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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open: OOC Discussion)

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I'm sorry if I made you worry guys...! I'm afraid I won't be able to make any important RP posts for a bit longer...but things should settle down where I am by Monday. Everything is fine, the hurricane didn't do anything, but family and school work have simply gotten in the way and prevented me of spending the time needed to make the posts required. So, please bear with me a little bit longer, and I promise I'll kick-start the RP again in a few more days! Again, I'm sorry all.

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i killed the rp ;_; why me.....

No, the only killing Draco will perform is the slaying of Lady Twilight's heart.

So, since the RP won't actually be going anywhere for a minute. Hows about some Idle OOC chatter about the current state of the RP?

How does everyone feel about each other's characters?

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God **** it Val, it's like you were waiting to make my post redundant. Glad to see you back, but you know this already.

Everyone's characters are inferior to mine, BOI.

I feel that it's harder to pay attention to side things when events begin to converge, like they are with the Prophet. So many characters from Starlight Hill are vague for me because it got so chaotic then.

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God **** it Val, it's like you were waiting to make my post redundant. Glad to see you back, but you know this already.

Everyone's characters are inferior to mine, BOI.

I feel that it's harder to pay attention to side things when events begin to converge, like they are with the Prophet. So many characters from Starlight Hill are vague for me because it got so chaotic then.

wanna hear my recap of what happened during that time?


Things happened then the capital 'sploded.

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Oh, also, I've been meaning to talk to you guys about what I have planned for the RP in the near future. To make things simple and easier to ask questions, I'll list the information below:

1. New Faction to be released, with a powerful emergence within Equestria's borders. You may assume it is a foreign power at first...but you would be quite mistaken. I am debating between the choice of a standard, normal-sounding name, or something neat and foreign like Reisan De Komai. I am still unsure of their total identity...but I'll let you guys know what they'll be like soon.

2. After the "Prophet Scenario" is complete, the story-line will separate into distinct sections...primarily, this will allow everyone to take part and influence the tide of events in the story, without all OCs being stuck together all the time. I'll probably have to find Story-Captains, which will basically moderate each group's actions. Those who do become Story-Captains, I will supply with all the information needed.

3. While factional squabbles will still exist, I think that...for now...the factions will be united as we finish the "Hoof in the Dark" chapter. As you all may be able to imagine, I've led us to this point on purpose...fully intending to have Equinia get magic-nuked ever since we started, and reveal the true villains of the current story-line.

4. We should start to discuss how we will wrap up "Revolution: A Hoof In The Dark". Should we continue this chapter all the way until the main villains are defeated, and open up a new story-line...? Or, after reaching an important part later in the story, we make a newly named chapter of the current story-line. The reason I ask this is because I already have ideas for the next installment of Revolution, but I am still working the kinks out of it.

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For the info you put on in the other post.

1) Definitely the exotic sounding name, especially if its a language most ponies have no knowledge of. People are afraid of the unknown.

2) Sounds good.

3) *nods*

4) I'm definitely for making a new chapter after an important event. It just wouldnt feel right to have a straight shot to the enemies throats. Unless, the idea for the next installment you had was focusing on an entirely different issue, in which case, yes we should wrap this up in one go to minimize thread usage.

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Val should I edit my post with 4-6-9er more so Virginia can have more to play off from or leave it as it is?

also as for the earlier info, here's my thoughts:

1. Interesting and a exotic sounding name would be better.

2. A good idea I'm all for that.

3. I guess but Freelancer are just neutral in terms of sides as they have their own agenda and prefer not taking sides in this conflict hence their efforts in rebuilding the capital.

4. What Total said, I think it's better that we reach a important part of the story then start the next chapter.

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Curious... are we ignoring the fact that I viciously assaulted 3 of the prophet's followers. I didn't see any reference in your post Val. Just asking since I kinda made a scene. Maybe tend to the wounded? Kinda roughed them up real good. lol ^^

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Curious... are we ignoring the fact that I viciously assaulted 3 of the prophet's followers. I didn't see any reference in your post Val. Just asking since I kinda made a scene. Maybe tend to the wounded? Kinda roughed them up real good. lol ^^

Lol! I'm sorry ^^' I'll have Xerdas mention something about that...

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My details are always missed, so I frankly don't care.

Well, that makes me feel bad :( to be honest, when I make a response post, I usually only reread the first two or three posts before mine, so...if I missed some critical info on your OCs, Fermata, sorry v.v

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