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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. Lamp couldn't help but chuckle at Hawthorn's response to the offered drink "Well, I hadn't quite thought of it that way but it does help one to relax!" He sipped his own drink again as Hawthorn asked about his partner. "Truth be told we both did the designing and he took care of architecture. I've got a good imagination but I'm no good with the details of planning a structure. That as part of the reason we worked so well as partners. We hired the builders in mostly from Canterlot, but we both chipped in where we could with that too."


    He'd been so caught up in the plan and the excitement of renting out the outdoor dining facilities that cost of rent had almost completely slipped his mind! "Hmmm," He used for a moment, looking over the place and trying to recall what he'd charged the reception that he'd rented to last. He knew he had it in the books but it would be easier if he could just remember. It was only a moment before he let that thought go and finished off his flagon. He set it down and sighed with contentment.


    "Well, the way I see it, this event may help to bring business to the Honest Hearth. That being known I'm willing to give you full use of the outdoor dining area and some of the kitchen area on the house," He raised an eyebrow to Hawthorn. "That sound like it would work for you?" Lamp didn't see any harm to letting the space be used for free since it would give his inn exposure and he was thinking of attending himself with a friend or two.

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    "Well," She smiled happily. "H'im sure we'd be right pleased to come and see you an' yer trope preform!" She nodded towards the apple bag. "As fer bein' an' inconvenience don't trouble yerself Flaire. It's no bother at all! Sweet Apple Acres is always happy to sell our produce to friends." She smiled again.


    "Uh, pie?" Spike interjected before AJ could continue.


    "Yer sure hankerin' fer that pie aren't yah Spike?" She laughed. "Can't say I blame yah, it does smell good! Go on over an' ask Granny Smith if she's got any to sell."


    Spike nodded and trotted off towards the kitchen. Applejack also left for a moment and went into the barn. She slid under the rungs of an apple cart and trotted out with it. 


    "Here yah go Flaire. It's one o' the small carts so should be a breeze to pull." She ducked out of the cart and went to the apple bags. In the blink of an eye she had the two mentioned bags of apple loaded neatly onto the cart. "Oh yeah," She trotted off for another moment and was back with a small tin can. "Here's that grease. We've got a bunch of it, so sparin' a bit's no problem at all!"  


    "Well what have we here?" A slightly brusque voice sounded from behind them. Granny Smith made her way up to the pair and fixed Flaire with her gaze. "Didn't know you was havin' visitors so late in the day Applejack. I would have put extra taters and carrots in the oven fer dinner!" The matriarch of the Apple clan broke of her stare and smiled. "What's yer name youngin'?"


    "Who needs dinner when you've got," Spike trotted up with a two slices of pie on a napkins, one in each claw. "Pie!" The dragon offered one of the slices to Flaire. "Granny has plans for the two pies she baked but she gave us each a slice!" The promptly shoved on slice in his mouth and chewed slowly. "Mmmph! Yum!" 

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    As the sun sank behind the horizon and the shadows of night grew longer, Flutters grew more and more anxious. She had been glad of Gumby's protection, even though it had only been for a few moments. They'd have to keep a close eye on the doggie, what with all the animals going missing lately. She hurriedly pitched the one pony tent she'd packed in her saddle bags and moved the flap aside to enter. As soon as she was inside she felt a bit safer. She began to roll out her sleep bag when a tap-tap-tapping noise issued from behind her.


    "Eek!" She squeaked in fright but then let her breath out in a sigh. "Oh Angel bunny, thank goodness it's only you!" The bunny's expression grew petulant and he laid back his ears in disgust. "Oh my, I'm so sorry!"


    The pegasus turned to her bags and rummaged about until a bowl and a carrot were produced. "Here I am only thinking of myself when a poor animal is hungry for his dinner..." She set the bowl down and Angel sniffed the carrot with disgust. "Can you ever forgive me ?" He took the smallest nibbled and then thought things over. "Please Angel," She begged him. The bunny relented and gave her a small smile before turning to devour his carrot.


    "This is all so stressful," She fretted as she readied everything in her tent. "And I certainly hope friendly bear, and raccoon, and all the others will be ok without me tonight." She stopped and shook her head. "Oh no, we can't go that way! We have to be strong!" She nodded. "All those poor missing animals need my help!" 


    The short pep talk got her courage, what little there was of it, back in place. Flutterbutt trotted out of the tent to see what the others were up to. From what she gathered everypony had picked spots and were getting out food and drink. She reached back inside to her saddle bag and brought out her evening serving of apple oat clusters.


    "The fire looks nice," She spoke quietly, trying to keep her mind on safe and happy thoughts. The mare moved closer to the small blaze as she noted the Captain trying to tempt Ali with what looked and smelled like something Flutters would never want to sip. She'd never liked strong drinks, they didn't sit well with her. She moved over to where Abby had set up her sleeping arrangements.


    "Oh my, you certainly are brave Applebloom. Sleeping outside in these woods." She glanced around. "I-if you get scared Angel and I can always make room for one more." She glanced at all the nice apple foods the filly had brought along. "Those apple bars look delicious," She showed Abby what she'd brought. "I packed plenty of apple oat clusters if you'd like to share?" Flutters figured if she kept herself occupied she'd be able to keep from getting too scared.

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    "Yak not late to class!" The halls of Friendship shuddered under the hooves of a very enthusiastic yak. 


    Yona continued her stampede, racing towards what had once been the lecture hall of Starlight Glimmer. Papers swirled to the ground and stray pencils scattered as students jumped to the sides of the hallway so as not to get caught in the mad rush. 


    "Yona here!" She shouted breathlessly while slamming back the door on its hinges. Yona trotted into the lecture hall, her head turned this way and that, a stray note paper impaled on her curving horn. "Hmmmm, guess I'm early." There were a few other creatures in the room, but it was in no way packed.


    She'd been in the room before and after a moment began to notice the subtle changes to decor. New color to the walls, a couple interesting new posters up front. There were lots of seats to choose from so she sat herself down in the front row and started to rummage around in her school bag. Eventually she was able to produce a folded and crumpled sheet of parchment that had her schedule inscribed on it. She held the parchment close to her face and squinted her eyes.


    "Professor Shimmer?" An eyebrow raised inquisitively. She didn't think she'd met this professor before.

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  5. Hi :D Welcome to Canterlot! I certainly hope you enjoy your stay here!


    I'll be happy to assist you with application approval once you've got your character sheet up. If you need help with anything on our site please let myself or any other mod here know ;) 


    I'm looking forward to seeing you around the site!

  6. Lamp's chest swelled a bit as Hawthorn praised his outdoor dining facility. It certainly was a wonderful place to take a meal or relax over a cider with friends. Speaking of which...


    "Ah well thank you friend! It was put together with the minds of myself and my late business partner," As he spoke he trotted into the kitchen area and returned a few moments later with two flagons of cider. It was a sweet blend from last fall, not overly high on the alcohol content. Generally a perfect drink to enjoy over conversation. He sat down with a flagon for himself and pushed the other across the table to Hawthorn. "The whole inn was actually. Took a fair few seasons to get the original structure built. After that we added on bit by bit until," He waved a hoof over the general area. "We finished with what you see today." The stallion took a sip of his drink. "Oh! An' by 'late' I mean no longer a business partner. An amiable transaction made me sole owner of the Honest Hearth an' he works in Canterlot now."


    As Hawthorn asked, fair begged, for a chance to use the kitchens and dining area tomorrow Lamp chuckled lightly. "You're in luck there's nothing booked out here for at least another week." He chuckled lightly. "So yes, tomorrow afternoon will be fine." 


    Lamp took a gulp of his cider. "Ah! Sweet Apple Acres at its finest!" He savored the sweet front and slightly earthy back to the dark amber liquid. 


    "Was going to ask how many guests but perhaps I've got an answer for that one." He took another sip. "I have a friend or two that wouldn't mind the chance of good food and good company."

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    AJ gave her traditional amiable grin as Flaire introduced himself. He seemed a nice enough pony and well, friends of Spike were certainly always welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! "Well, if you've come to Ponyville there's always a chance of meeting Twilight's friends! We all call this town our home after all! Though I'm pretty sure ol' Rarity would jump at the chance of her own apartment in Canterlot or even Manehatten." He thoughts meandered on the the lovely unicorn mare for a few moments before she responded to Flaire's requests.


    "Well we don't usually do sales this time o' day," She cocked her head, giving Spike a half grin. "Buuuuut, any friend o' Spike 'er's a friend of the Apples!" She nodded towards some neatly loaded burlap sacks of apples leaning at the edge of the farm house. "We've got apples by the bushel if that suits you? Not sure how many yer looking for. I can rearrange a bag or two for you if you want a mix? We've got some really great braeburns in right now 10 bits a bushel. Some honey crisps for 15 a bushel, and I think a couple bags of golden delicious fer I think they're...12 a bushel. You'll see the type on the bags."


    Spike looked longingly towards the pies on the sill. "What about pie Applejack?" He changed the farm mare's thinking from rattling off apples and prices. 


    "Oh uh yeah..." She raised her brows. "Granny Smith jus' made those. You two feel free to pop yer heads into the kitchen an' ask her if she's willin' to sell." 


    "Ok! Thanks AJ!" He tapped his claw to his temple, thinking. "Oh! Grease?"


    AJ gave him a quizzical look. "Grease?"


    "Yeah! Grease for the traveling cart. I think that was on Flaire's list, right?" He looked to the stallion.

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  8. Lamp Light listened as the stallion introduced himself and eventually got to the point of his visit; asking if Lamp would consider letting a room other than a bedroom to guests. He smiled as Hawthorn spoke of food and fun being good for business.


    "Can't say I've done in often," He tapped his muzzle with a front hoof in contemplation. "But I have rented out my dining area to guests a time or two. Small parties for family reunions are what I've had experience with." He glanced towards the area used for dining at the Inn. "Most guests like the outdoor appeal of the kitchen and dining area." He pushed from his leaning position to one of all fours, motioning towards the door.


    "Would you like to come take a look?" 


    The keeper trotted ahead of Hawthorn and held the door for him. Surprisingly enough it lead to covered veranda from which paths went out in various directions towards the suites. "It's just there," He pointed towards an area with a few smaller tables and one long board table. "The kitchens open to the outdoors, unless of course the weather isn't clement. There's the grill and bar-b-que." He pointed out some of the accoutrements of what was certainly a charming and quaint dining arrangement. "Guests often enjoy taking breakfast or lunch out here and sometimes we do evening carrot grills." 


    He took a seat at one of the wooden outdoor dining chairs. "So, what do you think? Will this suit your party needs? Oh," He cocked his head in a questioning fashion. "When would you be needing to book for?"

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    "Yeah ummmm, I'll take a hot green tea. Lots of honey with that please." Rainbow ordered after Valen and then settled back into her seat. "Feels much better in here than outside!" She cocked her head, listening to the chattering drone of the cafe. It was certainly busy!


    "Sorry I couldn't have you come in," She referred to her house. "I-it's just a huge mess right now..." She tried to pass off the excuse and it fell a bit short. In truth she hardly knew what was going on in there right now as far as messy or clean. The pegasus and her turtle Tank spent nearly all their time with AJ and Zappers in the farmhouse now. Thought a cramped cafe was a bit uncomfortable, it was better than explaining a horrible mess to Valen. Not to mention a rather large collection of stallion's clothing that may or may not be stored away...


    Valen leaned in to talk and Rainbow complied, leaning on her front hooves across the small table between them. Private things? Rainbow's ear twitched. She had suspected the direction Valen's visit might take and he was quickly confirming it. He certainly knew her well enough, even playing on her obviously amazing strength. Before she could think any more on the compliment he was off in the direction of a story she had picked up on from the Crusaders.


    Rainbow had been upstairs in her and AJ's room when the CMC had entered into the den area of the farmhouse. She could hear them whispering and giggling. Not that she was listening in exactly but it was hard not to pick up on the mention of Valen in various states of submission to Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara that made Rainbow's ears turn pink! 


    "Yeah... uh, I meant to ask you at some point...about ummm, that." She cut in, wondering what in Equestria had really happened. She'd tried to get some info from AJ on the matter but her mare had steered off the topic faster than rainbow could make a hairpin turn on the wing!


    Then he brought up Gilded Lilly and last but not least, her little...well it had become more than a little, obsession. She still felt awkward about it and hadn't even talked to AJ about it. Of course her mare had been there for that event but she'd been kind enough not to mention it...at least not yet. Rainbow gulped. What was Valen getting at? She wasn't ready to come to terms with her thoughts on her own identity. In fact she tried to stay clear of those thoughts as often as she could. It made her well, uncomfortable. 


    The pegasus tried to steer things back to Valen's identity as quickly as she could. "Yeah, I remember Gilded Lilly," It felt weird saying it like that as she was one and the same as Valen. "What about it?" She made the quandary as quickly as possible. Rainbow suddenly found herself wishing she'd just stayed out in the storm with the weather crew.  

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    Braeburn removed his hat and smoothed back his mane as Rarity asked him how he was and if he'd been seeing anypony. He was pleased as a bee on a cactus flower to get a chance to speak with the friendly unicorn. She seemed so much in the know, she had tons of class, yessiree she was the whole wagon hitch and cart! The cowpony had always been happy to have made acquaintances with Applejack's good friend and he hoped that maybe she and him could be good friends as well. 


    "Well now Rarity, I won't lie to yah. This last season was a little on the rough side for me as far as the harvest was concerned. Not so many apple as I would have liked. Probably on account o' that dry season we had..." He smiled. "But I'm sure the next season'll be better, plus with the rodeo in town business is gonna be on the up!" He may have been a western pony to the core but that didn't mean he had no head for business. He rather enjoyed running the apple ranch his parents had left to him and the stallion found himself working in the fields almost as often as he worked on balancing the books. 


    He couldn't help the hint of the blush that came onto his cheeks at the mention of him finding a fine stallion of his own. "Can't lie to ya there either." A happy smile came over his muzzle. "I have been seeing somepony for a bit now. He's away on business right now but I'm sure he'd like to meet you at some point down the road." Before he could go further on the topic AJ came trotting up. Brae tried to squeeze in a word before his cousin was in ear shot. "I'd like to talk to ya about ol' AJ if we get the chance..."


    The chance came soon enough. AJ made some odd conversation and then Rarity took his offer of checking out the available food vendors. 


    "Well now where'd those two little un's get off to?" AJ asked, just not quite settled enough to be able to enjoy eating at the moment. "I'm sure they'd jump at the chance for some grub. It's past dinner time by now." The farm mare smiled awkwardly at her cousin and Rarity. "You two go ahead, I'll go wrangle them up!" With that AJ trotted off again, a puff of dust rising in her wake.


    "Whew!" Brae let out a breath as his cousin went off in search of Abby and Strongheart. He moved towards the food vendors, the smell of grilling corn on the cob filling his nostrils. "Walk with me if you would Rarity?" He sauntered at an even pace, checking out the food selections as he talked. "So uh, my cousin seems a bit edgy huh? What do yah think is goin' on with her? Seems to be more than the regular rodeo jitters."

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  11. Lamp Light closed the registration book on the well oiled welcome and guest services counter of the Honest Hearth Inn. The stallion waved goodbye as the couple he had just checked out of their room exited the front doors.


    "Goodbye and thank you both! Be sure to stop by the Honest Hearth again soon!" Lamp sighed and moved the large tome over to the side of the counter. He pulled out a small cloth and wiped down the counter, straightening the ledger quills in their holding container, and stoking the small fire that flickered cheerily in the iron and white oak wrought fire place. The fireplace was the namesake of the whole establishment, with its mantle full of memory pictures framed above it.


    He looked over his work with satisfaction. "Everything's just so. Ready for our next guest." He spoke to no pony in particular. Sometimes he did that. Spoke to the inn at large. He hoped nopony heard him doing so as they might think it odd, but he had such an enduring affection for his establishment. He was so proud of all the work he'd put into the inn, and he was so happy it felt like home to so many visitors.


    The unicorn stepped out from behind the counter, intent on checking to see if any of his other guests had put service cards out on their doors when a tapping came from the front doors. He looked over at them. Heavy oaken things, polished to a sheen with thick crystal inlaid in them. There was a pony out there for. Had he accidentally locked the doors somehow? Before he go further in his thinking the pony pushed his way in. Lamp felt a small wash a relief. He'd never want a pony to think they weren't welcome to enter.


    "Hello there!" Lamp responded happily, trotting up to the stallion. "Yes, he is. I-i mean I is..." He took a breath. Sometimes he got a bit flustered. "I'm the owner." A small chuckle escaped him. "An odd suggestion? Yes, yes of course! Please," He motioned the stallion to enter the reception area. Lamp leaned on the reception counter. "I'm Lamp Light by the way." He smiled in a friendly way. "You are?"

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    NameGranny Smith


    AgeAged Mare

    SpeciesEarth Pony

    Eye colorGradient of amber

    CoatOlive Green

    Mane/TailBoth mane and tail are kept done up in buns that she rarely lets down. Her mane and tail used to be a deep golden color but they have gone grey to white with age. 


    PhysiqueShe's well, she's old! Wrinkled and saggy all over. She's kept herself in decent shape for her age, neither being skinny nor over weight.


    Residence: She has a cozy room of her own in the farm cottage of Sweet Apple Acres. The farm cottage is her permanent residence along with her two grand daughters and her grandson. 


    OccupationMatriarch of the Apple family.


    Cutie MarkA lattice crusted apple pie in a pan.


    History Why don't you take a seat young'in, an' I'll tell you a tale about the founding of Ponyville...


    Granny Smith came to the area now called Ponyville back before there was any town to speak of. They were pioneer ponies and looking for just the sort of setting they found in the valley and fields of the Ponyville's berth. The family settled and life was quite tough for the first few seasons. They were able to build a ramshackle dwelling and start up a farm. A few other settlers moved in around the same time. 


    The pony pioneers were waiting for their crops to ripen for harvest and the waiting was looong due on account o' there wasn't much to be had as far as eating. Granny decided to venture out into the Everfree in search of sustenance for herself and her family. Through a rather frightening turn of events she happened upon the ripening of the Zap Apple! She brought the delicious fruit home and soon after the production of Zap Apple jam began! There's a right particular way to boil n' bottle the sweet treat. It may even make a pony look darn foolish but don't you be mistaken! It's all an important part oft the process of a perfect finished product!


    As the years went by the Apple family grew and Granny was there to see to the needs of them. There were plenty of good times and plenty of hard times too. Granny's heart swelled and broke more times than she could count, but such is life. Recently she was able to reconnect with the patriarch of the Pear family after a very long separation due to disagreements between Bright Mac and Pear Butter. The shattered past was finally made right but Granny still wishes Mac and Pear hadn't had to leave so soon. 


    These days she's content to live life on Sweet Apple Acres with her grandchildren. She gets up to mischief now and again and she also still works on the farm. Most of the work is in the kitchen, except for Zap Apple season! That's one thing that really gets Granny going!


    Character PersonalityGranny is typically an ornery ol' mare. She can be cranky, especially when she's sleepy. She also has a big heart and enjoys very much the company of close friends and family. She's still quick witted and can crack a joke or a smart mouthed comment when the mood takes her. She's fiercely loyal and proud of the Apple family. She's the matriarch and in charge of keeping the history and traditions of her family alive.


    Character SummaryThough she may come off as brusque and even rude, this granny has a heart of gold! You can count on her for a wry comment and a bit of sass and also for a wise confidant and fiercely loyal friend. 



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    Eye ColorA gradient of cornflower blue

    CoatHis coat is a soft apricot orange with cream colored stockings and a wide blaze. He tries to keep himself presentable but personal grooming habits are not his specialty.

    Mane/TailHis mane and tail are both pumpkin orange intersected with an even deeper shade of the same coloration. 


    Oh Sunburst, just not the one for personal grooming. He may be gifted in some areas but combing his mane and tail are not on of them. Mane and tail are both poorly cut, making one wonder if he indeed did cut it himself. His mane is cropped short on his neck and gets longer as it travels towards his poll. His mane sweeps into his forelocks and drapes downwards, covering part of his face with its scraggly ends. His tail is cropped just about hock height, thought it's cut a bit jagged. Let's not forget his beard. It's the same color as his mane and tail and not nearly as neatly groomed as a beard should be. He does however, take care to wash his beard often. Hygiene of facial hair is crucial after all!


    PhysiqueSunny is built on the stocky side. He's not in any way fat, his just hefty. 


    ResidenceA bit more than modest dwelling in the Crystal Empire's Residential District. From here he is able to go to the Arts district to procure the magic books he requires.


    OccupationA magic scholar of the highest order. Sunny has spent most of his life studying the fine arts and secrets of magic. He is also the proud Crystaller of Princess Flurry Heart.


    Cutie Markimage.jpeg


    Sunburst's cutie mark is a mix of his passions in life. Magic, knowledge, and friendship. A deep orange sun with blue friendship magic sparkles around it, and rays of illumination bursting forward towards his gaskins. 


    Unique Traits:  He has the honor is being the Crystaller for the Princess Flurry Heart after his heroic deeds in the time of Flurry Heart's Crystalling celebration. 


    As far as attire this unicorn keeps a pair of round silver rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of his nose almost all the time. They are bifocals as he's near and far sighted. He is also rarely seen without his trademark cape. It is clasped at the bottom of his neck with a quartz gem broach. A high collar protrudes from the garment the length of his neck. The rest of the fabric drapes down over his body reaching almost to his hooves in the back. The cape is deep turquoise in color, trimmed in bright turquoise, and studded with embroidered turquoise stars of varying sizes.


    History:  Sunburst grew up with loving parents in the nice home in the residential district. He was not the most outgoing of foals and his mother Stellar Flare often had to encourage him to meet other ponies. He was happiest on his own doing what he loved most in the world, studying. As soon as he was able to read the young one had devoured book after book. His favorite being books on the conjuring and use of magic. He'd often try to produce the magic the books told him of but to no great avail.


    For his first few years Sunny was mostly on his own until he met the one pony he felt comfortable with, Starlight Glimmer. As little ones they played for hours in Starlight's home. They made up stories and jokes, constructed forts out of couch cushions, and played all sorts of games. It was on a day that they were playing a stacking game with books that Sunburst's life changed! Starlight had been trying to move the book stack and it started to fall! The books were heavy and Sunny knew she'd get hurt! He remembered a spell he'd learned from one of his books and without thinking *zap* he cat it! The books levitated and fell to the side, saving his friend! Starlight was going to congratulate him for the spell and thank him for saving her but then everything happened in a rush! 


    His cutie mark appeared! A mix of everything he'd always been passionate about. Magic sparkles, showing his love for magic and also for having deep and lasting friendships. The sun, burning brightly with intent to share. Rays of illumination of learning and knowledge bursting from the sun forward, directing him to share his knowledge and passion for deep friendships with others! His parents saw his mark and were so proud he was rushed off to celebrate. Soon he was enrolled in the school for gifted unicorns and was left wondering what had become of his long lost best friend.


    Sunny was as studious as a student could get! He mastered all the classes requiring any sort of learning but, when it came to classes on casting? Forget it! He had no talent for casting any sort of spells. He graduated with a prodigious degree in magical learning but no abilities to cat spells of his own. From there the stallion made his way the the Crystal Empire to further his learning. He spent year after year in the sparkling city, learning more and more but found himself always wanting. Wanting what he had had and lost with Starlight. A true friend.


    This want was reconciled when Starlight and her friends came to the Crystal Empire for Fully Heart's Crystalling. The Crystal Heart is shattered and without Sunbursts knowledge disaster would have befallen the empire. Things were righted in the end and the heart restored thanks in part to Sunbursts knowledge. He was then able to visit his friend Starlight in Ponyville, learning of her new life. Though they didn't hit it off right away, Sunbursts enduring love of friendship saw them through in the end. 


    From there on out Sunburst has been involved in some pretty tremendous turns of events in Ponyville. He used Star Swirl the Bearded's lost journal to free the pillars and save Equestria from the Pony of Shadows. He was also called by the Cutie Map to go on a rather uncomfortable adventure to help his parents with the help of Starlight Glimmer.


    These days Sunburst is able to travel to the places he loves most and spend time with a variety of close friends. He still frequents the Crystal Empire and can often be seen in local coffee and doughnut shoppes in the Empire or more often than not in Ponyville. His most recent endeavor is to become a part time professor at Twilight's School of Friendship. Only time will tell if he will be offered the roll...


    Character PersonalitySunny cane seem overwhelmed at times because he is overwhelmed at times. At lots of times. He gets frazzled easily and looses his train of thought frequently. He also worries about things that probably don't need to be worried about. However, there's more to this stallion than meets the eye. Sunburst is a passionate fellow. He loves knowledge, especially of magic and magical arts. He loves to be able to be there for others, especially his friends, when he's needed. Nothing gives him more satisfaction that figuring out a difficult situation for a friend. Friendship means the world to him. He's loyal to a fault and only wants to make sure he's done the best by his friends. 


    Character SummaryA kind hearted yet frazzled stallion, Sunny has a big heart and a vast understanding of magic. Though he may not be able to cast most spells, he's there when he's needed and can figure out almost any problem!


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    Spike nodded at his response on the number of guests. "Yeah, that will work. The Honest Hearth is a good place to stay. Comfortable and not too pricey. I haven't stayed there myself but the owner and manager is a good guy. I met Lamp Lighter in our cafe a while back. Had a root beer with him a couple times after that. Yep, Honest Hearth's the place!" He spoke casually of his acquaintance as the two walked towards the farmhouse of Sweet Apple Acres.


    The dragon loved coming to the farm this time of day. It smelled good, like sweet hay and tilled earth. He sniffed. "Speaking of apple pie," He rubbed his tummy. "Smells like Granny Smith's been baking!" 


    As the two came closer two pies cooling on the windowsill of the kitchen could be seen. Spike waved and began to trot forward. "Applejack! Hey Applejack!"


    The hailed farm mare turned from where she had been finishing a last minute mending of flower box that sat just outside the farm house. One of the top boards had come loose and she's just got it back into shape. Applejack smiled as she saw the dragon approaching and cocked her head as she took in the pony he'd brought along with him. 


    "Hey there Spike! What brings you out 'er this time o' the evenin'?" She waved a hoof in greeting. "An' who'd yah bring with yah?" She nodded to Flaire. "Howdy! Name's Applejack!"


    "We were wondering if you'd be willing to sell a couple items? And maybe a couple pies?" Spike grinned up at her.


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    "Well Applebloom," She gulped. "I'm not at all sure what's been happening with the animals. I've asked about but nobeast seems to know, not even the birds! I'm worried it might be some sort of..." She paused, not wanting to frighten Abby. Of course the things she said were quite unlikely to scare the farmfilly but Flutters was always the soft spoken and gentle pony. "Well some sort of not so nice creature taking them from their homes." She had wanted to say 'monster' and 'doing terrible things to those poor little creatures', but she just didn't even want to utter it!


    Fluttershy turned from the corgi to regard the red pelted mare. He smile broadened a bit as she stood and trotted towards Firewalker, Gumby trailing at her hind hooves.


    "Oh! Captain Firewalker! I'm so relieved to know you'll be coming with us!" She looked nervously over her shoulder as Ali readied herself to be on her way. "I-it's just the Everfree can be dangerous and with eep!...Sombra... here and Applebloom being just a filly," She checked to make sure neither Sombra or Abby had heard her. "You'll keep us safe. I'm sure." She relaxed just a little and knelt down to ruffle Gumby's fur.


    The pegasus giggled. "Of course I remember you Gumby! It just took me a moment because you've grown so big I didn't recognize you, sweet puppy!"


    A moment later Ali announced they were going in, Firewalker faced off with Sombra, and Abby began to trot right out into the forest on her own!


    "Oh dear..." She shrunk away from Sombra, confused as to why nopony seemed to pay him much heed. The more she looked at him though, the more she had to admit he didn't quite look like the horrible monster that he had in the past. There was something different about him but she just couldn't put her hoof on. 


    Fluttershy back stepped from the confrontation between the Captain and the former King, knowing Firewalker could handle herself. This was shaping up to be an odd trip. Abby had decided to go out from which made her stomach knot with tension. 


    "Eeep!" She squeaked in fright as she made herself enter the forest. Angel bunny poked out of her saddle bag, scowling at her obvious timidness. Fluttershy sucked in a breath, willing herself to stay calm. She would do this! For the animals!

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