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I remember when being a villain meant something. Take a school bus hostage. Hold the mayor hostage. Threaten people with death rays! We used to rob banks to get our funds for evil schemes fro crying out loud! Not... ugh... "work" for money selling coffee and yogurt.

Can I suggest we rob a bank for good ol'time's sake? I hear the one down the street, after you turn a right after exiting the swamp, has a very elderly security guard with a hip replacement.

Also, Legion members should get discounts at the yogurt and coffee shop... Just throwing that out there.

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I will keep that in mind. But honestly, bank robberies are old-hat and any common criminal can do it. If you're going to rob them, you need to be sneakier about it. Put up a legal front for it. Besides, I honestly can't afford to accumulate consecutive life sentences like a ton of old-time villains did. Rob them in a way that they can't complain about. Prey on their stupidity. Trap them in a cycle that they can't get out of. How do you think the government makes all the money they "need" for their "solutions" to the country's problems? (Well, the problems that we don't cause.)

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But that's just it, we aren't the government. Sure, there are a few 'life sentences' (trivial really, everyone knows its easy to break out) if you get caught, but isn't that the beauty of it? An actually clear cut, do or die, pass-fail test of villainy. Perhaps any common crook can rob a bank, but why just rob it? What we need is style. When I think of a villain, I picture a mad scientist behind the wheel of a giant robot. A gentleman thief so polite that people don't even seem to realize they're being held at gunpoint until later. A clown burning money because sending a message is more important. I believe we want the public to know we're evil, simply so they can know we are awesome because of it.

The people know its us, the police know its us, the entire population of the planet knows its use, and yet they can't touch us, because we are just too good at getting away with the crime! Even if we fail, they remember it, and we still win!

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I remember when being a villain meant something. Take a school bus hostage. Hold the mayor hostage. Threaten people with death rays! We used to rob banks to get our funds for evil schemes fro crying out loud! Not... ugh... "work" for money selling coffee and yogurt.

Can I suggest we rob a bank for good ol'time's sake? I hear the one down the street, after you turn a right after exiting the swamp, has a very elderly security guard with a hip replacement.

Also, Legion members should get discounts at the yogurt and coffee shop... Just throwing that out there.

Thats a good idea so we can get more money! I'll call my old friend doc brown to see about a death ray to use. WE WILL PULL OF THE BEST BANK ROBBERY IN THE HISTORY OF BANK ROBBERYS!

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