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Everything posted by Saronyx

  1. Velocity had been about to reply when Twilight shuddered and bolted out of the room. He watched after her as she went, then turned to face her friends, [colour=#daa520]"Either of you have any idea what that was just now?"[/colour] Shimmer had been about to re-enter the room when Twilight ran out past her with a worried expression. Shimmer continued into the room, still looking behind her, [colour=#696969]"Where was she off to in such a rush?"[/colour] She turned to face the three ponies in the room, her eyes first going to Velocity, now wearing the upgraded mask, [colour=#696969]"Well hey! Looks like you guys updated those pretty quick."[/colour] Velocity nodded, [colour=#daa520]"Yup! Twilight updated the spell matrix with these life force detection units Dawn made, so now we can locate ponies just by the fact that they are alive. For instance, you're blue. Miss Rarity is green and Miss Applejack is a brick red [/colour]((Just throwing a random colour onto the Earth Ponies, if you didn't have one already)." He stops for a second and focuses, [colour=#daa520]"Miss Applejack, Alicorn's are a golden colour, correct? Because if I focus hard enough I can see a fair number of those auras.",[/colour] Shimmer looked behind her at the door again, [colour=#696969]"Maybe that has something to do with Princess Twilight taking off like that?"[/colour]
  2. Velocity shrugged, "I don't see why not!" He took the mask, putting it on and waiting for it to set itself in.
  3. The guard grunts as she takes the helmet an growls darkly, "Hey! Just what do you think you're do--!" As he spoke however, Xukar had lunged forward, punching a hoof into his unprotected head, rendering him unconscious. He looks back at the others, "Let us hurry! Others will be here once they lose interest in the Dogs!" ((Yeah, my mobile does that a lot to))
  4. Shimmer bowed, smiling, [colour=#696969]"Thank you Princess."[/colour] She stands and turns, trotting out of the throne room and making her way back to Twilight's chambers. Velocity had been looking at himself as he was enveloped in the aura. when it faded he had a golden trim to his armor, and Twilight was commenting on his being promoted. He grinned and spoke, a light chuckle in his voice, "This day just keeps getting better and better!"
  5. The guard looks at her with slight disdain, "Some of may not hold our ideals in any esteem, but I am one who will carry out my orders to a fault." He glances at Xukar with a deeper disdain, "And I could care less whether or not your striped friend has a name or not. Either way, no one is getting to the coast."
  6. Well now I feel bad, I completely forgot about an application to this. If I don't edit one into this comment tonight, expect one tomorrow
  7. Velocity responds, still looking out the window, "I'm not entirely sure..." He shrugs, "It's probably nothing." He turns to Twilight, and smiles, taking the mask and tucking it under his wing, "Sounds good to me!" He says, the normal jovial tone back in his voice. Shimmer bows, smiling thankfully, "It's a mask designed by Dawn for one of the Wonderbolts. It amplifies the natural magic that abides in ponies exponentially." ((Hah, it's alright. And you have undertaken a lot of roles.))
  8. ((Ignore this, my blasted phone double posted for some reason.))
  9. Shimmer sneezes sharply as she trots for the throne. She quickly covers her snout, blushing slightly, "Oh! A thousand pardons your Majesty! To myself and for my rudeness. I--" she stops herself mid sentence, realizing she was speaking very quickly. She sighs and composes herself again, "Forgive me your Majesty. Twilight has sent me with a device she wishes you to see." Velocity shivers slightly, despite his heavy armor. He glances towards the window, eyes narrowed.
  10. The guard looked at her, his expression still deadpan, "You were what?" Xukar stomped a hoof to gain the guard's attention, "You would deny a Zebra and his guests passage to his homeland? Is that really the kind of message the Princesses are trying to send here?" The guard shrugs, "Orders are orders, Striped. No one gets to the coast." He huffs, "Especially one of the Striped." He adds under his breath.
  11. Velocity watched as Dawn worked, a curious light playing across his eyes as he did, fascinated at the magical construct. Shimmer set herself down outside of Celestia's throne room. She looked at the entrance way's architecture shortly before trotting through, the mask tucked under one wing. ((IIID3LTAIII Haha, thank you!))
  12. The guard looked at the group with a serious, deadpan expression. He spoke, his voice like a growl from his chest, "And just where do you think you are going? The coast is closed to the public."
  13. Love the Mass Effect trilogy, so as soon as I have a bit more free time today, I will be applying
  14. ((If anything else I can probably))
  15. Velocity smiles at the prospect, [colour=#daa520]"Looking forward to it[/colour][colour=#daa520]."[/colour]
  16. Assuming that popping in won't derail the whole thing, I can hopefully post an application tomorrow (if it is alright of course.)
  17. Blaaaah, my computer decided to be a butt and not upload my application! I still have it, if it is actually needed, considering it is marked as open join EDIT: I'll post it anyway, just cause: N[colour=#282828]AME- Zasho[/colour] [colour=#282828]GENDER- Male[/colour] [colour=#282828]AGE- 1216[/colour] [colour=#282828]RACE- Pegasus[/colour] [colour=#282828]EYES- Amber[/colour] [colour=#282828]MANE/TAIL- Deep crimson red colouring, the mane is identical in appearance to this person: http://fc08.devianta...oyn-d62y2l7.jpg[/colour] [colour=#282828]Tail is kinda just a tail version of the mane.[/colour] [colour=#282828]COAT- A darker shade of grey.[/colour] [colour=#282828]CUTIE MARK- Something strongly resembling this interpretation of the Sheikah Eye [/colour]http://www.zeldadung...SymbolMesh1.png [colour=#282828]DISTINCTIVE MARKINGS- He has a few scars, nothing to significant.[/colour] [colour=#282828]HOME- Generally wherever he can stay.[/colour] [colour=#282828]SQUAD- Two[/colour] [colour=#282828]SQUAD POSITION- 3rd seat.[/colour] [colour=#282828]FIGHTING STYLE- Very stealthy, quick and silent, much like an assassin. Exemplifying this, his Shinigami kimono has a hood and face mask. If his quick and stealthy approach fails however, he will push the attack relentlessly with swift strikes from his sword. Despite being a Pegasus, he is capable of levitating his zanpakuto like a Unicorn. The reason is he has a Zebra friend in the 12th Division Department of R&D, who made him an enchanted gem to go on the hilt of his sword, that is imbued with Zasho's spirit energy, so when it is in his presence, he can levitate it. There is a limit as to how far away from him it can go. If he were to hold the end of the hilt in his hoof and extend his leg as far as he could, that, along with the added reach of his blade, would be how far the sword can reach from him.[/colour] [colour=#282828]ZANPAKUTO AND DESCRIPTION- [/colour]Kage suu~ōmu, translates loosely to 'Shadow Swarm'. The blade is somewhat longer than a normal Zanpakuto. The handle is wrapped with cloth the same colour as his coat, the underlying colours being the same as his mane and tail. The guard resembles a bird's wings curled in a circular fashion above the handle. In its Shikai release, the last several inches of the blade become a dagger mounted on the underside of a gauntlet on his right wrist, and the rest of the blade turns into a black mist, which infects preexisting shadows, or can even create its own for a short time (bright lights make this time shorter), in doing so it increases the reach of the blade exponentially and can gather the blade together to attack from the shadow. Despite him not yet achieving it, the Bankai release, Shadousuu~ōmu o mudō which translates loosely to 'Ravaging Shadow Swarm', allows him all the previous benefits of the Shikai, except that the shadows that it creates are unaffected by light, and instead of being a blade hidden on the gauntlet, the sword now resembles a long sword, and instead of the wings laying in a flat circle, they now stand straight (sort of in the same was the Master Sword's hand guard looks). If an enemy touches the shadows or vice versa, they are instantly struck by thousands of tiny blades entering into the opponent and tearing them apart from the inside out. He can draw the shadows around him to make a shield of sorts when needed. The verse he speaks when he releases his Zanpakuto's Shikai is generally, "Devour, Kage suu~ōmu" or some variant. The Bankai would be along the lines of "Consume them, Shadousuu~ōmu o mudō". [colour=#282828]Mortal Occupation- He works as a historian when in the world of the living.[/colour] [colour=#282828]HISTORY- Grew up in the Ruukon district nearest the Seireitei (or however the heck it's spelled), and entered the Academy as soon as he was able. He passed with flying (no pun intended) colours, and went on to be assigned to the 11th Division due to his skill in combat. However, he was transferred to the 2nd Division after his fighting style was deemed more suited for it, and since his Shikai wasn[/colour]'t a melee type[colour=#282828]. He advanced through the ranks of the 2nd division swiftly, and aims to be Lieutenant, or even Captain someday before he dies. Despite this, he still serves his Captain loyally. Despite being a high ranking Reaper in the 2nd Division, he spends a decent amount of time in the World of the Living, hanging around Canterlot (assuming of course the World of the Living involves Equestria as well) as he was often assigned there when he was a lower ranking Soul Reaper. In his time there he became acquainted with the Princesses in their younger days, and is still friends with them to this day. (because I feel like the Princesses would be able to see a Shinigami, being as magically inclined as they are.)[/colour] [colour=#282828]SUMMARY- Not sure what is meant to be here.[/colour] [colour=#282828]The Zanpakuto's abilities are subject to change[/colour] [colour=#282828]And if anything else needs changed, let me know.[/colour]
  18. Xukar wheeled around to face the guard, his muscles tensing as he readied himself for why was to come
  19. Rune chuckles silently, nodding, "If you say so..."
  20. Shimmer saluted and took the mask, trotting out of the room and then flying down the hall towards Princess Celestia's throne room. Velocity looks at Dawn, an impressed look in his eye, "You made these things? That's awesome!"
  21. The sibling guards whip around at the sound of another pony entering, instinctively extending their wings to cross each other to block the way.
  22. Rune hopped out and looked at Scootaloo with a concerned expression, "Are you OK?"
  23. The two siblings nodded, Velocity smiling in happiness at being allowed to wear the mask. Shimmer looks somewhat apprehensive, but takes the mask anyway. They put them on, and wait as they conform to their faces.
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