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Status Replies posted by ArrowWing

  1. I regret shunning this site for the longest time, because i feel like i lost a good friend of mine.

  2. Some guy I sit by in biology barked a few things at me when he saw my new MLP wristband and on the bus,I had to sit on the floor by the emergency exit because a few people refused to let me sit because of their poor and fake excuses.Life get too hard sometimes when other make you feel like the motto "love and tolerate" a waste of time,but I'll keep trying to stay by it...

  3. I'm not ready for this year's Gala. Not yet.

  4. ♪ Late nights filled with art and music♥

  5. Sorry if I've been a bit tardy in replies lately; I had to prep for my GRE test.

  6. Bed, oh beloved friend, where would I be without you?

  7. I snuck into an alleged "Antibrony" website, and I found some "plans" to DDoS or otherwise disrupt pony servers/websites. It's a relatively small group that's barely active and whose site isn't even run on their own domain, but is it weird that I'm still feeling worried?

  8. After a few days on here,I'm getting more comfortable with the change of place. I've gotten most of the basics down.I guess the noobiness is wearing off.

  9. Feeling like a noob

  10. Feeling like a noob

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