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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. image.png


    The Element of Honesty tried her darndest not to take what her mare was saying seriously. Dusty old relic? Hadn't Rarity herself given Applejack that broach? If there was something wrong with it that was because of Rarity's tastes not her own. She had loved it because of what it meant. It was a symbol of Rarity's love for her. But no! She wouldn't let this really affect her. She couldn't. That was the plan. She knew she'd have trouble with it though, no matter if she knew there was a plan or not. 


    It would have been easier if AJ wasn't a pony that wore her emotions on her sleeve, but she was. Hurt and frustration flashed through her eyes for a brief moment before she regained herself a little. 


    "Well, it's not my fault if it's out of style!" She spoke loud enough for a few around to hear them. "You picked it out for me...unless you forgot?" She smirked. "You said it was a symbol of yer feelings for me." She huffed the words as a few more heads turned. 


    "I'm gonna go get a drink," She trotted off, leaving Rarity to her own devices for the moment. She kept one eye on her though, as they were here to trap what could be possibly dangerous. 


    Gridlock had been in the ballroom for a while. He continued to lean at the bar, sipping a whiskey and surveying the scene from under hooded eyes. The trap had been set, the bait was ready, now where was the fishie?


    A pair of eyes glittered in the shadows, watching the sparkle of a certain purple gem...

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  2. image.jpeg


    Diamond giggled, a bit uncomfortable with how seriously her parents had taken her! She was still getting used to this new found respect and voice in the family and would have to learn to be careful with how she used it! Her mind worked furiously as her mother asked if she had other ideas. 


    Then Filthy spoke his piece and Diamond couldn't help but nod along. It was solid, all of it! And true, a big scheme could easily backfire as both her parents had noted. 


    "And Mayor Mare has promised to endorse you mother?" She glanced at both parents. It was nice to have that thought but would she actually say it when things got heated up? 


    She took in a breath. "All I know is we shouldn't take Copper too lightly. He's new around here but I know plenty of ponies who like new things...new shiny things which copper can be."


    She thought again. "What can be asked of him during debates that would make him less...well, shiny?"

  3. image.jpeg


    "Darling! Tonight is going to be absolutely fabulous!" Rarity gasped in a sing songy tone. 


    "I wholeheartedly agree!" Twilight couldn't help the grin that was spreading over her muzzle. 


    "I'm so glad we decided on these partnerships for our shenanigans," Rarity smirked as she used the very Applejacky word. "I hardly ever get to spend time with you as of late!"


    "I know! We've both been so busy and time just seems to fly. I can't believe the big day is so close..." She fluttered her lashes. "The wedding is going to be just lovely!"


    "Speaking of lovely," Twilight glanced around Carousal Boutique and nodded in approval. "I'd say we did a pretty great job with this!" 


    "Yes, and we'd best come here before we go out on the town for the evening. I'd like Applejack to appreciate our hard work in a sober state." The two had spend loads of time decorating for the last big party of AJ's single days. "You think she'll like it?"


    "Yes, I think she will!" Twilight added a couple apples to the bobbing tank. 


    They'd stop by to see it before the took AJ out for some strong cider. Then it would be back to the boutique for party games and who knew what else! They had kept the whole event in Ponyville as the friends knew how much AJ would appreciate some down home fun!


    "Let's go get our friend!" Rarity trotted out the door and towards Sweet Apple Acres. Both wore sashes that said 'friend of the bride' and Twilight carried one for Applejack that said 'soon to be hitched!"



    The sun was sinking when they got to the farm house. Rarity tapped on the door and called out.


    "Oh Applejack darling? You party has arrived!"


    Twilight giggled. This was going to be fun!

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  4. glitter banner.png


    Glitter leaned heavily onto Fizzy's neck as the other mare helped her up. He legs felt shaky and she was glad that she had requested the assistance. As they took the first few step she got light headed and leaned most of her weight onto the strong frame of the mare beside her. She glanced over, noting the smoke issuing from nostrils and muzzle. It comforted her somehow, seeing Fizzy ease herself with a vice. 


    Then came the request. It hit her in the gut, deep and raw. Until she called it to mind Glitter hadn't even realized she had been calling her Fizzy. She felt bad, like she didn't care. She hadn't thought that perhaps that part of the past should just stay where it belonged...forgotten in the past. Thought it wasn't forgotten. None of it was. She relived the whole scene on an almost daily if not twice or more daily clock. The path, her friends, the ball, the whole thing. It played on repeat. Far from forgotten. She swallowed and continued towards the cave mouth.


    A nod.


    "Ah," She spoke softly. "Yeah, I can do that." She looked away, towards the storm. "Temy." It felt weird but it also felt, well, almost like a name shared between those with deep connections. A nick name that nopony else could get away with. Yet she could. Glitter could call her that. Yeah, it felt ok.


    They made their way outside and Glitter couldn't help her smile when Temy stated she wasn't looking. Again, she hadn't even thought about that. She'd somehow lost her modesty in all this mess. Temy had just helped her through a state of utter weakness. She could have easily slipped away if the unicorn hadn't been there. 


    The storm was cold. So cold she felt her bones take on a chill almost instantly. As soon as she was finished she took a step towards the cave. "Brr," The cold felt deeper with her injury. "Let's get back inside." Those oats were sounding really good now.


    Once she'd settled Glitter sighed as she glanced towards the storm once more. "Well, I guess we found the source of the problem," Focusing on work would settle her mind. "Not sure there's much we can do about it. We'll have to let the surrounding farmers know. At least livestock will be in the barn for the winter. Less chance of that ursa nabbing them." As she spoke she watched Tempest. She could feel what was happening. Her work had been the source of any semblance of stability she had and already she could feel that shifting to Tempest. It was silly of course. Once this was done, Tempest would be on her way.


    Her heart sank at the thought. She didn't want Tempest to go, ever. 

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  5. image.jpeg


    This fellow seemed... peculiar. She was used to that. She'd had encounters with Discord. Nothing really seemed that odd once you'd played a dream game with the God of Chaos for an eternity. Well, it had seemed an eternity since Discord had manipulated time. Anyway... she looked the stallion in front of her over with a raised brow. 


    The Dream Princess inclined her head as he greeted her. "Good afternoon." An important matter was it? "Well go on then," She spoke not unkindly. "What matter would you wish to address?"


    The more she observed him, the more he raised question in her mind. Something did not feel quite right. Luna hoped Twilight would appear soon. It was always nice to have another to confer with and Twilight was one of the soundest minds in Equestria. 

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  6. Image result for rainbow dash banner


    Professor Fast? Tcha! More like Professor Fastest...um, in Equestria... Rainbow was glad she hadn't tried to make that boast out loud. She nodded towards the box and smiled.


    "Ah! Now that's the good part! Glad you asked Moonlight!" She waited until the students had taken a seat next to their chosen partners. 


    "Now in this box we have some..." he pulled out a bunch of colored fabric strips. "Blindfolds!" 


    After the obligatory groans from her pupils she continued. "Now I know you've all played trust games before. And I know that trust is like one of the key aspects of loyalty. So, we're going to play a little game!" She grinned. "Of course there's prizes for the winners!"


    The students as a whole looked skeptical.  "All you have to do is finished and you win!" That lightened them up a bit! "Right! So, you have to choose one of the two of you to be blind folded. The other will lead the blind! There's a few obstacles out there for you of course. Let all go out into the hallway and from there we'll blindfold up!"


    She herded the class out the door. Once they were in the hallway she continued. "Ok everyone! Get those blindfolds on! I'll be checking to make sure you can't see through them!" Once that was done she announced the first goal. 


    "First part is simple. Lead your partner down the hall and into the cafeteria!" She smiled. "Oh! And don't let them touch the red x's!" Rainbow waved a hoof towards the hallway that was a veritable mine field of red x's taped to the floor! "If you touch a red x, you'll have the start this whole section again. If you skip a section, no prize at the end! It's not a race so it doesn't matter how long it takes you, but it's better to be fast of course! Let's go have some fun everyone! Ready, go!"

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  7. Fluttershy | CanonFanon Wiki | Fandom


    Fluttershy continued to work on Applebloom with Ali's assistance until the last drop of the antidote disappeared. After this she nodded and stood. She trotted over, gathered up the filly's bag and brought it back over. She pushed the bag under the filly's head at an angle as some rather disgusting foam began to rise and foam Abby's muzzle. 


    "Let's focus on what needs to be done right now," She spoke, not at Ali but encompassing the question she'd asked. "Now is not the time to focus on how this happened but on how we're going to get Abby through it." She'd taken on the tone that not many ponies chose the mess with. This was BossShy at her best!  


    "Ali, please stay right here and take this," She offered the smaller mare a bandanna from Abby's saddle bag. "As the foam comes out of her nose and nose please dab it with this. Also, it seems you've got the hang of making sure she doesn't choke, good!"


    She glanced around. "Firewalker?" She motioned for the red pegasus to come closer. "Do you see these?" She nodded at the brown pustules beginning to form on Abby's belly. "That's the basilisk venom. The antidote will purge it as foam from her mouth, and as pustules. They will need to be lanced once they become full." It was a gnarly job but it would have to be done. "We will need something sharp to lance with." She left it up to Firewalker to find a lancing item. 


    "Sombra. Please stand guard over this area. We don't need a basilisk or any other creature that could do harm around here right now. If something does show up, you can hold them off with your um, your dark magic." She narrowed her eyes towards the stallion, still not completely convinced of his motives but trusting him for the moment. 

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  8. 20200120_093406_50.png


    Glitter accepted the blankets and got herself and Koda comfortable. She was thinking that perhaps Blizzard would like to converse and share in the contents of her flask. As the faint snores issued form across the icy dwelling she shrugged to herself. 


    "Hmmm, well more for me I guess." She gave a half smile and removed the flask cork. Inside was some extremely strong and very dark apple whiskey. "Won't be needing the blankets to keep the chill off anymore," She mused to herself before taking a short swig.


    The mare shuddered as the fire laced liquid trailed down her throat. "A guy this cold probably wouldn't like this stuff anyway. Might melt him." More musing, more sips.


    She woke early as she always did and began packing up to head out. 


    "Well, thanks for the lodging Blizzard," She spoke while heading for the exit. She'd break her fast on the trail today.

  9. image.png


    Rainbow was terrible at remaining calm. The only thing she could think about was what it felt like to have a fractured wing. She's had one herself not that long go and in that case it had been AJ that had set the wing and saved her ability to fly...well at least her ability to fly like she did. Her heart was beating like a trip hammer and tear brimmed under her eyes. She had to be tough for their little guy but she was not good at controlling herself. Plus, it was obvious that AJ was mad at her. Of course she was. She had every right to be. 


    RD couldn't lie to AJ, that much she knew. She'd have to tell her mare how she'd been lapping up the praise of a certain flight master of the Wonderbolts instead of keeping track of Zappers as he tried his best at some speed flight. He'd crashed and burned and she could have stopped it all from happening. Too late now.


    "H-he was flying fast and then..." She spoke so Zap couldn't hear. "It's broken AJ. The wing's broken I saw it." She suddenly realized she should have taken him to the hospital, not here! "Oh Tartarus! I wasn't even thinking. I brought him here because you fixed my wing so I thought you'd fix..." She kept her voice low and away from their son, at least she had that much sense. 


    It was a huge mistake but too late now. "Should we take him to the hospital?" She once again was depending on AJ to make the right choices. RD was a failure again and she knew it. 

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  10. image.png


    Hmmm, well she hadn't actually said anything buuuut that was ok right? He was sure he was impressing her! Being reckless and carefree! Mares liked that right? 


    "Ok great!" As he finished the rune and dropped the chalk Sunburst noticed a small wind had picked up from somewhere. He glanced around. 


    "I closed the fireplace flue didn't I?" Yes, he'd done that already. There wasn't any breezes coming in from outside. "Uh," He glanced at the gorund, noticing the rune he'd drawn had begun to glow. "That's odd. usually words have to be spoken to enact a rune." He mused as he stared at the drawing on the ground. The wind had picked up and his forelocks swirled in front of him as he tried to figure out what to do next.


    "I-i didn't think it would be this easy," He tried to play off his nervousness. This had to come out well, he was trying to impress here. 


    "Well a bit of wind and a bit of glow," He smiled at Sunset as he stood in the middle of the rune. "Interesting but not that impressive," He raised a brow wondering if Sunset had any speculations to make. 


    The rune was in fact from the ancients of the perytons. Sunburst was unaware that a rather proud set of antlers had sprouted from behind his ears...

  11. bluebird banner.png


    Blue Bird smiled as she saw a young pegasus buck some clouds. Now that looked fun! But there was also a delicious smell wafting from down the road. It looked like the nice pegasus Finnie she had met was on her way towards the punch. 


    Yes it's time to buck some clouds

    And roll winter to the brink

    But before I get on with the work

    I better try that drink


    Oh winter's gonna get kicked

    And I'll give it my all

    Though this snow's real thick

    I can here the springtime's call!


    The bat pony swooped up and kicked a cloud near Wind Walker and...Rainbow Dash!


    For the moment the punch was forgotten though she was sure she'd get back over there! For now though, one of her idols was right there!


    She flew up and waved a hoof.


    "Hi Rainbow! I'm Blue Bird..." She gave a cloud behind her a hearty kick! "I'm uh, well a big fan!"


    She turned to Wind Walker. "Pretty cool to bust clouds with the one and only Rainbow Dash huh?" Funny enough Wind Walker didn't seem all that impressed with the cyan pegasus! 

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  12. Image result for luster dawn pony


    Hope Hollow looked, well it looked brilliant! She still couldn't get used to the fact that the color had been returned. She'd spent lots of her growing up in the grey and so to see the towns ponies all brightly colored and such still made her eyes pop! 


    They had decorated practically the whole town for the wedding! 


    "Wow! Everypony went all out! I mean it is the mayor's wedding after all!" She glanced about, speaking to Sunset without even knowing if the mare had come off of the train behind her. 


    Now that they were here it was time to get ready for the wedding. Luster had packed a gown for the occasion but she wasn't quite sure where to get ready. She blanched at the thought of going to her parent's house for some reason. It had been a while now and she knew they supported her. It was just, the time away had been nice. The fact that she' have to see them again and soon, made her stomach drop. She wasn't sure why but it felt like she'd turned a page in her book and coming back here was like restarting the story. 


    She glanced behind her noting the yellow and red unicorn was still in hearing range even with the sounds of the train settling. "Are you heading right to the wedding?" 

  13. image.jpeg


    Whoa there! It seemed like the gender change had brought about some personality changes as well! She was a bit blown back by Moon's initial response. But what had she really been expecting? Moon was right! The way things had happened had been nothing short of terrible and just look at how she had responded. Instead of getting even more frustrated or whatever Moonlight was owning her transformation! It was clear in her response that she had no regrets about what had happened...just how it had happened. 


    As they trotted on Rainbow became acutely aware that any semblance of student/teacher had been flipped on its head. Moonlight gave her pretty much the best and most forthright advice she ever could have asked for on the subject. Her questions at the end peeking her interest.


    "I just get this...um..." She blushed slightly. "I guess you could call it a 'rush' when I dress like a stallion. It makes me feel really good." She looked away. "It also makes me feel like I'm not being true to myself. But I think you're right. AJ wouldn't care and my parents," The thought of parents dropped her stomach. Not really what she wanted to be talking about. Yeah they were supportive and great and all. She just didn't like to think about anything related to the way she felt about cross dressing with her parents. "My parents would support me if I decided to open  mayonnaise and lemonade shop in Canterlot!" Two things RD was not fond of. 


    There was a certain suit in the closet at the farm house. Rainbow mentally decided she'd try that out for Applejack that night. What was the worst that could happen? She'd worn a suit to the Guard ball when she'd proposed, that one had been cut for a mare but still... maybe it would turn out to be fun!


    They made it to the pond and RD sighed. Things used to be so much simpler. She remembered sitting back on a float and sunning herself in the middle of the still waters. Not a care, not a worry. Lots of life had happened since those days. 


    "For what it's worth, if I haven't said it before," She looked at Moonlight. "I'm sorry about how this all happened. Glad you're totally down with the outcome, but how it all happened," She looked away. "Yeah, not cool."


    She felt weird. She felt like it was Moonlight who was the 'adult' here. Well, it was what it was. RD was ready to try for a friendship out of this. She had seen Moonlight in class the other day and couldn't help but ask...


    "Sooooo, you excited for school to start? I've been planning lots of awesome lessons for my classes! I have a first year period of Loyalty, I wonder if you'll be in there."


    She gave a little wink and tried to relax back into the Rainbow Dash she usually was. 

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  14. glitter banner.png


    "Good morning," She offered a small smile to the mare.


    Glitter winced as she settled herself into a comfortable sitting position, her wound throbbing. The mare shivered a little, noting the fire was burning low and that there was a blizzard front that was about to pound down on them. She could see the light from outside but it issued from around a rock ledge. No wonder the timber wolves liked to use this cave, it was actually quite cozy. Glitter snuggled down into her blanket as she watched Fizzy. She mare looked, well...worn? Were those tracks on her cheeks? Had she been crying? If she had been there was plenty of reason. What they had just lived through was not exactly a walk in the park. But Glitter somehow knew, she knew Tempest must be battling on the inside. 


    Glitter went through bouts of that herself. Inner turmoil. Struggle. Demons. She shook her head, she was not about to open that box right now. Her ears perked up at the mention of food. 


    "Yep! Cooked oats sounds really good!" Her stomach rumbled. When had she last eaten? 


    She touched her bandages and winced again. She couldn't feel anything beside throbbing underneath the wrappings. Would she be blind in that eye? She hoped not. Being blind in one eye was not opportune for those who lived the outdoor survival lifestyle. But if she was, she was. She'd never take back what she'd done out there. She knew she was throwing her life on the line with what she did. It was worth it. It was for Fizzy. Anything she could do to pay the mare back for past misfortune was worth it. 


    "Fizzy?" The word came out small. "Could you help me up? I need to use the little filly's room." She laughed lightly calling it that. "I'll stay right outside the mouth of the cave." She spoke the words without think, Tempest was her caretaker right now. 


    Koda trotted around them, small excited barks issuing from him. The dog was concerned for his master. "It's ok boy, it's ok." She used a quiet voice to soothe him. 


    "So, we'll get moving after the blizzard?" She questioned the unicorn, trying to start some sort of conversation. 

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  15. image.jpeg


    Luna sat upon the throne in Canterlot castle looking looking uninterested. The Princess of the Night had been called upon to take the day shift as her sister had been called to attend to business in the Crystal Empire for the day. 


    "It's fine," she rolled her eyes and tapped her hoof on the large silver throne that was adorned with her cutie mark. "I love working day and night." She stifled an ill tempered laugh and sighed. 


    It had been too long since she'd been needed for anything outside of guiding ponies through their dreams. Sure she should be grateful for a time of peace after the not so far gone invasion but Luna had an active mind. She was ready for anything...even if anything meant pretty much nothing as far as this day was concerned. She was looking forward to the later afternoon though. Twilight had promised to come by. The purple alicorn always had something going on and though she was way too much for Luna sometimes today the Night Princess felt their meeting could be useful.


    Her ears perked up as a guards pony entered. An audience was it? "Of course, of course, send them in!"  Well now... this should prove interesting...

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  16. blue_bird_30smaller.pngimage.png


    Ah Roam! What a wonderful place! All the sight, the sounds, the smells! The ancient town had just about everything a historian could love and love it Sunburst did!


    "The Colosseum, Saint Buckskin's Basilica, the Roaman Forum, the Pantheon!" Sunburst's mind swirled with the wonder of ancient logic, arts, and architecture.  He couldn't help the words that tumbled from his muzzle. It was exhilarating to think he'd soon be sharing all this wisdom with the students that had come along!


    The train was rumbling to a stop and before long ponies were tumbling out into the station. He tried to do his best to keep track of everypony but it wasn't not an easy task. Thankfully Applejack had gotten out in front and was cautioning the group to stay together. 


    "That's right you little ponies!" He nodded to AJ. "Listen to professor Applejack. We've got to uh-" Was that? It couldn't be! "A gladiator show!" Sunburst pointed to the advertisement that was plastered the the train station wall. "And it's happening while we're in town!" He tried to gather himself. Really Sunburst, you're acting like one of the students. He could hear a certain flame maned professor chiding him in his mind. She really had become influential on the arch chancellor. 


    "S-sorry miss Applejack." He trotted back over. "Lost track of myself for a second there! But isn't Roam just the most wonderful town?" He smiled expectantly at the professor of honesty.



    "Hi Fruit Juice, hi Midnight Glory!" Blue Bird smiled openly at the little ponies. She knew they would end up being friends. Of course they would, they were on an overnight field trip together after all! "Wow! Have you ever been on such a cool trip with school?" She stretched her wings as the train began to slow down. "And it looks like we're here already!" Bluey stood and got ready to pile off the train.


    "Stay together, don't stray. Get your luggage," Bluey nodded to Applejack "Got it!" She smiled at Fruit and Glory. "You guys ready to get our luggage?"


    The pegasus flew to where luggage was being unloaded from the train, waiting for her bag to appear. "So, you been at the school long? I haven't met either of you before. I'm pretty new to Friendship School myself."


    The fillies were a bit younger than her but that didn't mean they couldn't be friends!

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