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Everything posted by Starburst

  1. Rebooted the server so people can connect to it again.. not sure what happened with it. I haven't been on as much.. Been playing too much Wakfu.
  2. I used multiverse and a skylands generation plugin. It doesn't have to be dated recently for it to work, but multiverse does.
  3. The only thing I can really do is reimburse your items and disable the Myhome plugin until an update is released on it. Who's home are you teleporting to that's causing this?
  4. Also, has anyone found a jungle biome or a panther yet?
  5. Which contest did you make it for? Also, I figured out what looked weird about it earlier. The eyes of pinkie pie here, they look too much like Fluttershy's eyes and less like Pinkies eyes. Pinkie's eyes have more of an ovular shape with shorter long lashes on the top brow and shorter lashes coming out of the bottom of the eye. Fluttershy's lashes taper into points ( like typical anime eyes ) on either side.
  6. Starburst


    Toasterflank is cute.
  7. I love this. The lines are nice and solid and bold and clean. This would be GREAT on a T-shirt.
  8. I'm doing some server maintenance in a little while. I'm disabling incompatible addons.
  9. The mutliverse plugin probably hasn't been updated for 1.2 yet. I'll keep an eye out for an updated version.
  10. Server has been updated to 1.2.3. Cougars away!
  11. You're receiving that message because you're trying to connect to a server that hasn't updated yet.
  12. If I liked Rainbow Dash I'd write up an application, but she's far too Brash and unkempt for me.
  13. Ahem. /whitelist add "pony name" And you've been added, and I've been busy. Things happen. I haven't even gotten to watch pony in three weeks because of business.
  14. Added you back to the whitelist. You probably shouldn't update quite yet. I'm not going to update the server until there's a stable build for bukkit out.
  15. From the album: Starburst's Scribbles

    A new pony I'm makings Cutie mark. I designed it myself. The ponies name will be Orange Cream, and this will be her Cutie mark. If you're interested in commissioning a cutie mark and have money and a paypal, let me know and I'll whip something up in photoshop.
  16. Or if you don't want to ban him just delete his home and send him to the moon. Lots of ponies up there on the moon...
  17. If you're having so many problems with him, just ban him. He sounds like a nuisance.
  18. Just drop me your username again and I'll re-add you Disk. The whitelist is wonky on occasion.
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