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Trying to think of new Spam game...

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So i'm trying to think of a new spam stable game... i got a basic idea rolling, but i need help fine tuning it...

EDIT: This is what i got so far if you want the less talkative version of it...

Trading game

A number of COINS and GEMS will be distributed amongst the players through a private message. The goal is to trade both coins and gems amongst yourselves in order to get the most of each.

The coins and gems in play are different, but together they are worth the same. So if there’s 10 coins and 50 gems in play, that means that each coin is worth 5 gems.

Every round the player with the least value in their pocket will be eliminated. And the game will begin with a new set of coins and gems…

Every round, a random player will be given a fake currency, replicating either gems or coins. These are worth nothing to the player, and will be deducted from their wallet. If a player trades away a fake currency, they must inform the player through a private message so that they know of their fake money.

Each player can only request a trade 3 times, but they can accept as many trades as they want. A request includes:

~Direct contact “Hey john, I want to trade with you” and “John I’ll trade you X coins for X gems”

When making a direct contact trade, this will count as one request. You can continue haggling with the person (including changing how many and what type of currency) until an agreement is made, but once it is either accepted or denied, the turn is over.

~ Indirect contact: “I have 10 coins I’m willing to trade, how many gems will someone give me?” “I have a gem I don’t need, can someone give me 100 coins for it?” (You can deny anyone who you don’t want to trade with as many times as you want, but as soon as you change your demands or you come to an agreement with someone that counts as a turn.

When making indirect contact, you have to stick with what you’re asking for. If someone offers you a price that you don’t like, you can turn them away. You can turn away as many people until you’re satisfied, but once you change what you want to trade and how much, that counts as a turn.

You can have multiple requests going at once, and you can accept or make an offer on as many trades as you’d like.

And now here are my random concerns about the game.... a lot of repeated stuff... so be warned...

So everyone would be given X number of coins or tokens, and during so, everyone trades coins to other players in an attempt to get the most coin at the end of the round. whoever has the least is eliminated...

So here are some things i'm thinking of to go with this...

1: No one know how muich the coin are worth... one player may only start with ten, while another starts off with 1000, so if player B give A 100 coins, than player A would then know that the other guy has a lot of coins, and that they're not worth much individually...

At the same time... player C could have 2000 coins and give B only 10 coins, therefore making player B think that they have a lot of coins, and so he might not bother asking for as many coins because he thinks he's already winning...

It could be possible to deny giving someone coins for whatever reason, or to ask for ridiculously high amounts to throw the other players off.

2: To avoid people just hoarding their coins, i think we should have 2 separate currencies, both with differing values... Let's say there are 5000 coins being moved around, but only 20 tokens. So trading them around with the coins as well would make decisions tougher... 'Is trading 100 coins for one token worth it? Well i dont have ANY token, so... maybe i should..."

3: I think there should be a single player in the game each round who has some sort of advantage or something... maybe he's been given 100 fake coins to play with... but that would be hard to keep track of since the person receiving it wouldnt know... unleeesss after the trade the person tells them, and then they need to try to find a way to get rid of those fake coins before the end of the game, since, at the end they would be worthless...

So after a trade using a fake currency, the person tells them "Hey, i just gave you 100 fake coins." So the other player would want to get rid of them and get some REAL currency before the game ends...

4: should the trades be public? i think it would be easier to keep track of the trades, but people would quickly realize how much money is at play... although that might not be a BAD thing. that one guy at the beginning who trades too much and then realizes he just made a bad trade would be out of luck... although any fake trades would be notified in the PMs i think...

5: how long shoudl a round last? A day? A certain number of pages? should each person be allowed to only make a certain number of trade requests? This one is a tough one...

So that's my thought process so far... Any comments? suggestions? I think i have a good thing going here... i just need to shorten the ideas into a simple to understand format...

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