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Everything posted by AshtonSSG

  1. I'm laughing too hard because I'm way to immature.
  2. To the dearest Sulvuss, we compliment you on your amazing feats of being amazing, your amazing post count, and your amazing art skills!
  3. I wear this hat with pride, for it is not a hat. I don't have a hat. I can afford a hat.
  4. Yes Darvy, I think I'm back for good. Like I said, I really enjoyed it here, so I had to come back.
  5. Well, alot of things happened while I was gone. I quit sports forever and decided to become a musician. XD So that's how I've been, how have yall been?
  6. Now that I think about it, I can only imagine how many updates MyLittlePonyTales gets about status updates.

  7. Howdy, Angie. XD Well, I'm returning for 3 reasons. 1. I love you guys so much. 2. We're all human. 3.I had a 3rd reason in mind. So yes, I'm making my way back into Canterlot, because I love it here. EDIT: I remember my 3rd reasons. Because Brian and BlindJester are convincing people. x3
  8. I get the feeling like I've been here before.
  9. Also, I'm allowing SilverSwirl to use Country Smash while i'm gone, but only on Canterlot. See Ya.
  10. Guys. I'm saddened to say I'm leaving Canterlot, but I thought I'd make one last post here. I love all of you, I was so glad I was here for the time I was here. If you want to keep in touch, Skype: ashton_gilbert Steam: AshtonSSG And you all know I love Country. So I'll leave with one last song. Goodbye, boys and girls. I'm going to miss you all so much. I wish you the best in life.
  11. I am also sad to say, but I'm also leaving the website. Guys, this was the first pony website I'd ever join. little did I know i'd meet so many of you I'd all come to grow and love. every single one of you have changed me or helped me somehow, whether it be a small smile, to helping me with one of my small town mental break outs. If you want to keep in touch, my skype is ashton_gilbert, and my steam is AshtonSSG Well, as you can tell, I love music, and country music at that. Today, Tonight, whatever it may be for you, I leave you with one last song.
  12. Well, If you must all know, I'm going to leave Canterlot. Why I'm leaving is because of recent events, yes, but some other things that I happen to find out that I'm going to keep to myself. Inb4 i've basically left already. I have no Idea the last time I posted, besides in the Last Post Wins forum, and when I do post it's only a few words. To all my friends, I wish you a goodbye. If you want to find me, skype me. it's on my profile. Today, Tonight, whatever it may be f...

    1. AshtonSSG


      *rest of post* it may be for you...I leave you all with one last song:

  13. The Amount of ponies online at this time, is far too low. :I
  14. AshtonSSG

    Ashton's Small Untalented Gallery

    this is where i'll upload images. but the'll suck. i promise.
  15. From the album: Ashton's Small Untalented Gallery

    The Finished Image of ROCKS! done by "Prince Bluelolz"
  16. AshtonSSG


    Dio knows how things go.
  17. AshtonSSG


    From the album: Ashton's Small Untalented Gallery

    A Sketch of NeonVictorian's OC "Artic Mint" and my OC "Country Smash" In there Magicka Robes. Why is it called Rocks though? Play Magicka with us and you'll find out!
  18. HEY PONIES I GOTTA ASK YOU A QUESTION. now that i've hopefully attracted your attention. Recently (actually since i started shipping ponies), it's come to my attention that i'm not sure what ship is more popular. Soarin' x Rainbow Dash, or Soarin' x Spit Fire? So, if you ship, who do you like more. (RB x SF is cool too. if that's what your into.)
  19. DON'T POST FOR A FEW DAYS. 60 NEW PAGES. :I I don't post enough.
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