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Everything posted by lordbrony

  1. dunno who is that so no TPBM prefers chicken from a joint that is not called KFC
  2. heck no, sneaking around for short periods of time is fun, doing it for an entire game is crazy talk! TPBM is awesome at party games
  3. like Simpsons and Family Guy already did with South Park coming dangerously close Personally if MLP is cancelled after season 3 it might be for the best, seeing the hue and cry that comes up regarding how "MLP is ruined and terribad" after each episode
  4. I just want to admire my domination of this here section for a while, is that too much to ask
  5. I'm gonna go with a "WTH is that?" so its a no TPBM prefers fresh fruit juice over fizzy juice drinks
  6. yuck no. Coke Zero makes me more thirsty after drinking it than before TPBM prefers pepsi over coke
  7. The odds had begun to weigh heavily on Telki's mind; wander further inward and increase her risk of getting lost, but it also increased her chances of finding something useful. She was about to give up and go back when she heard sounds of a scuffle ahead. "Were they friendly ponies who were lost in the storm like her? or were they bandits, using these caves for some nefarious deeds? Either way, Telki wanted to know: if they were friendly, some company wouldn't hurt. If they were bandits...well Telki could try to barter something out of it or in the worse case scenerio, fight her way out. Tiphoofing foward, she caught the silhouette of what seemed to be a pony standing in the middle of the path, holding a.....weapon???? Without hesitation, Telki sent 2 beams lancing out of her horn, one ripping the weapon out of the other pony's grasp and the other holding the pony immobilized in place. Telki noticed how strange it was, seeing that the other pony didnt put up much of a struggle. Advancing foward towards the pony with ears pricked, Telki wandered what other surprises were in store for her
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