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Equal Art-purtunity Thread


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Here at canterlot.com, we believe that everyone should have an oppurtunity to showcase their work. However, many people feel like they can't post their art here without being told that it's terrible.

Horrors! :-o you gasp. Why do they feel that way?

I have dedicated seconds of time to the study of this phenomina and come up with the following answer:

Because their art is terrible.

Amazing! :-o but how will we fix this problem? :!: Some people might suggest mandatory art classes for people to maintain their membership on this forum, but I've come up with a simpler, easier solution to the problem in the form of this thread. That's right folks, this here is a thread for you to post those pieces of art that probably shouldn't be called art at all, and to kick it off, here's a piece of my own work!


Sadly, that actually turned out pretty well for somthing I drew. Seriously, this is good for something I made.

Also, to maintain the spirit of openosity, anyone can post bad art here! :-o Even Leonardo Da Vinci and Fred Astair could post their failed doodles here if we didn't all hate them oh so very much (Motzart, however, is always welcome).

So, joking aside, this thread is meant to be a thread in which to post your flops/failed artwork, preferably with an amusing comment. Also, if you can't draw worth spit but still want to post something you made, this is the place.

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