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Status Updates posted by longplay

  1. hey everypony I was wondering are there any good mlp games on the net :3

  2. I loved yesterday's episode :D :3

  3. where must i go to get rp ready or start roleplaying

    1. SongHeart


      free for all section. or submit a character app

    2. tacobob


      YOU MUST GO TO THE HALL OF ROLEPLAYING..SEEK OUT THE WISE MARE..<ahem> sorry. Yeah, check out the free-for-all section. It's a great training ground for characters..Learn what to do..And what not to do...And when your ready and feel comfortable enough to do so, you then can make up an APP for the other RP sections.

  4. there made an intro-ductor-a-thingy

  5. hey guys new here found this place through a random search about moth ponies

    1. RainbowFoxxy


      Hey! I hope you are havign a good time here! Did you make in intro topic yet?

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