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Everything posted by Starfox64x

  1. *Reads first part, thinks of this* Yeah, i definitely plan on doing a story of some kind with that idea in mind... Essentially this guy (A) believes he is the light that is wiping out the darkness, but an enemy (B) tells him that HE (A) is the bad guy. (A) says he's only doing it because someone else © told him to, and B mentions that he could not see the other enemy because he was blinded by A's evil light. more or less...
  2. So, i was thinking of a story and an analogy came to mind that contradicts what most people see. i wanted to share it with you and see what everyone thinks... So they say that good is light, and evil is darkness, correct? it's kind of one of those tropes that everyone uses to describe them... Well, i disagree... See, i see the world as being covered in darkness... but darkness is good! the world is naturally good in it's full of genuinely good people... however... When a light begins to appear, a fire, and it starts to cover the world... illuminating the darkness with it's burning light. however, as the light grows stronger, it begins to cast shadows... People who refuse to succumb to the light. they stand tall and grow as the evil of the light grows stronger... Sure, the fire can destroy the shadows by destroying whatever gets in it's way... but the shadows continue to grow. The only way the light can get rid of the shadows is by destroying everything... leaving nothing for it to feed on, and leaving it to die... Now, they say that you can't see evil because it's hiding in the shadows... but have you ever tried looking at the sun? you can't tell what the evil is because it's so bright you can hardly look at it. and who's to say that there isn't more evil behind it... you'd never know by trying to look it... So yeah, that's my thought in a nutshell... i wish i had soem graphics to help show it off, but... yeah that's really all that's on my mind... i still can't think of a good analogy of how to get rid of the evil light... other than pour water on it or soemthing... but yeah, just a random thought i wanted to share =3 you thoughts?
  3. I dont think there was a single on there that i didn't know EXACTLY how annoying that was...
  4. Yeah, i think Derpy finally got out of their server room, looks good now.
  5. Well, When i made this username long long ago, I was in love with Star Fox 64, go figure, right? Well at the time i had the name SpidermanX or SpiderkidX or soemthing like that, X's on everything was cool back then. But i needed to get a new username for my email, so i tried Starfox64... Already taken. so i added the X, and Bam! 12 years later i'm still using the damn thing, hehe...
  6. Sure, sounds good! Did you want to do it in the PM or make a thread?
  7. I'd love to, but i can't seem to find it o-0 The search function isn't working, andi can't seem to find the Manehatten section in the forums... I'm not sure if i'm blind or if i'm missing something... Although i really prefer 1x1 RPs if at all possible... I have so many issues with RPs with multiple people in it, and i just get frustrated with them... if you'd like to do a 1x1 i'd be even more happy to join up with that! but i'll gladly give your "What, really, is fashion" RP a shot... as soon as i can find the darn thing...
  8. Hm, yeah, i usually have that issue with the frozen food aisle... ... I have way too much experience with that... I always worry about what the hay i just ate... Yep, i always hated that... but we studied that sort of thing in psychology... like if there's a cake with a sign that says 'take some' and no one wants to be the first up to get it.
  9. hehehe, always a fun day when that happens. Oh yeah, i hate that... it's always like a plastic bag being hit by the air from your fan or something stupid like that... do you wait around for the noise to stop? or do you immediately try to find out what it is?
  10. Anybody know what's going on with FIMfiction.net? They've been acting funny for a dew days now. i saw they were doing some updates a few days ago, but now they're just down entirely... anybody have any leads?
  11. Yeah, basically socially awkward penguin is the embodiment of myself...
  12. I feel like we should discuss something (besides ponies) That i believe we all know about and we all share... those little moments that everyone has experienced. Sure that description alone probably isn't much help but let me explain... When you're typing up something on the computer, and you begin to spell a particularly odd word, either a long word or a word with a strange spelling. you get to the last letter and press the space bar, and then you have that little moment of joy when you see that the little red line DOESN'T appear below the word you've written. That moment of fear when you're asked a question in a fast food restaurant and you dont know how to answer. When you drop something and you catch it before it hits the ground and you feel like a ninja. That moment of awkwardness when your friend doesn't text you back after a while and you start to reread your last message to see if it might've offended them somehow. That moment of awkwardness you feel when you're doing something silly at home and you realize your window/door is open. that moment when you feel awesome cause you did something very simple to someone who's never done it before or just doesn't have experience in it.. Things like that... you guys know what i'm talking about? do any of those moments relate toy you? you got any of those moments?
  13. I have a couple of points on this... 1: It's a pretty long way away, and although some radiation from that area might get to you, it probably won't be any worse than the radiation you're exposed to every day... i can't think of any specific examples, but there are things that give off radiation that you'd be surprised to know about... 2: Eh... What DOESN'T kill you? I hope this doesn't sound insensitive towards people who believe they're in danger, but come on... Read the news, It seems liek every day there's a new story about about X causes Y in [insert demographic here]. Just a few months ago my grandmother swore she would never buy me apple juice again because of some study that said it had carcinogens in it. she's been freaking out for years about me drinking diet sodas cause apparently that will kill you too. Chocolate is bad, sugar is bad, meat is bad, fruit it bad, vegetables are bad, EVERYTHING is bad for you in some way shape or form. Too much sun is bad, not enough sun is bad, Dehydration is bad, drinking too much water is bad. There is just sooo much that can kill you according to the media its crazy... I say don't worry too much about what may or may not kill you... If you spend every day worrying you'll never have enough time to live your life. dont fret about the radiation, at least not for your own health. On a side note though that i think should be noted, i feel horrible for what those in japan and what they have to deal with, and i wish with all my heart that i could do more to help them... They're the ones in true danger and i think we should all contribute in some way...
  14. Anything your boss would yell at you for having up on the computer... Or something you would hide if you heard your grandmother coming down the steps... That's how i see it... But i suppose it depends on who see it...
  15. I canter believe you'd suggest such a thing!
  16. Hm... I just realized i can like my own posts... mwaha... mwahaha... MWAHAHAHAHAHA! *clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick* EIGHTY BILLION LIKES! MWAHAHA!
  17. Oh, doh'... i see it now, hehe... Never really noticed that before... but now... LIKE ALL THE POSTS!
  18. So how does the 'likes' system work on profiles? It's not hooked to the same system as the 5 star rating on the other end of the page, is it? i havent noticed a 'like' button anywhere... so i'm just curious... Also, this happened Me: "Oh! I have 62 likes! Excellent =D That's so many! I must be loved and adored by all! Hm, i wonder how many likes other people have... *click random friend, Rosewind* ...190 likes? Whhhaaaaa? *clicks another, Tales* 269????
  19. Nice! where did you learn to vector? I could use a lesson...
  20. nobody else has a better imagination than i do? o-0
  21. okay, so this'll be up for a day before it should be deleted... but i need a ponified name of Sherlock Holmes, and i can't think of a good one... My first thought was Sherclop Holmes... but uh... considering what Clop means in pony lingo, i'm not sure if that's the best idea...
  22. 50! nice! although i completely forgot about the Hearts warming eve episode, so i lost like all of the historical ponies... and i missed a lot of ponyville and Canterlot ponies! I'm ashamed of myself...
  23. oh man... perfect... right here... NSFW Yeeeaaaahhh... Hm.. my word... is GUM! Haha, tricky...
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