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Everything posted by PyroBlaze

  1. I was just trying to point out the spelling in a somewhat funny way... I wasn't discrediting the question or anything.
  2. Questions. In all seriousness, I tink you meant pole, if you're talking about a staff or something.
  3. Oh well. It was my first time using him, I was kinda feeling him out as it went.
  4. (These two are the finishers. We did collaboration stuff, so that's why it's the way it is.) Diamond grunted as the blast hit him, feeling the shield moving and him flipping over again. He let go of the shield and used another blast of energy to launch himself away. He still hit the ice hard, but he avoided her strike. He groaned slightly before getting to his feet again. The flip and smash maneuver left Aisha huffing and puffing in fatigue. Her body burned from the movement and she stumbled to her feet before reaching down to grab her shield. Diamond grumbled to himself as he got to his feet and picked up his sword. He seemed to be facing towards her back as she picked up her shield. He hesitated for a moment before launching a slash of energy at her. Aisha heard the attack and turned with her shield but was far too fatigued to move fast enough. Getting hit by the energy and stumbling backwards. Leaving her vulnerable as she cursed herself under her breath. Diamond smirked again before blasting himself towards her. His sword was at the ready as he flew towards her. Aisha squeaked as he closed the distance. Her eyes filled with dismay as she tried to block. He was charging his energy into one last attack. His black energy was collecting into his free hand. As he reached her, his real sword collided with her shield to keep it busy as his other hand went against her face and discharged the energy into a concussive force as his palm connected. The girl gave a Yelp and flew back. Her shield falling from her hand and her body tumbling on the floor before smacking the wall and coming to a halt. Her aura was broken and she sat there with a dazed look and a deep cut on her right cheek. "Ouch." She coughed before holding her head with her right hand. Diamond made his way over to Aisha, pointing the tip of his sword at her throat. "Good fight, but it appears I have won. Give up?" He asked her, smiling warmly at her. She looked at him. Her ears rang as she spoke but she nodded and gave a pained smile. "I yield." Diamond nodded to her response and removed his sword, extending his other hand to help her onto her feet.
  5. Diamond's eyes widened as he saw the tornado form, making him start dodging the icy chunks flying around. This allowed Aisha to do her next move with no interference, and he had to jump into the air to avoid it. He landed, balancing on a couple of the protrusions, blinking slightly. "Well, I can see I made you mad. So sorry about that." He said, looking at her. "That is how battles go though, so... I suppose I'm not sorry." He finished, shrugging a bit before he charged forward again. He waited until she tried to hit him as he got close, then grabbed onto the top of the shield with his free hand and used it to swing himself into a handstand. From there, he swiped at her arm and pushed himself into the air to get behind her again.
  6. The gust did make him fly further, but that was an easy fix. Diamond smiled as he began falling, waiting until he saw Aisha swing the shield for another hit before he moved out of the way with another blast of energy. He had the same sly smile on his face as he flew past her own, adding a wink for good measure before slashing at her midsection and continuing past. He landed with a skid, chuckling a bit. "And how was that? Better?" He asked, his tail swishing back and forth steadily.
  7. Diamond grunted at the blast of icy air, stumbling a bit from the surprise. His eyes widened as she fired her guns, and all he could do was brace himself. He rolled across the stadium a bit, letting out a huff as he stopped. "Well, looks like I was right. You are truly an intruiging fighter." He said, getting back to his feet and giving a disarming smile. "You're not the only one with tricks up their sleeves." With that, he launched himself into the air with a blast of dark energy. As he 'flew' he launched blasts of energy at Aisha.
  8. Should I start off the ending posts for this match? Or keep going?
  9. "I try." Diamond responded, shrugging a bit with a chuckle as Aisha charged. He watched her approach, waiting until the last moment before jumping over the shield and slashing down at her before landing behind her. He slashed at her again, hoping to catch her off-guard. (Dunno how many rounds we get, really. I figure we can start the ending posts with Daboom's next post. Unless we get more rounds, of course.)
  10. Diamond sidestepped the ice, sighing slightly and shaking his head. "Playing hard to get, are we? I see how it is." He said, looking back to Aisha and giving her a smile. In a flash, his sword was on the other side of his body, and a slash of black energy was flying across the stadium towards Aisha.
  11. "A shield user? How intruiging." Diamond said, humming slightly. He waited on his side for the match to start, making a little gesture at her to try and goade her into making the first move.
  12. The male smiled and gave a small bow to his opponent as they both stepped down into the arena. With a small flourish, he produced a rapier. "My pleasure, Aisha. You may call me Diamond." He said, smiling at Aisha and getting into a ready position. "I hate to beat up a beautiful girl like you, but I'm sure you can take care of yourself. May the best fighter win."
  13. Tehengu watched the fights with interest, humming to himself as it ended and they went back to their seats. He looked at a female as she volunteered, about to do so himself when a different male volunteered instead. This male had a smirk on his face, a lion tail swishing behind him as he walked to the stage.
  14. Who says I'll use Tehengu? Maybe I'll use someone else just to spite you! Nyah!
  15. Nah, I can see it moving, It's just hard to spot.
  16. Tehengu growled to himself as Midnight charged in, making him draw and aim at one of the goons. Of course, things were only going from bad to worse as more enemies showed up and Slash joined the fray. He was about to let his arrow fly when a spear of sorts narrowly missed his bow. Needless to say, it drew his attention towards the source, and allowed him to dodge the next metal rod. He couldn't see who was throwing them, but he could see where they were coming from. He fired into where the last spear had come from, judging by its path.
  17. I suppose that could be his semblance. Or at least part of it.
  18. Tehengu hummed slightly and looked at the higher portions of the containers around them. He nodded at Midnight's words and looked back to her for a few seconds. "Sounds good to me." He said, smiling slightly before heading to the containers and climbing on top to provide overwatch for Midnight and the others, should they need it.
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