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Ginger Mint

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Everything posted by Ginger Mint

  1. hi hi I think a lot of people thought Twilight in Cutie-Mark Chronicles was very reminiscent of Phoenix from X-Men.
  2. hi hi I want to hear Madeleine Peters' good singing voice. Maybe as a background pony if they can't justify Scoots learning how to sing.
  3. hi hi I would like to second that sentiment... There needs to be a version of the CMC song with good singing Scoots in it, sooooo badly.
  4. hi hi Friendship is Magic single handedly made the word Twilight cool again.
  5. hi hi That was awesome! I probably won't listen to the nightmare version as much, but it made me smile. I half expected there to be some kind of hidden message in there when playing it in reverse.
  6. hi hi I think that in old mythology alicorn -the material of a unicorn's horn in mythology, rather than its contemporary usage to mean a pegasus with a unicorn horn- was one of the substances that magic wands were supposed to be made out of. I get the impression that magic in Equestria is a lot like the force, in that life produces an energy that can be used to make things happen, and that different emotions and things produce different kinds or different amounts. (Different instruments in a symphony if you will) This is part why Twilight needed her friends to evoke the elements of harmony, they essentially lent her part of their energy to her. That might also be why she can copy her friends abilities with such ease. (picking a ton of apples off the trees in apple-buck season, or Rarities gem finding spell) It is because they're lending her part of their energy in the process. Since all life produces this energy, any unicorn can use the generic background energy to produce magic to produce generic effects like lifting a pen. More specific spells might require more powerful sources, or more specific sources. Since everypony has their own special talent, I assume that their ability to use their own energy as a source is the reason why unicorns are usually better at magic that is related to their special talent. This also kind of explain's Pinkie Pie's random abilities, because she is so naturally in tune with the life around her, she has sort of an innate sense for what people are doing and where they are.
  7. hi hi There's a number of ways you could make this work I think... It could be that the moon is actually a super massive terrestrial body that is located more distant from Equestria than our moon is from Earth. If that was the case, you could essentially say that Equestria is actually the moon's moon and so whenever they go behind the moon, the sun would be totally eclipsed. (and why the moon looks like a crescent just after sundown or before sunrise) Or in this scenario, Equestria could be located at L1 (or perhaps even L4 or L5) between the sun and the moon, thus requiring daily magic to keep it from drifting out of place as well as manual rotation to keep it from processing one surface with the sun the whole time. I think this is the most likely scenario, because it is the only way I can think of to explain why the sun and the moon need to be on opposite sides of the planet, otherwise it would go spiraling off into space. Another possibility is that Equestria is in a binary star system and is located near the barycenter of the two, so in order to have night time at all, one of the stars needs to be blocked out by a volumetrically larger moon. (and that would explain why the dark side of the moon isn't very dark. If Nightmare moon did bring eternal night, one side would get stuck in a permanent winter, with temperatures kind of like being in antarctica during the winter, the other side would get stuck in a permanent sahara desert in the afternoon. But around the terminator you'd be able to have reasonable temperatures. With pegasi controlling the weather, you might be able to equalize the temperatures to some degree using cloud cover, precipitation and air currents.
  8. hi hi Thanks for the lyrics! ((don't take my ramblings about the vocals too seriously, it may be that I'm just oddly particular about some things.)) Luna's story always resonated with me, I think in part because there are things about my past that I would like to believe could be redeemed. That being said, its interesting how the lyrics make it kind of ambiguous as to who's perspective they're coming from. Also: I don't think you need to draw from the Luna's Return theme (unless you want to of course) I think it works well as is.
  9. hi hi On the topic of ponies using their mouths to manipulate tools: painting with the mouth.
  10. hi hi I would say you just about nailed the lyrics, but there's a few words that I can quite parse, specifically the part that goes "Luna won't you ___ for me." I can't decipher that word. There's a few other spots where I'm not confident I am hearing the words clearly. Maybe you should take it that with a grain of salt though, I'm usually very picky about vocals, and while the vocalist has a certain cramped feel that I cant quite put my finger on, its certainly not a deal breaker. ((I've heard lots of remixes and indie pieces where the lyrics made me press stop and delete)) Maybe some typed out lyrics would help? The xylophone~esque part at the start kind of reminds me of the BGM from Luna's return, which was always a favorite of mine, though without the swelling strings section I couldn't tell if it was actually used as a reference or if I'm just imagining things. Don't take the above rambling to mean that I don't like it though, I can't wait to hear the final version.
  11. hi hi That is uncanny! I've only ever found one. (although I have a knack for finding things that are lost.)
  12. hi hi To be honest (and I apologize in advance for being so off topic) but every time I think of how Equestria was made, the first thought that always comes to mind is that episode from Trigun where the audience learns about Vash and Knives origins, except replace them with Celestia and Luna. Within the scope of the setting though, I think it is somewhat reasonable to think that sometime in the distant past, there was a pony who wanted to fly and used magic to grow wings, or something like that.
  13. hi hi I think that was quite possibly the best blooper video yet. Fluttershy's TV at the end was hilarious too.
  14. hi hi I'm a little confused on the whole time dilation thing. Does there have to be an age difference, or could magic, medicine and/or divergent evolution made it so ponies from Equestria live longer life spans? I guess if you're looking for the "hows" instead of the "whys," you've got a few different options besides just "magic." • It could be that only the spirit makes the journey, and the physical form remains behind (and a new one is created at the destination) so that way they are still physically aging in their own reference frame. • If Equestria was near a sufficiently massive source of gravity (like a black hole) then time would literally pass more slowly for them, but if you get into relativity, then you have to deal with the sticky situation of getting there and back without violating causality. • Maybe years in Equestria are three times shorter than years on Earth? With each season being about equal to a month here on Earth.
  15. hi hi Evolution usually has a lot of different paths it could take in any given environment, but there are some notable similarities that you find just about everywhere. (Eyes being one of the biggest ones) Concerning the number of limbs, wings and things, as animals get larger in size, their structures tend to simplify due to the inescapable fact that materials become less efficient the bigger you get. (Square-cube law) Just look at the T-rex and its tiny arms. So having 6 limbs on a large creature seems unlikely, though obviously not impossible. Functional wings on the other hand, well, all I can say is: "its magic." Wingspan seems like a silly thing to get into in this setting doesn't it? Pegasi don't seem to pay aerodynamics any mind at all. If Equestria really is in the future, who knows what kind of Deus ex Machina could have been whipped up to make a world like that?
  16. hi hi To be fair, I was never any good at using the Nintendo 64 controller, even with the use of two ands and ten fingers...
  17. hi hi I dig the scarf! It is true that the bottom half and the top half look like they're using different scales, but she could just be looking in a fun house mirror, or maybe the viewer could take a really low to the ground perspective that makes her rear hooves seem bigger?
  18. hi hi Is there any chance that there will be a MLP Chess app somewhere to download, maybe with Java or something? Seems like there ought to be a chess program where the user can make custom rules, but I've never seen one.
  19. hi hi Well you've got the benefit of the doubt for now, but I'm still not sure where the distinction lies. I mean, from one point of view, Fluttershy is on the bottom because she gives more help, but from another perspective, she's on top because she has more to give, is more sought after, and can doesn't need much in return.
  20. Ginger Mint


    hi hi Perhaps the door has a candle on it because fire is often associated with the spark of creativity? Thats all I got. I think an adventure game would fit the setting pretty well.
  21. hi hi Personally, I think it is a pretty cynical to assume that all relationships must ultimately boil down to a simple, linear dominance relationship. The only overt hierarchy we are ever shown in the show is Princess Celestia, even the old gray mayor doesn't seem to have any effective control over anypony's actions. Instead, they each seem to assert themselves or defer based on their own personal knowledge, skills, emotional state and the salience of expected outcomes. However, their value to each other isn't measured in usefulness, its measured in cognitive and emotional investment, shared history and other similarities. I'd say that their relationship has more of a communality framework that is frankly very common among close friends and doesn't even rely on strict reciprocation, they seem to share their time and talents with each other without any strict balancing of reciprocal benefits. Also, all of their cooperation seems to be entirely voluntary, rather than any one of them having the ability to literally issue commands, or follow up disobedience with punishment. Applejack gives Rarity apple fritters for free, everypony helps out with the other's chores without any understanding of payment and indeed some end up needing help more frequently than others. Fluttershy never gets anyone to help her with her problems if she can help it, but she's always helping out her friends because it is something that she personally wants to do, and its not just because she's on the bottom of the totem pole. They essentially have a level of trust where they can help themselves to the other's generosity without fear of a hurtful retaliation, and they self-handicap themselves when they feel like they are putting an undue burden on their friends. In western culture, people seem to value equity above equality and it forms a bedrock of legal precedent when dealing with issues of bias. It has often been said that "all persons similarly situated should be treated alike," though the nature of what constitutes similarly situated has been the subject of numerous debates, it is clearly not a universal constant. It may be cognitively easier to assume a universal constant, but many of the lessons learned throughout the series do focus on critical thinking, usually involving challenging your own assumptions and expectations.
  22. hi hi That's what is so great about art, so much of the effect is in the eye of the beholder. The art does not judge itself, as the saying goes. (Do dreams have intentions?) Nopony needs to subscribe to my point of view, I'm just sharing a positive way of looking at it.
  23. hi hi The pianist had a smile on his face. Seriously though, not all good things happen instantly. There's plenty of things that anypony will look back on and laugh, or after the fact, wipe their brow and enjoy what they'd planned on doing with that much more vigor. Sort of a reverse psychology thing... Or maybe Celestia really doesn't care about her subjects. I dunno, that seems pretty hard for me to believe instead. Princess Celestia does seem to be beloved by all, so presumably they don't mind her antics too much.
  24. hi hi I didn't see any reason to assume that Celestia was talking only about the mane six when she said it was the best Gala ever, since she specifically said it was the best Gala, not the best Night. We don't really know what happened at the Gala after they left, but a lot of time had passed between when Twilight first arrives at the donut shop and when Celestia arrives, since it is implied that they went and did all the stuff Spike suggested, which leads me to believe that the Gala continued on after they left. Could be that the dash of adversity made the night better for everypony involved. There would probably be some misattribution of arousal involved, and everypony there would be able to go home with a wild tale to tell and a stronger connection with those they spent the evening with. There certainly were plenty of bored looking background ponies anyway.
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