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Everything posted by Monochrome

  1. Monochrome, growing bored and unable to hear the operator's astonishing news, began to test her wings. She was a bit clumsy and found herself hovering upside down and struggling to get upright.
  2. Monochrome followed the others and made herself as comfortable as she could on the human couch. When the pony that had rammed into her mentioned calling 911, Monochrome stifled a laugh. "Do you really think 911 will believe us? 'Uh, yeah, officer, I appear to have turned into a small, colourful equine.'" she said with a bit of sarcasm.
  3. "Eh heh, well it's a very odd and sort of long-ish story... I am a scientist. Rare indeed with all the use of magic, but existent nonetheless. So, I was experimenting with some different microorganisms, and I created something... A disease, which I'm surprised you haven't heard about, which puts the victim's body into a state of suspended animation and ejects their very essence as a ghostly form. As you can see, my accidental creation got to me while I was studying it and, since I had realized it was a virus, trying to formulate a cure just in case. It's spreading around like wildfire now." the partly-mechanical ghost pegasus explained.
  4. Monochrome was never an athletic or coordinated one, not even as a human. Upon being rammed into, she toppled over and struggled to get up again. Another pony! Monochrome's thoughts had taken a turn. "I'm a gamer too. Oh no, I won't be able to game?! What else will I lose?!" she thought, beginning to panic.
  5. "Nope, not really. Cool, though, isn't it? Oh, you can call me Monochrome." the grey pegasus said with a shrug, wobbling in trying to stay upright and giving her new wings a few test flaps.
  6. Gah, I have too many ocs! *is drowning in a sea of unused/old and cruddy characters*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monochrome


      Lol, right, Quicklime. XD This always happens when I get really into a fandom- I end up with AT LEAST 15 ocs.

    3. QuickLime


      Only 15? I'm pushing 40 myself

    4. Monochrome


      Nice. XD That is awesome.

  7. It started out as just a normal summer day. Babysitting the siblings, doodling and playing video games once they settled down, all that everyday stuff. But that day would change everything. The pale teenage girl with thick black hair sighed and flopped onto her bed with her sketchbook. It was getting late, and she soon nodded off to sleep, sketchbook in hand. But that's when it happened. When the girl woke up the next morning, she felt odd. She couldn't feel her fingers, and her legs were... Backwards? She shot out of bed, baffled by what was happening. She couldn't quite get the hang of standing with backwards legs yet, so she army-crawled to the bathroom to look in the mirror. She hauled herself up to the counter and looked in the mirror, only to fall back onto the floor in shock. What was that thing? Was that... Me? she thought unsurely. She was sure she had seen a winged grey creature in the mirror, but it still had her same hat and scarf. She cautiously peeked back over the counter, which confirmed what she had seen. She was a... Pony? She shakily stood up and looked at herself some more. Yes, a grey pegasus with paint splattered all over her hooves. Same hair, same eyes, same accessories, but... A pony! She decided to walk outside, and maybe test her wings. She stumbled her way down the stairs and went outside, only to run into someone who seemed just as confused as her, and who was a pony too! "Whoa. You too?" the grey pegasus inquired curiously.
  8. ooc: Yep, I have to join this. I already have a ponysona for this kind of thing.
  9. "What the...?" the ghostly stallion murmured to himself. That pony couldn't be waving to him. No, couldn't be. But still... He hovered over and gave the stallion a good hard look. A muscular pegasus, who apparently was a blacksmith or something of the sort. "Eh heh heh... Hello?" the disease victim ventured unsurely. Upon closer inspection, Bronzeshine could now see that this was an odd-looking stallion. He was a golden yellow pegasus with a short, somewhat messy silver mane and tail, but his wings and his left hind leg were robotic. He had one torn ear and his eyes could not be seen through the cracked goggles he wore, nor could his cutie mark be seen through the tattered lab coat he wore.
  10. There is a strange plague spreading in Equestria. Everypony struck by this disease appears to be dead within a day of infection, but, unknown to the baffled doctors, the victims are actually in a state of suspended animation in which another form of themselves is floating around- they become ghosts of sorts, and they cannot return to their bodies until a cure is found. In a secluded mansion in the forest, there lives an odd stallion, a bit deranged, who had accidentally created the virus while experimenting, although nopony knew it. He himself has now become a victim of his accidental creation. His body lays motionless, head on his desk, a frenzy of scattered papers of work towards a cure in messy, toppled piles around him. He floated in the air for a moment, absorbing the shock of this moment. A victim. Technically dead. He shook it off, realizing what he had to do. As he couldn't pick up or use tangible objects as a "ghost", he needed to find an uninfected pony to help in his work towards finding the cure. He flew through the door and out to the nearest town square, looking around and not realizing that some ponies could see him.
  11. Mud Pie grinned, still shivering a bit as the sweet filly went to get a towel and some fruit salad. "Thanks!" he called after her. Mud Pie stood for a moment as he and Honeydew had an awkward, silent staredown, but then decided he couldn't stand still for any longer and flew around a bit, the flapping of his wings now spattering droplets of water onto Honeydew rather than mud. "So, uh...." he said, trying to think of how to start a conversation while realizing that this was probably the second most he had ever talked at once in his life. Well, it was pretty important to avoid being Pony-Fu'd by a very paranoid mare, so he kind of had to talk that much to explain.
  12. As the title suggests, post some awesome, funny, etc thoughts that will make somepony's day. For example... If you ever think mythology is boring, ponder this. The three-headed guard dog of the underworld is Cerberus, which comes from the Greek word kerberos, which means "spotted". Yup, Hades, lord of the underworld, literally named his dog Spot.
  13. Monochrome

    Snow Dancer

    Not bad, but be careful, because she looks a LOT like that Snowdrop character from that mini-movie thing.
  14. Necro gave the outsider pony a very confused look. "Uh, yeah, you're not imagining anything, you were just shuffling around a lot and this cloth is full of holes." Necro said, gesturing to the heap of tattered brown cloth that had slipped off of the newcomer. "Now, are you coming or not? We've got a group of your kind who wandered in here rounded up, and unless you plan on staying here, you need to come along with us." he added, stepping towards the outsider. "You're going to need a bit of... Visual improvement." Necro remarked. "I'm going to have to transform you. As I mentioned, it's just temporary."
  15. Ah, alright. What needs work again? All I remember is that they said your grammar could use some work. I could help with that too, but it would take a while and we'd have to do it over pm.
  16. Need any help with new characters and such, stormchaser?
  17. Derpy x Doctor Whooves is the cutest shipping, and NONE of the main six should be shipped together UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
  18. Bored and feeling like helping out again, so I'm reviving this board.
  19. "Uh, fine." Mud Pie grumbled. "Got a hose I can borrow?" Once he had been directed to a garden hose, he grumbled something and turned the faucet handle, the cold water blasting the layers of mud from his coat. Once he was clean enough, he turned off the hose and stood for a moment, dripping wet and shivering. "Th-there ya go. I told you I'm no mud monster." he said, shaking some of the icy water out of his mane. He fluttered his wings, just to emphasize to the paranoid reporter that he was, indeed, a pegasus.
  20. Creepalina was not exactly in a state of mind to notice the hint as she trotted in circles, hissing as if she would explode any minute if not calmed, which she probably would.
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