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Adventure/Quest RP type thing

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So, I had an idea for a RP.

Basically, the wildlife and just nature in general in Equestria is beginning to decline (trees/plants are dying, animals are getting sick, crops are failing etc) and whatever characters join this RP have decided to do something about it by going to seek out something that can restore the wildlife to Equestria!

I have absolutely no idea what they're seeking yet, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I'm going to ask for about 2-3 more players, and I shall be playing my pegasus OC's, Insy and her younger sister Cosmic Ribbon (who isn't meant to be tagging along but does regardless.)

Anyone interested? ^.^

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"Flak Cannon, Equestria's dying, and we are asked to help it! Or we could walk out the door and join the war!" Goldenmane reported to her lieutenent, Flak Cannon.

"I told you, it's Desaria! And there's always a war to fight! If Equestria dies, then the wars wil stop! Count us in!" Flak Cannon replied, standing at attention.

Flak Cannon, Lieutenent General and unicorn and Goldenmane, First Seargent and pegasus reporting for duty!

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Sure, that's fine! I just need some ideas as to what they're seeking out. Some magical item with properties that can be activated by Celestia to bring life back to Equestria. I'm at a loss as to what though..

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