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Tron: The Equestrian GRID (open to all)


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"Welcome to the GRID, program. You all were installed today because you are meant to be the best Monitors here. Clu has gone out of control. WE need you all to work TOGETHER to stop him.

The fate of the GRID, as well as the Users, lies in your Discs, Programs.

Do your job well." A tall and muscular pony says to you as he hands you your Identity Disc.

Allanon stood beside the other pony, towering over him, and appearing quite foreboding. He said nothing.

"Allaon, my associate, will lead you to the I/O Tower. Something needs to be rewritten there." The muscular pony said. "I'm TRON by the way."

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RJ-45 stared at his ID. He was quite scared about what he had just been told. The users are back? He was frozen at the idea. The users haven't been here in over five thousand cycles. What is going on now? Then he caught up with himself and he put the ID on his side, where it stuck. He liked the feel of it there. It melded to his body and felt natural.

He turned back to TRON and Allaon. TRON looked like he could take out Clu with his hands. And Allanon could probably do it with his look. Either way, RJ was glad to be on their side. He looked around to see where he was supposed to go.

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"Come with me, RJ-45. The I/O Tower is occupied by hostile Programs. You seem capable to me." Allanon said in a dark voice.

"You'd best go, Program." TRON said with a smile. "Allanon's a patient Program, but this is urgent. He will debrief you as you go."

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RJ was suprised at the choice to have him come along, but no response was made other than to nod follow Allanon. Speech was not his greatest aly. They came out wrong at the right time and wrong at the wrong time. Never did they come out as clear as thought.

The I/O tower seemed large in the distance. And to think it was full of enemy programs made him anxious. Not becasue he was afraid. It was because he was worried for the other programs. The one on the other side. Deleting one would be no problem if he could just pull a lever and get it over with, but their faces would haunt him forever if he looked at them.

Then he remembered how the enemies looked, Masked and featureless. And that mask only hid their focus on killing him. At this his thoughts settled back on the task, no longer worried about the death he was to account for.

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Allanon walked towards the I/O Tower, hands behind his back. He bore no Disc, but carried a large sword at his side instead. He seemed to be in no hurry, but walked rapidly all the same. He spoke not a word.

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Allanon stopped in front of the entrance, turning to RJ and said "Our objective is to clear every floor of hostiles, and to erase the files that hold the data used for the Recognizers. No files, no plans. No plans, no blueprints. You get the idea." Allanon readied himself at the door, and said "Ready?"

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RJ grabbed his disk and began spinning it around his hoof. He said "Understood and ready." In a quick voice. The spinning was his way of alleviating stress, along with preparing for battle. Most other programs just threw their disks. He had found out on the way to the tower that spinning his disk gave it a certain ability to ricochet off targets and go to a new one. He still needed a small amont of practice, but he was confident in his abilities.

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"Very well." Allanon said. He did not kick the door. Instead, he thrust his hands forward, blasting the door open. He walked in as if nothing happened, and said to the enemy. "Boo."

Allanon then drew his sword, slashing at the enemy programs as he advanced.

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Enemies detected, enemies detected! Glow Tech rose her head, the cyan lines formed along her slender body igniting immensely as she turned towards the door. The tip of her horn sparked to life with a dull, ivory glow before it flowed down to cover it all. She fell into a crouch, waiting as she detected the hoof steps approaching from the outside, her gray eyes darkening as she narrowed her optics. She remained still as the door busted open and revealed two other ponies, fixing her jaw with a faint frown.

"Hyeah!," she cried, bounding to the side as to avoid any contact with the sword of the first, hooves skidding against the floor. She darted back forward, bashing the bottoms of her front hooves into his side, hopefully adding enough force to send him to the ground below her. "Intruders!," she growled, lifting her hooves once more as she prepared to bash down onto him again.

(I hope you don't mind me joining and I hope you don't mind if after this battle encounter, GT could join you two?)

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"Hey...," she muttered, starring after the colt, annoyance spreading across her features. "You aren't getting a way so easily!" She galloped after him, lowering her cranium as she leapt, soaring through the air before landing her hooves in the center of the intruders back, this time driving him down against the stairs before leaping off, spinning around to confront him.

Glow Tech glared at him, pointing her shimmering horn in his general direction, snorting. "What are you doing here?," she inquired.

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Allanon Shouted at the one pinning him down "FUS RO DAH!" throwing her off of him. He said to her "How dare you touch a User?" He then turned around, slashing another hostile program.

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Her brow furrowed, a piece of her mane falling before one of her gray optics. "Clu," she muttered darkly, "I always knew there was something not right about him." She may only be a program but... She had a better sense than the others. "What is Clu planning to do? Corrupt the grid even more?"

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Allanon said in answer "You were not here at that time, RJ-47. The Abraxas Virus was what caused a large quarantine back when Anon was functional. A Program named Abraxas had created it, spreading it and infecting both Iso's and Basics alike."

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Allanon said to RJ "You are probably thinking this is irrelevant. It is indeed relevant, for I have reason to beleive Clu has been infected by the Abraxas Virus."

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  • 5 weeks later...

(Hope you guys don't mind if I tag along ^^)

Kadex dropeed into a crouch as he heard other programs talking, the vibrant green lines running across his body dimming as he peeked around the corner. "Buck!" He swore under his breath as he saw that he was outgunned. It was supposed to be a clean heist, get the recognizer files and get out, get the money and survive. This would complicate his plans. He pulled his disc out, before thinking of a better idea. Crazy as it was, it would get him closer to the files han he could get on his own. "You here for the recognizer files?" He said from his hiding place, not wanting them to attack him if they weren't.

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Allanon appeared behind Kadex suddenly, disarming him and tossing him out into the open.

"Those files must be destroyed. They have been infected with the Abraxas Virus." Allanon said darkly.

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