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An over seas ranting


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You ponies here who read about my introduction might probably know I'm not resident in the US. Unfortunately for me, I live in Portugal. Yes, the weather is great most of the times, and you have wonderful landscapes to see, but honestly, with the frustrations I'm having, I don't give a *neigh* about it. I feel like I'm restrained from the whole world, and being such a poor country, one can't live the way dreamed. Including me, because I'm graduating in a 2D and 3D Animation course, and as soon as I get enough money (in three years or so), I'm getting out of here as soon as I can and I'm gonna live to the US.

Well, but why did I create this thread in the Brony Chatter section? Because of my main passion: ponies.

Back when G1 and G2, our toy stores and even stationeries were full of My Little Pony Stuff: toys, notebooks, pens, bed covers, and even costumes and party kits. I was a little kid, and I was living the life back then. I could turn around and get the newest toy of MLP that I had seen on TV right on the next day. My mom bought me the VHS of the My Little Pony Movie, and it was brazilian translated. Of course I didn't care that much, since all of my Disney movies were all in brazilian. While most young girls had their bedrooms full of Barbie dolls, I had mine full of My Little Pony toys. I spent my whole afternoons playing with my ponies, and loving each one of them as if they were my own babies.

And what about now?

When you go to Toys 'r' Us looking for ponies, you can only find ONE single item, which is a cuddly My Little Pony baby you can feed and treat like a true baby. It is pretty cute, yes, but it's the ONLY thing you can freaking find in any toy store!!! Well, most of the times I don't even find anything, which I'm getting pretty used to, but seeing everypony else back in the US with everything modern pony makes me cry my eyes off. When I go looking for My Little Pony stuff, I can only find Ben 10 and Bratz, which makes me really really sad. We don't have Hub in here, not even Discovery Kids. Nopony here has a single clue what My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is, and it's been a year since it's live back there and we have nothing in here. I have to look for anything on Ebay, and still I don't trust shopping there.

Last week, I was cleaning up my room, and I found my G1 Tootie Tails pony, which is now worth 13 american dollars. She still had that cute braid on her tail I had made, and a bang of her mane full of colourful beads, that I had done when I was like, 6? I spent almost an hour crying and looking at her, combing her hair and petting her, remembering how we had lots of fun back when I was a kid. Now ol' Tootie is standing right in front of me, in my book shelf, with her mane and tail still as beautifully combed as when she came out of her box. She still had some dirtiness marks from when she was getting dusty in the middle of nowhere, but now she is my favorite toy.

But now when the new keycharms of G4 came out in the US, it was the last drop for me. I feel tremendously angry and sad for the ignorance of Portugal for forgetting My Little Pony and making me curl in a ball and cry. My boyfriend mut be tired of spending entire afternoons looking for ponies with me, and then handle me sobbing when I come out with my hands empty.

Sorry about the ranting, everypony. I'm gonna shut up nowz.

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If it makes you feel even the tiniest bit better (which it probably doesn't), I live really close to Hasbro's headquarters. Canada gets ponies sooner than we do. Always. So does the midwest. It's very very weird. We have relatively bare shelves when it comes to Hasbro stuff.

BUT, you do have a slight advantage. I am not sure when in Portugal you live, but it's a lot closer to Spain than I am, and way more likely to have these kind of goofy looking ponies that were released only in Spain that are worth a ton of money. More under the radar in Portugal, I am guessing.

So in your travels, if you see a pony that looks like this:


it is not a fake. It's a super rare pony that you can probably sell for several hundred dollars. (just search My Little Pony Piggy pony on ebay and you'll see what I mean)

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Lool just went to Toys 'r' Us today, and in the My Little Pony section I found only these. I guess we're stuck on the new born cuties generation...

You guys are getting the same exact stuff that this weird close-out store near me is getting. SUPER not fair. You're getting last year's crap.

...where in the midwest? I have relatives out there.
Wherever Meijer stores are. For some reason EVERYONE finds pones and LPS at Meijer first.
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So in your travels, if you see a pony that looks like this:


Piggy pony! I want one. They're so fat and horrible. XD

I wish they weren't so rare and expensive. I'd never spend that much on a pony.

Kalpira, we've had some threads about international ponies, and spreading the pony luv. I bet if you were to ask someone from the US, Canada or Germany, they'd be happy to work something out where they purchase ponies for you and ship them.

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lol at the baby pony toys

I live in Mexico and last time I checked in Hasbro, supposedly the FiM pony toys have already arrived here, haven't seen them at all though. Anyhow, the fanmade stuff is really were it's at.

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