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Posts posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. While swear words are normally filtered on the forum, the reason they are filtered is that they should not be used at all. I'd say that if you're ever on the fence about whether something is appropriate for the general area of the forum or is better for 18+, chances are it belongs in 18+. If you have to question if something is appropriate for all ages, it probably isn't. :)

    So short answer, I'd go with 18+ Creativity.

  2. Roleplay Type: Crossovers

    Name: Layla

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Pegasus by day, Batpony by night.

    Eye Colour: Shiny silver eyes stand out from her dull coat. They'll likely be the first thing anypony sees of her, a second before she has them captured.

    Coat: Her body is a deep purple [colour=#664466](#664466)[/colour]. She doesn't often wear her claw gloves, except when Equestria is threatened.

    Mane/Tail: Bright red mane and tail, with a black streak down her mane in the middle. Often shaggy and unkempt, Layla is the picture of laziness—but is very far from it. Well... she might laze about when she's not at work, but once she arrives she goes to guarding with gusto.

    Physique: Very fit, and although not too muscular, she can pack a punch—or a kick.

    Residence: Canterlot

    Occupation: Royal Night Guard

    Cutie Mark: A white wolf paw in front of a black moon.

    History: Coming into the world in the middle of the night, Layla was aptly named for the time of her birth. As she grew, she always had an affinity for the dark, frequently sneaking out after bedtime, restless, to explore the world around her. Of course, living near the Everfree Forest of Ponyville, this was quite dangerous for a little Pegasus filly. Luckily, Layla quickly learned how to use her wings, using speed and height to get away from any danger she came across. Of course, that didn't stop her from being punished at home.

    But, when the princess of the night returned, Layla was at the forefront of Nightmare Moon's first attack, having been at the Summer Sun Celebration in the town hall. Soon after, though, news of the purification of Princess Luna spread, and Layla knew what she wanted to do with her life, even at such a young age.

    She had finally found somepony who enjoyed the night and darkness as much as herself. The very pony who made the stars and moon come out at night, who watched over dreams and flew with the shadows. Somepony who hadn't had a lot of friends, and it had cost her dearly. Layla wanted to be her friend. And Layla wanted nothing more than to be a royal guard.

    So as soon as she was old enough, she began training—speed, skill, combat, in between her regular schooling, and of course behind her parents' backs. They wouldn't have condoned such a young filly learning to fight.

    But when she was old enough, Layla told them the truth—and that she was going to join the Royal Guard. Of course they were worried for their only daughter, but she was firm on it. So Layla set out for Canterlot, quickly fulfilling her dream, and soon being assigned to night guard.

    Of course, that didn't mean that she was even working remotely close to the princess, much to her disappointment. Only the most trustworthy of guards, those who had been in service for several years, could hope to achieve such a high rank as protecting either of the princesses. The city of Canterlot was vast, in fact, Equestria was vast, and she could be assigned anywhere. Thankfully, she was assigned to Canterlot, which was at least close to Princess Luna. Although she isn't actually allowed to go near the princess, as she would be shirking her duties and the other guards would be sure to report her. So for now, she's content, guarding the city of the princesses.

    Character Summary: Layla's body colour helps her to blend into the shadows. Layla always was a prankster, hiding under her bed or in a closet, only to jump out when the unsuspecting victim (usually one of her parents) was near. She was always eccentric, and even a bit of a loner, preferring to go her own route rather than follow the norm.

    She loves the nighttime—the stars, the moon, the darkness. She feels in her element, sneaking around shadowy alleyways on guard patrol each evening. She loves her home in Equestria, and would give her life to defend it. Her dream is to one day become one of Princess Luna's personal guards. After all, what better way to repay the princess of the night than by protecting her?

  3. Can't be. If that were so she could've just moved to Canterlot before she even met Twilight by selling her gems.

    Maybe she's one of those rich people that prefers a simple life rather than a huge lonely house as a status symbol.

  4. Let's do this!

    Name of Pony/Zebra/Foal: Sand Dune


    Age: Teen

    Gender: Female

    Species: Buffalo

    Physique: Bulky as buffalo go, just starting to grow into her larger adult body. She has a sturdy snowy owl feather resting behind her right ear. The strap of Sand Dune's satchel is actually made from the skin of a rattle snake, which might be intimidating to anyone that first meets her.

    Eye Colour: Soft brown

    Coat: Dusty/sandy in colour.

    See Application.

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