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Hello Everypony


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About Myself: I love roleplaying, I live on the USA east coast so you know my time zone. Not usually on past 9am that zone and not usually on until 3-5pm that zone. And then I'm up all night with a nap here or there.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google search

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My ex and I are furries. He told me about bronies and when I asked what they were, he told me about the show. Interested, I watched and became hooked.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash
Hey everypony! I'm Firekitty91 but just Kitty or FK is fine. Sure, I may not have a MLP username but I am a huge lover of MLP (I just have so many OCs, I can't decide which one to be my main [psstt... I have eleven OCs]). Right now I'm having a roleplay craving for MLP FiM and so I google searched MLP FiM rp forum and found this site. I'm sure I'll meet lots of new friends here. Thanks for hearing me out! Hope you reply soon.



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Hey! And yes, I am a kitty as my fursona but I do have ponysonas, rest assured (those are my OCs I was talking about... XD).

And thanks for the welcome! Already making new friends and it's almost 7am. X_x Yay for staying up all night! *faints*

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WOW Lots of replies! And I love the welcome song SonicRainboom *has watched every single MLP episode but listened to it anyway*

Rosewind: Great to know there are other furries here! *hugs*

Armony: Nice play on Harmony there. :P And I hope to roleplay with you as well!

Amethyst: Yay! Somepony else new! *hugs*

Chapien: Thanks for the good morning but it's afternoon here. ^.^ And thanks for the welcome, hope to see you around as well!

Phew, did I get everyone? XD

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