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Time in the Bazaar[open]

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OOC: Just want to say that....this is the first time I've made a forum RP. So..I hope I get it right so anyone that joins has fun.

Umm...I guess I'll give a bit description of the setting and a few rules

Setting: A Bazaar, or a market place or whatever you want to call it, though it can move into other parts of the city. The city itself is Stalliongrad, chilly, snowy...and well just darn cold, so wear a jacket.

Allowable races: Griffons, Ponies, The rare Diamond Dog perhaps.

I will also, if anyone is wanting to let a total of six people rp as one of the mane six, just need to pm me how you will be rping them and a reason why they so far from him. Of course you don't have to if you don't want to RP a mane six character and OC's are perfectly allowed.


IC: Despite the sun shining brightly in the sky, it did little to offer significant warmth. The cold northern winds blew midly, cutting to the bone with their icy chill. The streets of Stalliongrad were caked with snow, after a most recent snow fall. Clearing teams of ponies worked to clear the streets of snow and ice. Down the streets, into the market places hundreds of different stands and shops were open, each offering various goods and services to ponies and other visiting races.

One merchat in particular, a large stallion with a curved mustache, and speaking in a thick stalliongrad accent, did his best to call over buyers.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, come and gather around. For on this day, I have to show you a creature unlike anything you have everyseen." The merchant said as he moved himself to the side of his stand and gestured to a cloth covered box."

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Why did I ever agree to come here? Balance was wandering the streets of Stalliongrad, after leaving the house of one of his family members. He was staying with his family for the week, who were very insistant on him coming and staying. He didn't want to be locked up all day in a house, so he went to wander. He ended up at Stalliongrad's bazzar. He normaly paid no attention to salesponies, but he heard something about a creature. He walked up to the pony.

"So... Are we gonna' look at the creature, or stare at a blanket all day?" Balance asked the merchant, with a slight amount of sarcasm.

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(Ooc: Cool! Finally something I can come in from the beginning of! I'm new around here too, welcome to Canterlot Shadow:3 Is it cool if I play two characters..? If no, I'll just send Star's friend away ^^ Also, if you'd like, my character descriptions are RIGHT inside my profile. Lol, because my interests are my ponies, apparently. x3)


Star Storm: Holy Celestia, it's cold here! Now, where to nap a coat.. She thought to herself. Star was broke as usual, and this fine city's weather was just NOT her cup of tea. She was used to sunny Cloudsdale, NOT freeze-one's-flank-off Stalliongrad. She noticed a conveniently near by kiosk. She grabbed her friend. "Shadey! ...You see that stand with the fuzzy jackets?"

Shade: "The one right infront of us..? Yeah..?"

Star Storm: "Well, look at the owner! He's not even paying attention." He was chatting with a customer on the opposite side of the two young fillies.

Shade: "I guess.."

Star Storm: "I could totally just grab a couple for us.."

Shade: "Star.. Nyo.. That's really not necessary. My dad gave me money for the trip.. It's not like we're broke or whatever. I'll buy you a coat if you'd like."

Star Storm: "Radical! Thanks, Shadey.." Star looked around a little, unimpressed with her surroundings. "He'd BETTER at least give us some bits if he sends us HERE for a vacation.."

Shade: "He never picked the spot, he just won the concert tickets, remember? You should just feel lucky that he let you come with me. I guess he didn't want me to go on my own or whatever, but I thought he'd still be mad at you."

Star Storm "You're right, Scamp.. I'm sorry Shadey.." Shade buys the jackets, a rastifarian type hoodie for Star, and a smaller, emoish one for Shade. She quickly put her new jacket on, then perked up her an ear, overhearing somepony say something about "a creature unlike anything you have everyseen." "Shadey! Did year HEAR that?! Let's go!" She dragged the little unicorn over to watch. Somepony cleverly asked if we'd actually get to see this creature. "Yeah! Show us!" Her attention quickly shifted to the pony who'd just asked about it as well with a look of excitement on her face. "This is gonna be so radical!"

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Decanter hurried through the Bazaar of Stalliongrad in no particular direction. He knew that he needed something fast, yet he didn't have a clue of where he'd get a hold of it. As such he rushed from stall to stall quickly glancing through their wares before rushing onward, occasionally stopping at ask a hurried question that was always the same. "Does that contain platinum?" which was always met with a curt "No." The short orange earth pony got more than his fare share of odd looks thanks to the jeweller's loupe that still sat on his head pre-magnified for when he gazed at the items. Without platinum his experiment was bound to spoil, and he had anywhere between five minutes and five days to sort that out. The young alchemist was temporarily drawn away by a strong Stalliongrad drawl.

"For on this day, I have to show you a creature unlike anything you have everyseen."

His interest was suddenly piqued and he allowed himself a very short break to see what was under the cloth before he continued his mad dash. "Yes! Yes! Get on with it please! Some of us are very busy," he said quickly as he joined the small crowd and pushed to the front.

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OOC: Yes you can be two characters if you want :) and glad to see someponys have joined :) srry if I took a bit of time responding, my job has kept my busy but shouldn't be like that now :)

IC: The sales pony chuckled, "Calm down ponies. Calm down."

He grips the cloth with his hooves, "Now my friends. I give you for your viewing pleasure, a most rare and magical creature. The Kitsune!" With a whoosh the sales pony removed the cloth and revealed a cage, ice clinging to the iron bars. Inside the cage was a small yellow and white fox. The creature shivered and looked around with wide blue eyes. But the most fascinating fact of this creature was that it had six tails. Another smaller cage sat a few feet from the fox cage, and within was a small white glowing ball.

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Balance examined the creature with curiosity. He was too busy with the fox to notice the glowing white ball. "Well..." Balance wasn't certain how to respond. "It's... cute! I mean, it's cool that it has more tails than normal, but what makes it so rare and magical?" It sure doesn't look magical.

It does appear rare, but you're right, there has to be more than some extra tails.

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Shade: That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! Just LOOK at those eyes! The creature just seemed to bring her joy. "D'awwww.. It's so-"

Star: "Lame!" an unhappy Star Storm interrupted her friend.

Shade: "Come on, Star Storm.. There's gotta be more to it. I mean, he said it was magical or whatever.. Besides, it's just SO adorable.. I wish I had one!"

Star: "It's okay I guess.." Star's attention shifted from the small fox, and over to the illuminated ball. "...So what's with the glowy thing?"

Shade: "..Maybe he'll tell us in a minute.."

Star: Star wasn't a very patient pony. "What's with that one?!" She pointed a hoof towards the white ball.

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Decanter stopped rushing at the fact that this was a Kitsune. He adjusted his loupe and looked the fox-like creature up and down before meeting its wide eyes. There was no doubt now that the Kitsune in front of him was real. The creature was a rarity, he had heard tales of their exploits in the far east, but he had never seen one before. They supposedly held very powerful magic, but this one just looked pathetic. Still, a rare creature like this would be a great source of alchemical components. He had experimented with most local creatures, but never one so rare. He then noticed the fact the cake was rimed with thick frost, and the Kitsune shivered. An ice spell? It was cold today sure, but it was mostly the biting wind.

"Impressive," he eventually surmised. "I would have to inquire about its capture? How did you get a hold of such a rare and foreign creature, and why bring it here? Is it for sale?"

He then noticed two other ponies talking about something "glowy" and turned to see the small cage glowing with white light. Unnatural light always meant magic, and the more magical an item, the better chance it would do something when mixed into a potion. "Also what secrets does that cage hold?" Decanter added.

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The salespony chuckled and looks to Decanter, "Ah my good stallion, I aquired this rare creature many months ago during my travels in the far east."

He then looks to the fillies, "Ah you young mares have an eye for truely rare and magical things."

The salespony then gestures to the white glowing orb, "This small glowing orb is a possession of all kitsunes. And for those that do not know what a kitsune is, they are rare foxs from the far east. They are said to possess magical powers and live for thousands of years, growing another tail for every one hundred years they live."

The small fox gives a little whine and looks to the fillies with sad eyes.

The salespony smacks the cage, causing the fox to cower and hide in it's tails.

"be on your guard my fellow ponies, these creatures are dangerous tricksters. Now for the orb, it is known as Fox Fire. Nopony really knows what it is, or what it does. But kitsune's are known to always carry them with them and legends speak of alchemists and wizards seeking these rare orbs."

The kitsune snarled at the salespony and stuck it's tongue at him, blowing a raspberry at him. This of course earned another smack from the salespony. The ice on the cage seemed to glow, causing the poor fox to shiver and wrap itself in its tails to keep warm.

The salespony gave the fox a final glare before his cheerful smile returned and he looked back to the crowd, "Now my fellow ponies I shall tell you that today I shall be selling this magnificant creature. So are there any buyers?"

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Decanter understood the need to pacify a rogue pet. And the cage was most definitely enchanted. This did not bode well for a buyer though. This thing was bound to cause trouble. Still, the best components were fresh. He wasn't sure about how to deal with that though. He'd need a professional's opinion, but he knew that the salespony would force a deal. The orb on the other hoof. That was most definitely useful. The thing could supposedly create elements out of thin air, and be used to charm and bewitch. Nopony outside of Neighsia had ever had the chance to work with one, and they were not forthcoming with their secrets.

"How much for the fox fire?" Decanter eventually asked, mentally counting out the bits he had available in his head.

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OOC: think balance went next then star then you if I read the posting rules right but no big problem really. If someone can respond then do so I'll just wait for everyone to get at least one reply in before I give mine to move the story along

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OOC: (ehh I'm not to worried about the posting rule. If ya can post after I give mine do so. I'll only enforce the posting rule if things get hectic but I don't think they will so don't worry about the rule too much)

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Ah, so it's IMMORTAL! That does require some powerful magic.

We're not getting it.

Why not?!

We already have a cat at home, we don't need another animal.

Oh, you're so mean!

"S-sorry, I have an animal at home." The kitsune looked at him with it's huge eyes. Balance couldn't help himself. "Oh, okay, how much for it?" What are you doing?!

I'll just release it into the wild, or something! A creature like this should be in a forest, watching the world, not... Whatever ponies would do with it if they bought it.

Fine. Don't don't blame me for any debt we get into.

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(Ooc: Yeah, I'm toooootally cool with you guys replying whenever. The way I see it is, the more story the better! Shadows rules sound good ta me:3)

Shade: Yeah, Star sure has a good eye for these things.. The young filly thought with a sarcastic sense. For.. Sale? "Star.." she whispered to her friend. "It's soooo cute, you GOTTA win it for me! You should do the talking or whatever, you're better at it.."

Star: "It's okay.." Star still wasn't very fond of the creature. Shade threw her a certain type of look, as to say "pleeaaassseeee," Star reluctantly agreed.

Shade: "Besides, I'll buy you all the chocolate milk you can drink if you can get it.. I guess.."

Star: All the chocolate milk she could drink?! Now she HAD to do it! Chocolate milk is serious business. "Psst! ...Shaaaadey, what am I working with.."

Shade: "We have.. I think about 65 bits.."

Star: ... This is gonna be hard.. Star quickly raised a hoof up, ready to yell out. Sheesh.. EVERYPONY but ME wants this thing!... We're gonna need to get creative.. "I'll give you forty bits and we'll find you a special somepony! You like girls, right?!"

Shade: "Star!" Shade was quite frankly shocked. She did NOT expect Star Storm to say that. How would we even find him somepony?

Star: "Just see what he says, Shadey.. If everypony wants it then it'll just turn into an auction anyway probly.."

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The salespony chuckles at the filly's comment, then begins to converse over prices.

He points to Decanter, "Well good pony, a rare and magical jewel such as this is indeed a rare find. Though I may be willing to part with it for...seven hundred bits?"

He then looks to the two fillies and Balance, "Hmm, I see you two are animal lovers. Very well I did not really have a price set for the kitsune, so we will have a bid. Start at fifty bits."

The kitsune gave another raspberry at the salespony, earning another whack againt the cage.

"Stupid animal." The salespony grumbled, before giving a smile back to the crowd.

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"Seven hundred bits? I didn't need that anyways." Balance told the salespony, after hearing the price on the orb. "Anyways, I'll take 51 bits for the Kitsune." Balance pulled out a pouch of bits. He turned to the two fillies. "If you're going to bid as well, make it quick, I am freezing here." He shivered, wishing he had a coat with him.

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Star: "Shadey," Star grabbed and shook her friend, "we GOT this!"

Shade: "... I guess.. just.. that's all I have.."

Star: "Doesn't the hotel have room service?"

Shade: "Umm.. That's not how it works. It isn't free.."

Star: ".... Oops." She smiled awkwardly at her friend, who immediately facehoofed.

Shade: "Star, didn't he say to hurry? We should just tell the sales pony the other guy can have it."

Star: ".. Don't you like it anymore?"

Shade: "I guess I'd like to have it or whatever, I mean, it IS really cute, but-"

Star: "65 bits!" Star yelled out, not very well listening to Shade.

Shade: Dear Celestia..

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The salespony sighed in defeat and nodded at Decanters offer, "Very well. Four hundred bits for the Fox Fire."

He picked up the cage holding the glowing stone, causing the fox to rush and lean against the bars howling as it stuck a claw out trying to reach for the Fox Fire. But was quickly whacked hard against the paw and went yelping back into the middle of the cage, hiding in it's tail. It's eyes watched the Fox Fire go.

The Fox Fire soon was held out to Decanter, and while the Salespony waited for the agreed amount he turned to the fillies and Balance.

"Hmmm. The fillies offer the bigger price. So unless you wish to counter bid the Kitsune is theres." He said as he held the cage containing the Kitsune.

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Is it worth it?

Just keep it cheap, then yes.


"Alright, I'll go 66 bits." Balance told the salespony. He saw the kitsune in the cage. That thing is SO CUTE!

We're not keeping it, you know!

I know, but IT'S SO CUTE! "67, if you tell me where you found it."

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OOC: Since Decanter has the Fox Fire he can go off on his own and I'll post two responses one for him and one for Star, shade and balance*Or three if balance goes off on his own in the RP* untill the parts meet up again. Just so you all know that if you are in such a posistion you won't have to worry about waiting for posts from others. Only when all three of ya are involved in a single part of the RP.

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Decanter smiled as he counted out 400 bits. He had expected a real hard sale, but the salespony had hardly negotiated. Still, no skin off of his nose. "There's your money, my good pony. If you get hold of any more curios like this that you want to sell, swing by the Ivory Cauldron. Alchemical components and reagents are always in demand there," he said warmly. He then took the cage by a hanging handle and trotted back into the market. If he was lucky he could still salvage that experiment if he can find some platinum.

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The kitsune howls, a very loud and slightly black board scratching howl, as Decanter walks off with the Fox Fire, paws reaching out of the cage towards it. But inevitably it's ears fall flat seeing the futility of it.

The salespony whacks the cage once more, striking the fox hard on the head to shut it up.

"A good day to you my fellow pony." The sales pony says as he takes the pony with greedy eyes and a chuckle.

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Shade: Phew, that might just be a good thing we were outbid or whatever.. Shade watched as the creature yearned for the glowing sphere that somepony was trotting off with. What IS that.. Poor little guy.. She softly expressed her concerns to Star Storm. "D'aww.. Star.. I think that the kitsune needs his ball or whatever.."

Star: "... Really? She seems okay.."

Shade: "Just look.. He's all sad.."

Star: "..Is it a boy or a girl?!" Star Storm spoke out and asked the salespony. "... 65 bits.. AND a new coat!" There was no way her coat would fit him, but she knew that they couldn't go any higher than that even if they wanted to. Shade threw her a look. "Well.. I had to at least try.."

Shade: "... Could you go into a little more detail as to how the ball connects to the kitsune, please?" Shade spoke out for once. ".. I was just curious.. I guess.. " She was just so worried about the little.. Guy? Gurl? Whatever gender it was.. It was just so tiny and innocent looking! She wanted to make sure it would be alright.

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