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Hay everypony!


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About Myself: Im more of a listener than a talker so im not very chatty and i tend to be a bit shy when talking to new people. I like to draw though im only starting and i dont have much skill yet. I love to listen to music, i like many types but i especially like the older genres like Jazz, Swing, R&B ect. I live in California but it seems that there are no bronies near where i live.

How I found Canterlot.com: I was just looking for an online brony community when i found this website

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: When i first heard of MLP:FiM and the brony fandom i didnt think much of it for a while. It was then that a friend who became a brony got me to watch an episode. So i watched the first episode in august then another, then another until i watched the entire first season. Though i didnt finish watching "Owls well that ends well" because i kept feeling bad for Spike.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
I hope to make some good friends here and ill try not to be too quiet.

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Welcome to Canterlot! I live in Southern California, maybe we live relatively close by! And don't worry, I was a little shy when I came here, but I warmed up pretty quickly! Anyways, have a ton of fun here! :D

Welcome song:

Thanks! i hope ill warm up quickly too.

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