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I was unaware about any bans on the forum... If that is the case, I'm sure the admins/moderators will take care of it... Although, being the "spam stables" I assumed this kind of thing is encouraged here. lol

P.S. my posts don't count towards the last person to reply.

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well i cant use the one i tried before. nothing to read here. so if that wont work... ill tell a story.

one time there was this thing that wasn't allowed. and people commented on it. it went on a long time. then they all got in trouble because it wasn't allowed, although it really wasn't wrong in any other way that it broke a simple rule.

im not saying that will happen here. but im not saying it wont either.

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well i cant use the one i tried before. nothing to read here. so if that wont work... ill tell a story.

one time there was this thing that wasn't allowed. and people commented on it. it went on a long time. then they all got in trouble because it wasn't allowed, although it really wasn't wrong in any other way that it broke a simple rule.

im not saying that will happen here. but im not saying it wont either.

Take it to a publisher, I'm sure it would sell.

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Both sides seem to have made mistakes and both sides need to realize this.

and pigs explode, mums have laser eyes. Autistic kids can fly on the third of june and KFC is actually made of drugged up black children that they nap via those manipulative relief charities in Africa.

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