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Everything posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. Hello! Ah, I know Dubstep! One of the best places for a newcomer to go first is the rules section. Nothing to complicated that you need to worry about, just some basic stuff on how things work around here. You can also find some basic RP rules there. You'll need to get your post count up to 5 by posting in the Introductions thread. Your post count can be found under your name. Once you do that, you'll be able to post on other areas of the board. Welcome to the Equestria Forums!
  2. The bat hissed at Celestia, started by the sudden appearance of a new visitor. Luna cooed and shhh-ed, nuzzling it with her cheek. She glanced over at Skye as she spoke. "I am...rather gifted with the night creatures. It seems those are they only sorts of creatures I'm good with." Her face fell just a little, reminded that she had not been accepted in pony society quite yet. The bat, who was still against Luna's cheek, promptly decided to crawl up her face and onto her head. Luna squinted her eyes shut to avoid its claws as it made its ascent. She felt it turn around once it had reached its destination, so that it could keep a close eye on Skye and Celestia. It stretched out its wings, flopping rather than perching on top of Luna's head. "As you can seeâ€â€Â" Luna finally answered Celestia, "we're all just fine here."
  3. "I've yet to find them anywhere else." Luna's voice was just above a whisper, as if any louder noise would cause the flowers to close up and go dark. "They need the pure mountain air, and very little sunlight. That's why this Willow is so important. It shades them during the day. They're called Lunar Flowers for a reasons, for they thrive on the moonlight rather than the sunlight." She smiled quaintly, lightly brushing at one with a hoof. There was a sudden screech off to her right, and she turned hear head, nearly getting hit in the face by a bat as it flew by. She gasped in surprise, but the bat was unphased, making a few laps around the tree to stretch it's wings. Luna stood and held out a hoof, and the bat landed gently on itâ€â€Âupside down, of course. She sat back down, slowly, so as not to disturb it. Then she took her other front hoof and petted it, rubbing the length of the furry part of its body. It gave little screeches and calls of happiness, and Luna smiled again.
  4. Name: Ezio Darkclaw Gender: Male Age: Late teens Species: Dragon Pelt Color: He was black when first born, but over time his color has changed to silvery blue. Eye Color: Gold Physique: Normal sized Dragon, for his age. That's a little less than half the size of an adult, full grown dragon. (Bigger than Spike, smaller than the Dragon in Dragonshy/Owl's Well That Ends Well.) Residence: A cave in Roughrider Ridge, formerly Raptorclaw Canyon. Occupation: N/A Motivation: To figure out if he belongs with his adopted family or not. He also dreams of finding a mate. Likes: Shiny things, gold coins, jewelry, gems, Ferrets (not to eat) Dislikes: Not being able to find food, other Dragons Character Summary: Ezio grew up raised by Griffins in Raptorclaw Canyon. They were strange colors for Griffins, a mix of black eagles and white lions. Their odd coloring made them outcasts in Griffin society. It's a genetic defect, very rare, but possible for two regular colored Griffins to have a black and white child. It's also possible for two black and white Griffins to have a normal colored child. Ezio was hatched on the same day as his sister, Kira, and they were inseparable since birth. He has heard stories of the far off land where ponies live, which his parents, Martin and Layla, visited briefly in their youth, and of other Griffins to the North and South. But of Dragons, they have never spoken, not to Ezio, nor to his sister. Ezio helps out the family by gathering food€€Âit's what everyone does to survive. Everything they catch is shared. He and his sister have been taught basic combat by their parents, for when they are ready to leave the nest. Equestria can be a hard place, sometimes full of danger, so they must be prepared in order to best survive. But one day, a group of Dragons flew by, on their way to raid one of the Griffin cities. Martin barely made it back alive, but Ezio and Kira had to duck low in a canyon to avoid detection. It was then that he learned that there were other creatures out there just like him. Finding Martin in such a state, they had to tell Kira and Ezio the truth about Dragons. Dragons and Griffins were either fighting, or preparing to fight each other, constantly. For territory, food, it mattered not so long as there was gain. They had been at war for a long time, and Dragons and Griffins were enemies. But the thing that hit him hardest was finding out that Dragons were known to kill Griffins. Feeling ashamed to be apart of his family, he left. He had always known he was different, true, but his parents had never told him why. Now he knew that he didn't belong, not because he didn't look like them, but because his species and their species were enemies. Ezio has slowly made his way to Roughrider Ridge, hiding in caves and other places along the way, not staying long in anyplace, because he hasn't found a place to call home. He longs to return to his family, but is conflicted about it, feeling that he was always meant to be a Griffin killer. But most of all, Ezio cannot forget his sister, Kira, who he was very close to. They were inseparable, like twins, and now he doesn't even know where she is. So day by day, Ezio wrestles with the creature that he wants to be, and the one that he thinks he is supposed to be.
  5. Luna ran to a far edge of the garden, but moving slower than she normally would so that Skye could keep up. An owl hooted somewhere not far off, something that Luna was used to hearing by now. Fireflies danced in the air, lighting up the garden in places as the stars lit up the sky. Crickets chirped among the grass, and leaped up out of it so as not to be trampled when Luna and Skye ran by. The night air was always so cool and crisp, and Luna took in a large breath of it, sighing loudly. This was once again her element, so full of quiet, and yet so full of life, if one only took the time to listen. She led Skye to a willow tree, with thick boughs hanging all around it. She pulled back some of them with a hoof, as one would open a curtain, inviting Skye inside. "Watch your step." she said, and the curtain leafy curtain closed around them. Luna gingerly walked over the ground until she reached the trunk, and then she sat down. All around them the ground was glowing, sparkling silver, almost as if it was a carpet made of moonbeams. "Lunar flowers." she breathed, the sweet scent filling in around them.
  6. AJ was taught that accent by the Orange members of her family, presumably. Heck, I can do a fake British accent. (Someone I didn't know once actually thought that I was not from the US while I was briefly using my fake accent.) There are SEKRITS everywhere. Like that Philomena was a Phoenix.
  7. Luna moved next to Skye, and watched as the moon made it's way up into the darkness. The stars were just peeking out from the blackness, like they were waking up, getting brighter until they reached their full potential. Luna hadn't had a chance to see the moon rise since her return. It seemed as if she just hadn't been able to bring herself to. Here she was, named after the moon, and yet it pained her to look upon it. It held so many awful memories of lonely nights and days, and yet, it was still so beautiful. It was a sorrowful happiness, as one looking upon a gravestone and remembering happy things, but being unable to be truly happy because now there was someone missing. Only it was backwards, the moon brought sadness when it should have brought joy. After all, it was her destiny to raise and lower it, and be the ruler of it. As the moon moved higher into the brightening blue dark, Luna nudged Skye. "Come on!" she giggled, running off toward another part of the garden. She stopped and turned, waiting for him to catch up.
  8. Pinkachu, fillies and gentlecolts.
  9. Luna nodded, but she continued to think on the words Celestia had spoken. "...whatever you choose..." she had said, but Luna didn't see how there was any other choice. Despite not being able to carry out her duties now, in time her abilities would once again grow, just as they had when she was growing up. This was something she had to do, regardless of what she felt or wanted. Celestia had bore a great burden, true, but she didn't seem much the worse for wear because of it. Luna had had to miss out on so much, and she had suffered, perhaps not physically, although she had been reverted back to the age of a filly, but more of mentally and psychologically. Being alone for so long, with no one, nothing, had not only made Luna more awkward and shy then before, but had also made her doubtful and confused. But, she pushed aside those thoughts for the moment, trying to find at least a little happiness in her life. After all, she was back, and though she was struggling to find her place once again, being back was something that should have made her happy. "Skye?" she called out, glancing this way and that as she walked into the garden. "Skye, where are you?"
  10. Theory is that she is the daughter of an Earth pony and a Pegasus pony, so she has no wings but can walk on clouds.
  11. Looking at it full screen I say yes, because you can barely make out the bubbles cutie mark and the eyes do look "derped". Now we just need a high definition version for confirmation. Second sighting: At 12:13 in the vid, lower left corner of the screen, near Celestia. You can't see her cutie mark, but it DOES look like her eyes are derped, and the colors match. Ya, I caught that one, but she isn't filly-fied.
  12. I have procured the photo of which you speak! I think Twilight's parent's were selected at random. It would have been a perfect opportunity to do a throwback to one of the older gen ponies, but I can't think of any white unicorns with only stars for symbols. Twilight's original design was based on a G1 pony. http://i1208.photobucket.com/albums/cc3 ... 1302928195
  13. But only gifted UNICORNS. No other ponies are special enough.
  14. Sure, I'll give her a shot! You got the 2nd slot! Awesome, thanks!
  15. You wanna try your hoof at a Griffin? If not I can pick something else. Kira Darkclaw She could be examining an apple and apple that she holds in one claw, like she's never seen something like an apple before.
  16. Just looking over it once again, I noticed you mentioned his Clan marking...but you didn't go in to detail about that. Not sure what a Clan marking means, perhaps a little bit of explanation on this as well. But you seem to be on the right track about their kid, keep it up!
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