long stood bearing the names of Everypony lost. A individual wall stood for the military personel, SERS, and Raptors who had fallen.The runway still stayed as a reminder of the Academy. Many Ponies came to it to pay their respects, Momentos Were held in a Triforged glass case, Velocity and Flashbomb's masks Lay there along with many weapons and other momentos such as dog tags, armor pieces and com recievers. Spitfire Trotted down the runway looking as the teams lifted the final statues into place. Horizon stood directing the construction teams , He seemed sort of frustrated to her. [colour=#008000]"No no no! Lift with your knees not your backs! Line holders pull harder! Dont let it fall!" [/colour]He shouted as the teams struggled. He rolled his eyes and trotted over he took the line from a Earthpony, He flapped his wings to gain leverage. [colour=#008000]"Now watch With your legs, Lean back and gain leverage. Center yourself then tug." [/colour]He said as he pulled the rope. Eventually The statue with the others help had Fallen into place. He groaned and kricked his neck, [colour=#008000]"That was good! only 3 more to go!" [/colour]He said. Spitfire stood aside and giggled at his leading, She looked around, she wondered where Carmus could have gotten off to. She shrugged and watched intently.
  22. (He was a sargent before, only had control over a few troops but now Captian sounds good! Promotion Accepted!) Rainbow dash giggled at Sorin's remark. [colour=#00FFFF]"Well......that was kind of the plan silly! Unless you want to sleep on the floor. And yea we could go to my place." [/colour]She said to him smiling. They took off and headed twoard their destination. Spitfire followed Carmus out of the graveyard. She yawned audioably and they continued down the road. They eventually took off and into the skies above. (Time jump Really soon)
  23. Krosis chuckled at Lavender and Jumper, their bantering had ammused him. He decided to step in, [colour=#A52A2A]"Hey now come on you two, Hold that for dueling lessons. If there are any." [/colour]He said to them.
  24. Silver Looked to Sky and took the leaves. His hooves stung at him pretty badly but he managed. He held the leaves and examined them. [colour=#A9A9A9]"These really do help? That sounds great!" [/colour]He chimmed to him as he looked back up. [colour=#A9A9A9]"I could help you find that flower if you so wish. I can still float, i bet i could keep airborn long enough to help."[/colour]He said as he attempted to take off. His wings stung at him with sleepyness and he fell to the ground with a thump. [colour=#A9A9A9]"Or not."[/colour]
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