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Ginger Mint

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Everything posted by Ginger Mint

  1. hi hi This looks real awesome, I wish I wasn't totally tapped out on time.
  2. hi hi Wading through the sea of party-goers, Ginger Mint excused herself a couple of times as she made her way towards the bar. She politely nodded to the ponies on either side of her before settling into her spot at the bar. With a gentle sigh and crestfallen expression, she leaned up against the side of the bar as if using for balance. She looked for a moment as though she was savoring the brief respite before she turned towards the light carmine-pink pony behind the bar. "Good evening," she said with a small smile, an attempt at a cheerful attitude that was half-hearted at best, "You wouldn't happen to have anything warm, would you?" Even as she asked her question, her eyes were wandering casually across the various bottles and labels that sat on display behind the bartender, perhaps taking stock of the selection for herself not expecting an affirmative answer, perhaps contemplating something entirely unrelated.
  3. hi hi Its awesome to see interactivity that crosses the traditional power structure of authority vs peons. Sure, you don't want to just accept the lowest common denominator, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't recognize a good idea even if it comes from an unusual source.
  4. hi hi Those acid trip pictures remind me of what goes through my mind when I'm half asleep/half awake... or when I'm trying to stay awake in class or something. I find that I tend to make better freeform/abstract imagery when I'm nodding off anyway. What kind of media are you using? Marker, ink, colored pencil?
  5. hi hi Silver Tune is a cutie, I like her mane style and color. It reminds me of the kind of doodles I make when there's nothing going on at work. Is that a glow stick or a crystal around her neck?
  6. hi hi If you don't mind me making a few suggestions, I'd say this: if his arms are bothering you, I would recommend adding some foreshortened elbows on there below where his hands are drawn to make it look a bit more like he's holding her up. Also, since his left (our right) hand is higher up than the other, I would suggest perhaps making his left (our right) shoulder higher up than the other as well. It might make his pose look more dynamic. If you're not looking for suggestions, feel free to ignore me...
  7. hi hi Ginger Mint nodded her head, trying to mask her skepticism about Princess Celestia's claim. She couldn't imagine that the Princess was pulling her leg, but neither could she imagine what such a spectacular night might be like. Without much else to say she fell back upon an old adage. "Even in a pile of thousands, a diamond shines just as... oh, pardon..." She couldn't help but notice the line behind her had continued to move forward and she stepped aside to let the next pony in line approach. As she walked away from the Princess and that aura of amazement faded away, she paused by the entryway to the ballroom. She'd gotten separated from that charming fellow she met while standing in line, Monty was his name? and she'd wanted to share a few more words with him before the night was out. Waiting and looking, she tried to squash that nagging feeling in the back of her mind that Princess Celestia was unhappy about something. She didn't seem at all unhappy, her smile was genuine and there was a sparkle in her eyes. Unable to put her hoof on anything, she tried telling herself it was probably just her nervousness, or her imagination.
  8. hi hi I don't have any complaints about my experience here. Everything else is gravy, as the saying goes. Special events are fun though, and aren't too difficult. Also, the ability to use spoiler tags would be nice. Maybe add the ability for users to put information into their viewable user profile, like characters or favorite quotes.
  9. hi hi Ginger Mint was not known for being particularly intrepid, she never much cared for being put on the spot, and she didn't think anypony had ever called her the life of the party; but one thing she did have have was a keen eye and she was certain then that something was bothering the Princess. While Celestia's smile had overflown with the warmth of a well tended hearth on a chilly night, to Ginger Mint's eye, Luna's smile seemed to flicker like kindling huddled against the wind, threatening to extinguish with every gust while onlookers hold their breath. As Cheerilee walked past, Ginger Mint considered backing out. She could probably still go and join the dance without anypony being the wiser, but this was the Grand Galloping Gala and she might never get another chance. Taking a deep breath, she puffed herself up and cautiously stepped towards the Princess then took a deep bow. There had been so many questions on her mind just a moment earlier, but now that she was here, there was only one thing she could think of. "Good evening Princess, thank you for hosting me, I've been enjoying myself..." then, looking up again, "How are you feeling?"
  10. hi hi When Cheerilee stepped up to talk with Princess Luna, Ginger Mint took a few steps forward herself, but rather than just stand and stare, she turned her attention to the rest of the ballroom. The upbeat tune now playing was one Ginger Mint recognized, but she found her ears unconsciously turning to listen in on what the two were talking about. After straightening them out through conscious effort once, only to have them turn back to the conversation, she had to admit to herself that she was terribly curious and hoped they didn't find her eavesdropping to be rude.
  11. hi hi Ginger Mint had planned to take her time, maybe sit down and chit chat with a few strangers and hear their tales of far off places, their daily trials and their most memorable escapades; but as she made her way past the Gala Buffet, the sights and smells made her stop in her tracks. Colorful arrangements in brilliant green and marigold, and the aromas of a hundred different delectable and exotic flavors from beech-honeydew to saffron. Everything looked perfect, except for perhaps one empty spot on the table where a platter should have been. It was too great an opportunity to pass up, but Ginger Mint reminded herself to take her time. I'll start at one end and slowly work my way down to the other, that way I'll be sure not to miss anything at all. Avocado and olive paste on a rye cracker, delicious! Cranberry salsa with perhaps a touch of lemon and cilantro on cream cheese? Magnifique! Parmesan baked Zucchini... simple, but effective. Humus on toasted pita sliver, always a classic. Blue cheese with a touch of pistachio and...chives? Unorthodox but surprisingly tasty. Hmm, what about this? I don't know what it is, and the smell doesn't ring a bell... Ginger Mint takes a bite out of the mystery hors d'oeuvres, and her eyes go wide, as if struck by an electric shock. Just at that moment, by chance, somepony opens the curtains on a nearby window. As the moonlight washes over her face, she can hear the faint sound of a soprano singing a crescendo coming from the ballroom, and for an instant time stands still for one little pony. This taste, it is indescribable! Why, I don't think I've ever tasted anything quite like it before. I must find the chef and get the recipe! Ginger Mint springs into action asking the nearest waiter to direct her to the chef but the waiter simply shrugs her shoulders, not even knowing who the chef is, she just picked up the tray from the kitchen. Ginger Mint asks the next closest official looking pony but still no answers. This can't be, I refuse to give up, I refuse to fail, I have only just begun to search! With no place obvious to turn and a fire in her eyes, Ginger Mint begins asking the random ponies nearby where she can find the chef, or if anypony knows anything at all about this strange hors d'oeuvres, what it is called or where it comes from.
  12. hi hi Ginger Mint was a little surprised at the comment, and it broke her focus on Celestia's collar. She'd been given a compliment, and casual as it may have been, it didn't feel like idle banter. Looking up, she saw a smile on the Princess's face, small but entirely genuine. Her mind raced to think of something to say, something to do other than stand there like an awe struck fool. "Oh... Thank you kindly Princess! Coming from somepony with such far-reaching insight as yourself, that is quite a compliment. I am no expert myself, but in my own humble opinion, your mane looks absolutely stellar. I don't believe I've ever seen anything quite like it." Even this simple small talk with Celestia felt exhilarating, but Ginger Mint felt compelled to say something a little bit deeper. She made a sweeping gesture with her head towards the window and the night sky beyond. "It is a truly lovely evening Princess, I've only just arrived and I get the feeling that I would be hard pressed to craft such a memorable experience. The cool mountain breeze, the subtle fragrance of flowers in the air, the way the moon lights up the sky... well, that is, I guess I don't know if you are still in charge of the moon or if Princess Luna is in charge of that or... that is... what I mean to say is that everypony who helped make tonight what it is has clearly done a masterful job." Smooth move... Well, you did want to make an impression... Ginger Mint chuckles to herself as she tries to force a smile. If this had been a play, at least the audience would have gotten a kick out of the performance.
  13. hi hi Ginger Mint smiled and nodded as listened to the cheerful pink pony's story, a little relieved that she was so talkative. She had been a little apprehensive about going to any kind of party when she didn't know anypony else, but so far everypony had seemed friendly. There seemed to be a lot of guests from places outside of Canterlot though, but that was neither here or now. This kindly stranger had just mentioned that she was a teacher and wanted to tell the tale to her students, and Ginger Mint's eyes lit up as she thought of just the right thing to say. Making an effort to keep her voice down, Ginger Mint spoke excitedly. "Thats wonderful, I'm sure it will make for a good story! I think everypony is a little bit curious about Princess Luna, up until a couple years ago I didn't even know she existed and now she's going to be ruling Equestria with her sister, I wonder what kind of changes we'll see in the coming years... Well, that is..." Ginger Mint looked down at her hooves sheepishly, that hadn't come out quite like she intended a few seconds ago, "...I didn't mean to make it sound so impersonal, only that getting to know somepony can lead to all kinds of different insights. Sometimes knowing where you've been will help you know where you're going, right?" Ginger Mint smiled broadly at Cheerilee's compliment. "Thank you kindly Cheerilee, I found it at the market back home in Fillydelphia, but the merchant had brought it in from the Gallopocous Islands. So many trade routes go through Fillydelphia, you never really know what sort of strange or unique things you'll find when you go looking. I guess it is something of an antique, but it just fit so well that I knew it was the one for me. Your dress on the other hand looks so avant garde! The way it catches the light is very striking, and the colors match your mane perfectly. Ponyville must be quite the fashionable place." As PaintedWing trotted past, Ginger Mint couldn't help but see the expression on her face and got the feeling that perhaps she had interrupted something. She made a mental note to try to catch up to the pegasus later and see if an apology was in order.
  14. hi hi Its not just bees, I think Twilight Sparkle is by far the most injury prone pony. She keeps falling off of things too. Twice in Episode 2, three times in Feeling Pinkie Keen, once in Dog and Pony Show. Not to mention that she's been turned to stone, Rainbow Crashed repeatedly, driven into a snow bank twice...
  15. hi hi When Ginger Mint worked her way into the ballroom, the band was playing a lovely waltz. It was slow and sweet, with a spirited crescendo now and again, but not something anypony could dance to by herself. She decided to have take a look around the room while she waited for a more familiar tune, after all the tapestries and glasswork were a sight to behold, and maybe she might run into somepony she knew. She had gotten halfway to the back of the room when she spotted Princess Luna standing in the far corner, talking with somepony else while another guest seemed to be waiting her turn. Ahh, now this is something familiar. I ought to give my regards to the host, that seems like the appropriate thing to do. And yet, there was something about the picture that didn't sit right with her. Celestia had a lengthy procession waiting to introduce themselves, but here there was only a pair. And far from glowing with happiness, there was something in the way they moved and talked that seemed out of place, and not just some subtle nagging feeling in the back of her mind either. As she slowly made her way through the crowd, she tried thinking about what little she knew of the Prodigal Princess and it turned out that there was very little other than rumors told by rowdy old farm hands and boisterous youths. As curious as she was though, she decided not to start out with a question about whether or not she spends her days fighting nightmare creatures on the far side of the world, or if she had established her own Princessipality in the cavernous interior of the moon filled with all sorts of strange creatures. Instead, she walked up to the fabulously dressed pony standing in line and with a slight nod of her head, quietly introduced herself. "How do you do miss? My name is Ginger Mint, are you a friend of the Princess?"
  16. hi hi Ginger Mint smiled at Monty as they moved forward to the top of the stairs. Their conversation had definitely helped to calm her nerves and she wondered if she might not have had the guts to go through with it otherwise, but standing in Celestia's presence was something she could never have prepared for. She hadn't expected it to be any other way, but facing her in person was truly awe inspiring. It felt as though there was a tangible aura about the Princess, as bright and boundless as the sun itself, radiating life, serenity and warmth. Ginger Mint bowed low, and was glad that it didn't feel forced or awkward. As she straightened back up, she met the Celestia's gaze for a moment, but couldn't bring herself to hold it. Instead she ended up studying the intricate details on Celestia's collar as she said, "Good evening your majesty, its an honor and a privilege." She tries to think of something else to say... there ought to be something else to say, but the words simply wont come.
  17. hi hi Ginger Mint hadn't imagined how big the castle grounds were. The castle had looked monumental from the outside but that grand visage turned out to be an understatement when viewed from the inside. She was lost and she knew it. Looking around for some signpost to help her find her way, she almost missed the first step out into the courtyard. This looks like a central destination, perhaps I can find my way from here. She closed her eyes for a moment and listened to find the sounds of the crowd that might lead her back in the right direction. Over the murmur, she heard a clear voice and a thoughtful verse. She opened her eyes and looked around, but whoever was speaking had already moved along. The din of the party caught her attention though and she continued on, but as she brushed past a particularly striking rose bush, she started composing something of her own. If I should close against the cold a dreamless sleep share with me perhaps a dream of dawn revived
  18. hi hi I'm not sure if anypony else was planning on having a mishap or two during the gala. I had an idea for some trouble that Ginger Mint might get into but I dont know how I would set it up. The basic premise is: she eats something that is super delicious and feels compelled to find the recipe. During the course of her journey, she could get lost in the far corners of the castle, square off with an uncooperative chef, resort to a commando style raid on the castle library for the royal cookbook... or something like that. Anypony have any suggestions on how to make this work?
  19. hi hi I dunno... Derpy is pretty random in that she shows up in the background just about everywhere, with no particular pattern to her appearances. Best young flier contestant, watches fashion shows, drops anvils, gets invited to the grand galloping gala (at least, I don't think she just showed up uninvited)
  20. hi hi Ginger Mint carefully balanced Monty's business card on her hoof and carefully tucked it under her sleeve. As she looked back towards her sleeve, she noticed the faintly annoyed expression on the pony immediately behind her and took the hint to hurry up and keep moving forward as well. The commotion at the front of the line seemed to have run its course and the procession was now crawling along at a steady pace. Ginger Mint glanced down at the floor at Monty's compliment, catching a faint reflection of herself in the polished marble. "You're too kind... and anyway, your own suit has a certain adventurous flair to it that seems quite fitting." Then, looking back at Monty with a quirk in her brow, "A lot like the accent I suppose. No no, don't laugh, I wouldn't think you'd need to shake your accent at all." She was starting to ascend the staircase when she whispered to Monty "Just between you, the night air and I... you don't suppose her mane billows like that all the time do you? I'm not sure about overdoing it, but I think even without the breeze she would have a distinguished presence."
  21. hi hi Ginger Mint didn't realize she had been holding her breath until she exhaled in relief, a genuine smile on her face as she raised her hoof to shake. This friendly fellow with an unusual accent didn't seem nearly as formal as she had expected. "The pleasure is all mine Monty, it is always nice to see a friendly face. My name is Ginger Mint." She said, shaking Monty's hoof firmly. "I've never met the Princess before, but I've heard she is very gracious, and she certainly looks it... If you don't mind me asking, you're not from Canterlot are you? I'm from Fillydelphia myself..." She gestures with a nod of her head around the room. "and so many ponies seem right at home here, like a visit with the Princess is an everyday happening."
  22. hi hi Ginger Mint kept her eyes fixed forward as she found a spot in the assembling crowd at the front entrance, taking a few deep breaths to keep her heart from racing. Easy now, you've got all night so don't rush things. Everything seemed simple enough on the outside. Just play follow the leader and you'll fit in fine. It was a comforting thought, up until the point where she stepped through the front door and saw Princess Celestia standing at the top of the stairs, right square in her path, the real deal, not a painting or a statue but the living, breathing ruler of Equestria herself. Ginger Mint's heart skipped a beat and she glanced around at the guests in front and behind her. What were they doing? How were they reacting? How should she present herself? Unfortunately, there was something of a scene playing out at the front of the line, with a few of the guests bumping into each other. Not much help unless I am looking to make a foal of myself... I hope this old dress of mine doesn't stand out too much, everpony here looks so avant-garde... I should bow, that much I know, but what if I bow too low, or not low enough? Still looking around, Ginger Mint decided to risk breaching decorum by turning to one of the guests next to her and saying "Good evening... Have you ever met Princess Celestia before?"
  23. hi hi ((I don't really know how much roleplaying I can do, but I wanted to at least participate in the gala event, so here's my namesake character.)) Name: Ginger Mint Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Earth Pony Pelt Color: Pale Chartreuse-Yellow Mane/Tail Color and Style: Light Chartreuse cut short Eye Color: Sap Green Cutie Mark: A slice of lime and three mint leaves Physique: Average hight, light but fit like a dancer. Her movements are deliberate, precise and rarely hurried. Residence: A cozy loft apartment in the suburbs north of Fillydelphia. Occupation: She is a cook at a local café/diner -The Blue Shell Café-, her specialty is soothing or invigorating drinks. Motivation: She was always a problem solver. She got her cutie mark when she realized how a fine meal or a cold drink could lift the spirits of the weary, revive the downtrodden, and calm a wild heart. Likes: Tea, cinnamon rolls, a cool sea breeze or a warm crackling fire, listening to stories. Dislikes: Shouting, a messy kitchen, squeaky wheels and dripping faucets, being rushed, letting a conversation go unfinished. Character Summary: Ginger Mint was born the second foal of Pennyroyal and Lemon Honey on a humble farm in the Saddleveil Plains. Her brother Wintergreen is a couple of years older than her. Her parents were moderately successful in farming a large plot of wheat and a few other common staples, but her father was renowned for his mint crop which her mother used in tea with a touch of ginger. Ginger Mint got her name from that tea because, as a foal, she caused all sorts of mayhem trying to get at it whenever it was brewing. She would knock over chairs and pull dishes and tablecloths to the floor trying to reach her goal. It eventually reached the point where she would come galloping into the kitchen whenever one of her parents said the words Ginger Mint. After that, it was easy to get her attention. As a filly she worked hard on the farm with her family, though due to her small size, she took to the delicate tasks rather than lifting and pulling like her brother. On the weekends the family would often take day trips, her favorite of which were the times they went out to the coast to go sailing, or in to town to spend a night at the theater. She was proud of her mother's accomplishments as an athlete, but going to the races never seemed to hold her attention. She got along well enough with her brother, and while she often felt disappointed when he could do things better than she could, it made a big impression on her when he would occasionally come to her for trusted advice. She ended up discovering her special talent before her brother did, which in a way, settled the score between the two. For her, those moments when everypony was gathered around the table after a hard day's work, eating together, laughing together, were truly magic. She realized that sometimes all it took was a subtle touch and everypony's mood was changed for the better. Her brother's later discovered talent for "riding the wind," would eventually lead him to sail and fly to distant lands leaving the family far behind, and so while she is very fond of home, she sometimes wonders what it might be like to wander. After graduating from school, Ginger Mint lived briefly in Canterlot working at an upscale restaurant, but due to a convoluted set of circumstances that can only be described as bizarre, it closed down after a few months and Ginger Mint packed her bags and returned to Fillydelphia where she got her current job at the Blue Shell Café. Depending on her shift, she gets up early and prepares breakfast for guests at the Southern Cross Inn*, or gets up a little later and serves lunch and dinner at the café which is frequented by day workers in the nearby wheat fields as well as travelers and anypony looking for a quick bite to eat before going on their way. It took a lot of persuading to get her boss to let her remodel the café's interior, but she's very pleased with how the new seating arrangement gets strangers sitting next to each other and on a good day, talking to each other. She is happy with her job, though she sometimes wonders what it would be like to open her own tea shop. She prefers to cook meals that have a "simple elegance," in part due to her fondness for home cooking, but she is skilled in cooking more complicated fare if need be. Brewing tea is her favorite part of the day and she claims that she could accomplish the task with her eyes closed, based on aroma alone. She has done well with her signature Ginger Mint, Blueberry Dark, Green Spiral and White Tip, but lately tea from the Everfree forest is all the rage and she is unsure how she'll be able to meet the demand. She doesn't have very many friends, as her work often leaves her exhausted and she likes to go home and relax in peace and quiet in her spare time. Curling up with a good book and a smooth cup of tea is all well and good, but unfortunately isn't particularly conducive to friend making. She does manage to get out on occasion when she has a day off. She likes to travel and visit new places, sample the local cuisine and listen to the gossip, but she rarely goes longer than a week before she starts getting homesick. *The Southern Cross Inn is named for the crossroads on which Fillydelphia sits as well as the unmistakable constellation which guides travelers, and is connected to the The Blue Shell Café. Talents: • Cooking: This is her first, best gift. Her special talent. • Philosophy: She is a bit of a philosopher and will spend long hours pondering any particularly puzzling problem. • Grace: She is very aware of her physical capabilities, how far she can push herself and where her limits are. • Perception: She has a keen ear and a discerning nose. • Farming: She grew up on a farm, and though it is not her calling in life, she knows a thing or two about plants. • Sailing: She can competently navigate and operate rigging. Images: Ginger Mint at Work Ginger Mint's Fancy Dress Ginger Mint's loft The Southern Cross Inn and Blue Shell Cafe.
  24. hi hi He'd have to change his name to Fuzzy?
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