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You are/What do?

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I am apparently a crazy old man saying "RUN, YOU FOOLS!"

In that case I try and distract whatever they are running from if it is possible. If not, i did a slow and paiful death

You are now able to have a thesaurus like brain or a dictionary like brain. Which one and what do with it?

I instantly become famous, and everyone knows about my powers. Soon I begin harassing people with my incredible dictionary skills. The whole human race cowers at my amazing powers. Then, I eat some toast.


You are now the toast king, and can summon crazy prawns wherever you please. What do?


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Scream "MY LEG!" at the slightest provocation, regardless if my leg is broken or not.

You awake in the middle of night to a noise. When you investigate, you find Kirby eating all the food in your fridge and or pantry. What do?

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