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New but eager!


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About Myself: Well there's not much to say about me. I live in Florida and am attending college to become a biomedical engineer. My friend only recently got me started on MLPFIM a couple months ago and do to my obsessive nature I've watched both seasons twice and ended up here, eager to join the MLP universe :D

How I found Canterlot.com: Stumbled upon a post about applying to Princess Celestia's School of Magic which led me here.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: How else do you become a fan of MLP? You watch the show, and you become a fan. Resistance is futile.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
So hellooo everypony. It's exciting starting out a character for roleplay here on the forums. This is really my first roleplay by forum type experience, so I'm gonna be asking a lot of questions about how everything works. I look forward to immersing myself even deeper into this amazing community.

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Welcome to Canterlot!

If you are 13 or older, and didn't get the not-so-obvious joke in this post, click this

New but eager ?


Nice man, that kind of joke flies right over children's heads, so us adults can have a good laugh while at the same time keeping it PG

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