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Everything posted by knight

  1. Only under very special circumstances....and when my dogs are being stupid. TPBM thinks Screwball is cuter than Derpy Hooves.
  3. I do...I truly do. I even have an open mind when it comes to obviously-bad music. (i.e. 'IT's FRIDAY, FRIDAY GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY.') Not that I like ALL music, I am just very versatile with my tastes. TPBM favors the Pegasus species over the other two.
  4. furhter: A combination of 'further' and 'Fuhrer' a word of command, often used in my work portfolio when, upon the end of a work ticket, I am supposed to type 'nothing further.' I often see this word and think of myself as more in control of that particular ticket, as I am it's Fuhrer. A dignified word, commanding all other words' respect. I.E.... Assisted customer doing yada yada. Nothing furhter. Furhter along the road, no other word shall pass. (grosh this is lame...XD)
  5. SOOOO...this will be very similar to the video game chain, where you list a comic book hero/villain....so, to start things off.... EDIT: OKAY, to clarify confusion, you need to use the LAST LETTER of the previous post as the FIRST LETTER of your post. I.E. If I said 'Molly' you would have to have something that started with 'y' such as 'Yager'--these are just random word examples. Please ignore the first few posts, where this rule had not been established yet. BATMAN!!
  6. Actually, I can spell it both front and backwards, as is spoken in the song, anyway. (it backwards is actually said incorrect by Mary Poppins.) So....Expeisticfragicalilupus (listen to the song, that's how it's pronounced backwards! XD) and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius. :3 Bam. TPBM thinks 'Nanny McFee' is a rip-off of Mary Poppins. If you haven't seen these, then TPBM thinks Flo from the Progressive commercials is funny.
  7. Toonami was my sustenance. And Hamtaro. And Sailor Moon. And Baby Looney Toons in the morning. (I don't know why) Okay, maybe I should just do a list... So....... X-men evolution Jackie Chan adventures Tom and Jerry Inuyasha Yu-Gi-Oh! Batman Batman Beyond Justice League Tenchi Muyo Outlaw Star Cowboy Bebop Neon Genesis Evangelion Totally Spies! The PPG Ed, Edd n' Eddy Cow and Chicken The Grim Adventures of Billy&Mandy Grim&Evil (before it became that ^) Looney Toons Tiny Toons Blues Clues (prior to Steve leaving, this show made me giggle even when I was 16!) Hey Arnold Aladdin The Lion King (x 9000) The Land Before Time The Little Mermaid Reading Rainbow The Magic Schoolbus (I'll still watch this show. it's AWESOME.) Yu Yu Hakusho Case Closed FLCL Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball GT POKEMON, of course Digimon umm....ummm....GAWSH, so much more. I'm still addicted to cartoons and anime. So.....alot more. ALOTTA LOTTA MORE. Just can't think of anything else...hmm.....I miss Tom from Toonami.
  8. 'Groups??' 'Something fun???' hmm...while I certainly understand your distress and impatience about the RP, there is still plenty of Canterlot to explore! If nothing else, go play in the Spam Stables! I spend almost my whole shift at work just responding to silly things like 'your face when' or 'word association game' or...'the video game chain'....those are just a few of them, I'm sure there are plenty more. :3 Spam is fun! It's also a great way to waist time while you're waiting for a respond in your RPs (when you get into them) There's also various discussions such as episodes, season 3, theories on Equestrian technology, fanfiction, fanart....there is so MUCH to do! No way you could be bored! All you gotta do is click 'view new content' in the right hand corner and....wowzas! Always somethin' new!
  9. Not....everything....but...alot of...things..? deep frie an oreo, and I'm there. Deep fry a banana and...well...you're stupid. TPBM can't name all of the ponies that show in my forum icon.
  10. From the album: Knight's Art (OLD

    Been my project for the past couple days. :3 Fun stuff. Derpy and Pinkie Pie

    © art me, characters Faust/Hasbro

  11. I do. I truly do. TPBM has their christmas tree up, wrapped presents under the tree, and stockings hung.
  12. I. LOVE. Cute things. TPBM does not have 'the HUB' on their TV network, and watches episodes via...Youtube.
  13. Only on weekends. TPBM the little blue haired pegasus in TPAM's signature is adorable.
  14. Woah! No way! I just finished my cereal and I AM DRINKING THE MILK!! OoO!! TPBM is....is.....um......has a fireplace in their home.
  15. Yur darn right I do. KFC=bleh. FPBM has had the thought cross their mind at least once in their life that they might be a homosexual.
  16. Holly was positively entranced by the griffon. Her imagination ran wild as he spoke of rainbows and cloud houses and hot air balloons galore! It was positively entrancing. Even the short description of Talonopolis had her mind's creative juices flowing. It all sounded so awesome. And...wait, what was that? A...tour offer? "Ah'd love to have someone show me around up there...." she sighed dreamily, "Ah sometimes wish Ah had been blessed with wings instead of a horn...gosh, Ah would so love to fly...." She leaned her cheek on a hoof with a sigh. Then, pulling out a shred of boldness, she began with a slight blush ,"So...Gladwin, was it? Maybe after yer done scopin' out the landscape and such....maybe....maybe you and Ah could---" "WELCOME TO PONY JOE'S!!!" Holly Dash's heart leapt to her throat, as the waiter approached and interrupted all conversation at the table, "What can I get for ya'll today? Jelly doughnuts? Glazed doughnuts? Bear Claws? Cinnamon rolls? Eclairs? You name it, we got it!" The green-pelted, yellow-maned unicorn stallion smiled widely, expectantly of the patrons at his table. "uhh..." Holly turned to her companions, not wanting to be selfish and order her own personal preference of Eclairs, "Whadda you guys want..?"
  17. dunno what that is. yfw you trip and scrape the skin off both of your hands on a sidewalk.
  18. Nope, as I have marvelous Hello Pandas. Plus, a cupboard stocked with various J-candy. TPBM is....female.
  19. aren't I just the cleverest? Your face when you see a brand new Fluttershy plushie at Target!!
  20. Nah, seen it. TPBM comes from a single-parent household.
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