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Status Replies posted by Quillhart

  1. Brb, my dog threw my monkey into the toaster.

  2. Don't mind if I'm acting stupid, that's because I like you. ^_^

  3. I missed you ponies! :) So glad to be home.

  4. Doing something right is like doing something wrong backwards.

  5. Opinions...yeah those are a thing

  6. Happy Birthday!!!! :)

  7. Yay for Diamond Dogs! :D

  8. My English teacher said that I will probably get a D because of my lack of writing skills... My ego is shattered. :c

  9. My English teacher said that I will probably get a D because of my lack of writing skills... My ego is shattered. :c

  10. Can't sleep? Me neither! Let's can't sleep together!

  11. PST! you want to get 20% cooler?... No use! You're already 100% cool! ^^

  12. PST! you want to get 20% cooler?... No use! You're already 100% cool! ^^

  13. PST! you want to get 20% cooler?... No use! You're already 100% cool! ^^

  14. Am I ever going to be able to find anything in life to make me happy ever again?

  15. Doing something you can't is like stabbing a bear with a toothbrush... ineffective.

  16. Be yourself. the others are already occupied

  17. Be yourself. the others are already occupied

  18. Be yourself. the others are already occupied

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