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Everything posted by lordbrony

  1. NUUUU this means I have to go to other parts of the board and produce [takes off glasses] ACTUAL CONTENT YEARGGGGGGGGG
  2. anypony realize posts here dont add to your post count anymore
  3. Something just didn't feel right Telki was trying to put her head around it; here was a pony who was clearly determined to not let her pass and was armed even. Telki had disarmed and immobilized him/her, but somehow, it felt juuussssttt a bit too easy. Irregardless of whether the pony is a smuggler, bandit or just a simple explorer or geologist, she had somehow expected......more resistance and more struggling; definately more struggling. Now the pony seemed to be yelling something. Telki turned her ears, fully expecting to hear a "INTRUDER! GET IT BOYS" or a "Help! Some cave monster has got mmmmeeeeee!" but all she could catch were snitches of "lights and marshmallow and screeching and...peppers??" Telki brought the weapon close to her face and in the dull illumination of her horn's glow could just make out that it was some sort of spray bottle with a crudely drawn pepper on its label. Unfortunately to do that she had to take her eye off the ball for a moment, and thats when she heard an unholy screech and looked up too late to see something white hurling her way. The impact knocked Telki off her hooves and the breath out of her as the ball of white fury landed on top of her, causing her to drop the the spray bottle and for it to fire off as it hit the ground (OOC: I'll let Dav decide if he wants Milky to get sprayed). Telki's first instinct was to shove whoever it was off her, but wisely instead said in the most apologetic voice "Umm I'm really sorry about your friend back there, I mean no harm really!"
  4. this is the interwebs, people will download it by hook or by crook anyway :trollface:
  5. arggg its moving sooo faassssttt TPBM dosn't know what my avatar stands for or represents
  6. your big mac avatar is refreshing amongst the mares and fillies
  7. didnt play either TPBM completed either Half Life 1 or 2
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