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Status Updates posted by Dizcord

  1. Wy did I get two warnings? Should't Ihave only got one?

    1. Dizcord


      *Sees fist word*


      Why was what I meant.

    2. RarityDash


      Two warning points is the punishment associated with a multiple account violation. I didn't know this when I wrote the verbal part of the warning and didn't find out it was two points for multiple accounts until I actually issued the warning. I apologize for misrepresenting what the punishment would be, but I haven't been a mod very long.

    3. SilverSwirl


      Count yourself lucky by friend. I know a few places where that's an immediate ban for both upon discovery.

  2. Another ponysona. My avatar.

    1. Halide


      You uh, you might wanna crop that a little better. It's barely visible.

  3. Can you change your username?

    1. Rosewind


      Not at the moment, sorry!

    2. Dizcord


      *Shrugs* Okay.

  4. Hey can you check out my OC I forgot to put it in the finished catagory but it's finished. http://www.canterlot.com/topic/15941-apple-stem/

  5. Scratch that, it was another site

  6. I had to re-register because of some sort of update. Now itreverts to normal this is better.

  7. I'm now able to play guitar and bass. Not at the same time of course.

  8. Hey how come I have four stars? who disliked me?

    1. aFlatmajor
    2. Dizcord


      Very funny SilverWisp. Why did you not like me?

    3. aFlatmajor


      What!? Blasphemy!! I did no such thing. I was just kidding earlier, and on a second note, I don't think there's a dislike button. :P If there is, I never touched it. Pinkie Pie Promise!!

  9. Anyone think yu can make me a OC griffin? that is what I want, I also have little preference of the look other then I want the feathers to be black.

  10. Does anyone know if anyone will be willing to do my signature. It's of a vector of cotten candy clouds, with two humans in the middle one is my avatar, the other is Screwball who I see to be a normal person, purple eyes a pink shirt, pale skin tone, and light purple hair. If that is too much then tell me and don't wrry about it.

  11. If anyone knows a good brony song that you also have tabs for please respond.

  12. Looking over things as well as writing a story.

  13. Five stars cool um...what's that mean?

    1. Kodokuna


      It means you're famous!

    2. Dizcord
    3. tacobob


      That means you're wanted by a TON of police..And FBI...And the Shriners Club....And the Filly Scouts....And etc.

  14. I found Rainbow Factory lesson for a five string bass however I have a four string bass, he however he says that you can tune to B,E,A,D can anyone help me understand the terms he is using? I need someone experenced.

  15. Can anyone make a signature for me?

    1. Kodokuna


      Of what, sir? :3

    2. Dizcord


      Well I was wanting the Vector to be the elements of harmony, have Discord as a human standing in the middle having his hand on a human Screwball's head, if that is too much then tell me, Oh and I want the human to look like my avatar and Screwball is a younger girl with swirled purple eyes, a pink tee shirt. If this is too much don't worry and don't make it.

  16. Hi I'm a newbie can someone give me pointers?

    1. Rosewind


      Make sure you read our site rules carefully, read sub-forum descriptions, and most importantly: have fun!

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