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Gunsmoke (Apply here, scamps!)


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Hello, hello! This rp is for all of my faithful little Scamps who have been following my past rps, and anypony else who would like to join in as well! C:

Gunsmoke.. Sounds kinda western, eh? That's because it is! This rp is going to take place in Appaloosa, and it's going to be a good, old fashioned game of cops and robbers because everypony likes that idea best! :3 Whatever happens, happens, but please be curtious to others. So, if you're gonna kill somepony, PLEASE get their permission to do so first. ^^

Voting is over!

First, lets talk PLOT! No, not that kind of plot you silly filly! I'm talking.. What sort of thing should we do out in the wild west? Here's what I got..

1. The wild west is a VAST place, and you just never know what could go down! We could just let it be a Free for All, and just let whatever happens, happen.

2. As a kid, I used to love a good old game of Cops and Robbers, so that may be fun to do a Western Style version, but that would take a lot of cooperation between everypony.. But I feel like it could be really fun if I was a little stricter on apps.. but to be honest, I'm sooo loosey goosey that might be a bit difficult for me! :razz:

3. Murder Mystery. I think that it would be really super dooper awesome to do something like that! I could secretly pm people to decide who would play what role, and everypony else would have to really use their thinkers, interacting with others to try and solve the mystery. We would need to have the setting in a saloon, so we could have a bartender character, maybe a pianist as well or some sort of musician. ^^

4. I would have to add more to it or get somepony's input for a decent plot, but we could do something similar to Cowboys and Aliens, to where everypony would be working together to achieve some sort of larger goal overall. I have nothing to bold for this one.. >#<

5. Jailed! Appaloosan prison life can be tough. Maybe there would be some hangings, maybe some old outlaw's tales from their glory days. We'll see!

Neeexxxttt up, the name itself..

1. Gun Smoke was my first idea, which admittedly, I stole from a Gorillaz song. I though it was perfect! But when I was talking with a friend about it, she informed me that there was an old tv show by the same title, and she told me it was one of the most popular shows of all time, so that sort of turned me off from just using the name.

2. Smoking Gun, my first thought was "Hey, that sounds close and isn't a show or anything.. Right?" but yeah, it's actually a detective term I think, which could work awesomely if we do the whole murder mystery thing.

3 Hold your Ponies! It's like hold your horses, but.. You know.. Their ponies.. ^^

4 Red Hoof Redemption, I'm pretty sure that's a play off of a videogame name C: This one was actually recommended by a friend.

5 Bullet, just because I have it on my list for some reason. xD

6. As the Dust Settles... Thank you Talex, for the recommendation ^^

7. Pony Up! Also was recommended by a friend C:

and now, app time!! App time!! Everypony gotta get yur applications in! (Special thank you to TALEX for making the entire app for me! Woot woot for good friends who let you be lazy! C:)





Eye colour:

Coat colour:

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style:

(General appearance): self-explanatory

(Cutiemark): self-explanatory

(View of the Law): What's their opinion of the law? Do they support it? Think it's another set of rules to be broken? Don't care for it?

(Weapons/Fighting style): Do they have a favorite revolver? Or perhaps a stick of dynamite is more their style. Shotguns? Repeaters? Long pointy knives?

(Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): Do they want to strike it rich? Or take someponyesle's riches! Are they here to seek some sort of revenge? Or maybe they're just trying to get in as much trouble as they can.

(History): Any back story we may need to know about?

(Personality): should be self-explanatory.

And if you do a good job, I'll give you one of these babies! My seal of approval..


..and then you can hop on in! :>

Okay, so here is a list of our characters so far:

The goodie horseshoes:

Dusty (Dust Cloud), Sheriff Quartermane, Marshal Iron

The baddies:

Snake Bite, Fine Line, Ash

The wild cards:

Sheela Dundee, Rose, Run "Gun" Silver, Longshot Graves, Briar Rose

Edited by StarStorm
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If this doesn't sky rocket out of control, then I'd love to take part. AND GET OUT OF MY HEAD STAR!!! I was just thinking about something like this yesterday! XD

I personally like the plot. The story options are cool too. X3 You have my vote on numbers 1 and 2, preferring 2.

Hmm... names... what about "As the Dust Settles..."? just off the top of my head. When I think of westerns, I think of a dual and the dust blowing away after the guns have been fired. Also, why not go along with how the pirates rp worked? There was a pitch/idea thread (this one,) an ooc for apps and discussion, and then the actual rp thread. Seemed to work well and kept things organized.

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So, number 1 then? "free-for-all"?

*looks at the name list, notices "pony up"* facehoof.png I can take A LOT of puns... but wow...

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LOL!!!! Okay, okay.. I think I'm just gonna go with Gunsmoke, even if it was a show back in the day.. I guess I'm just not that bothered by it. Umm.. Also, free for all it is! That'll let people be more creative with it, too, which is always a plus, because people are awesome! I'll rewrite and set up an app soon to start taking peeps. C:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't know how I missed this before. Westerns are darn cool. I also just noticed that every single person who's posted here is involved in Pony Pirates. Small world, eh? Anyways, I too would like to know if this is still running, because if it is then I am 100% in. Shame I missed voting, it'd be handy to know which plot won out too. Liking the name though.

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*Takes a deep breath after CPR* haHA! people! the thread lives!

I think we're running with the free-for-all idea... but I still like the cops and robbers. It gives us a better start for a plot. Ya know, being able to pick which side you are, stealing loot, and then going after the bad guys. But I'm still up for whatever.

I also noticed the pony pirates group O.o

So shall we all start filling out apps?

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Heck no, now that we got some people in, this is very much alive!! Thank goodness that you know CPR, Talex. Umm.. Should we free for all or should we Cops and Robbers? Because honestly, if you scamps would rather it was cops and robbers that's tooooootally okay with me! And yes, let the apps begin ^^

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I'm still voting for cops and robbers! ^^ And here is an app for ya Star.

Whoo! First!


Name: [colour=#8b4513]"Dust Cloud, but my friends call me Dusty!"[/colour]

Sex: Male

Age: Somewhere between a foal and a colt.

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: Coffee Brown

Coat colour: Beige

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Both his mane and tail are dark brown and coated with dust. He has one bang that covers his right eye. His mane also curls at the ends, making him look even more like a kid.

(General appearance): Small and with that little kid "don't mess with me or I'll... um..." look. (I was thinking of pip squeak from nightmare night when I made this lil' guy) He wears a leather vest with a bandoleer, no hat, and has a small plastic sheriff star that shines like silver.

(Cutiemark): He doesn't have one yet, and he's upset about it. [colour=#8b4513]"If I know I want to be a sheriff, why haven't I gotten one yet!?"[/colour]

(View of the Law): It's the only real thing he has left and the only thing he knows. He holds it dearly with an unsteady hoof.

(Weapons/Fighting style): Dusty has a large, shiny revolver strapped to his back using his bandoleer. It's larger than most and holds 8 rounds. The caliber is also larger; using the .44 round. Dusty uses his magic to wield it, since he's too small to hold it and because his telekinesis spell is his strongest (and only) one he knows. He's surprisingly accurate for his age, but only enough to keep up. He is no way a marksmen, but maybe one day, when he's older....

(here is a picture of the gun I had in mind, a ruger super blackhawk revolver, the picture makes it look small, and less shiny)

(Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): [colour=#8b4513]"I'm going to follow in Sheriff _'s hoof steps, and become a Sheriff too!"[/colour]

(History): Sheriff_ took him in after his parents were mugged and killed passing through the town.[colour=#8b4513]"I don't know what happened to my parents, but Sheriff _ always dodges the question when I ask him. All I know is that it had something to do with bandits! And I'm going to bring them all to Justice!" [/colour]

(Personality): He's a tough little guy; standing up to anyone who challenges him. But that's usually because Sheriff _ is there, who he views as a father. Without him, he get's intimidated easily.


If anyone was going to be a sheriff, would you be so kind as to fill in the role of "Sheriff _" and take in this little tike? :3 If not then I'll think of something. But I'm just throwin' it out there.

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Name: Sheela Dundee

Sex: Mare

Age:early twenties


Eye colour: blue as the sky!

Coat colour: a light brown

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: a dark brunette mane and tail, unkempt and dirty from the old west's weather conditions

(General appearance): she is never seen without her classic crocodile tooth hat that she brought from her home of down under (http://ikennd.ac/pictures/for_posts/2009/05/1058wallaroocrocblackjpg.jpeg like this)

(Cutiemark): a crocodile skin, origonating from her home

(View of the Law): Sheela is a vigilante, not going with either side but her gut. The only way she knows

(Weapons/Fighting style): revolvers mostley (http://www.votesprout.com/replica-images/replica-weapons-FP10202.jpg) But she will use her knife if needed (http://bestuff.com/images/images_of_stuff/210x600/crocodile-dundees-knife-101035.jpg)

(if you couldn't tell im going for a crocodile dundee vibe :3)

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Dust Cloud sounds soooo cute!!! =D Umm, the sheriff would probably be Silverstar, unless somepony wants to make a sheriff oc! I'm digging Sheela, too! The pictures were a nice touch, Duskie C: Both of you guys are in!


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So umm.. I've been thinking a little bit, and umm.. I've made a decision.. WERE DOING A COPS AND ROBBERS AND THAT'S FINAL. ^^

Here's my app, Star, I hope that you like it! :>


Name: Snake Bite

Sex: Male

Age: Young stallion

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: Green

Coat colour: Purple

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Black mane and tailed, has a stereotypical bad-guy mustache, but no stereotypical goatee!

(General appearance): He wears a black vest and hat. :3

(Cutiemark): A harmonica

(View of the Law): [colour=#800080]"Law? Hmph. It's only illegal if you get caught.. But authority is total bull! Those in it are untouchable, and the ponies that ain't are just as good and equal Sure ain't treated that way, though."[/colour] (Find authority unfair and despises it)

(Weapons/Fighting style): [colour=#800080]"Guns, straight up.. I like my derringer, had it since I was a little guy. Sure don't like shootin' ponies with it, though.. But I'm just a pony. And sometimes, there just ain't no other options."[/colour]

(Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): [colour=#800080]"Sheriff ain't very fond of me.. I'm just stayin outta trouble best I can. Bein good when possible, and when not, tryin my hardest not to get caught."[/colour]

(History):[colour=#800080] "Back story? Yeah.. Sheriff ain't never liked me! I was just like any other kid, curious about things.. Always looked down on me after that day he caught me after I snuck'd into his room. But I had reason!! Uncle Thunder was innocent, and I just HAD to let him out.. T'aint fair he locked 'im up without a trial or nothin!... I guess I don't blame him, but he wouldn' even listen to me when he caught me. I was just a kid!! And Uncle Thunder told me he was gonna come back and pay for stuff he took.. I was just a kid and he was my uncle! Of COURSE I believed him!" *Sighs* "I didn't know no better.. That's all.."[/colour]

(Personality): He's the kind of pony who always tries to choose his words carefully, but doesn't speak a lot of them. He has a good heart, and does a lot of things that most would consider to be wrong, but he always has good reason behind them.


...Why Star Storm, that app is absolutely beautimous!! Best application I've ever read in my life ever!! =D

Daww, thank you Star!! ^^ You're so sweet and attractive and intelligent!!

Aww, you're just saying that..

..Yeah, I am..

Don't chu MAKE me change mah mind on you're app, scamp!!

Whaaat?! Okay, okay, you're attractive!!

Attractive and what..?

Umm.. I dunno.. Didn't I say like smart and stuff too?

Eh.. close enough, Star.. Point is, you're in.... BUT IM WATCHING YOOOUUU!!!!

Okay, okay!!

So, I'mma give you one of these now..


Yayyy!! Thank you muchly, scamp!! =D

You're welcome scamp ^^ Can't wait to see you in the rp!

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I don't see a Sheriff yet so I think I'll give it a try XD

Name: Sheriff Quartermane or Lynch? What do you guys think?

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion. Middle aged.

Species: Earth Pony

Eye colour: Green/Blue

Coat colour:

[colour=#ffffff]Very dark musky brown[/colour]

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Short well kept dark purple mane with very dark streaks through it. A darker patch of gruff stubble around his muzzle alongside some visible scars and ear damage. His tail is also similarly styled.

General appearance: He sticks to well kept but visibly worn gentlecolts attire (white shirt with cuff links and black waistcoat & bow-tie). His clothing is tight fitting and efficient and tailor made. Though time spent out in the dust has left irreparable sand damage and scarring around the cuffs. Alongside his Sheriffs badge he also sports a custom gold pocket watch and chain stuck to his chest. Around his waist is a bandolier and holster for his duel revolvers. When needed he also brings his ol' Winchester lever action repeater. His hat is that of a dark leather with a single black Pegasus feather attached. He always carries a flask of Everfree Whiskey.

Cutiemark: A ball and chain.

View of the Law: The law is his instrument and he uses it to bring justice to his home. In any way necessary. It should be noted that he has a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later and more often than not hang first as well. He recognizes that crime is his business and if his town was without crime then he would be out of a job. Somepony breaks the law then they face his sentencing.

[colour=#800000]"Ah am the judge, jury and executioner of this here establishment." [/colour][colour=#000000]or [/colour][colour=#800000]"I think y'all find that that there is a hangin' crime. An ah got a whole lotta rope."[/colour]

Weapons/Fighting style: His two revolvers and his rifle. He isn't afraid to fight dirty and get in close. He is oddly adept in Saloon conflicts.

Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are: He would say that he wants to bring justice to the town but then there wouldn't be much need for him anymore. He understands what he needs to do and is willing to do what is necessary to accomplish it but he fears the day where frontier lawmen are a commodity of the past. He aims to keep the townsfolk feeling safe. That's all. He wouldn't mind scoring some revenge though, but it will have to wait.

History: Brought up further out west on a farm where his parents lived off the land. His father taught him to shoot, hunt and well basically everything he knows. Naturals causes took his parents and when the farm was left to him he struggled to cope. Natives rode in one day and burned it to the ground with him still inside. They said the land belonged to them. He hunkered down in the burning ruins and held his own until eventually his time ran out and he was shot. The bullet smashed into a small but think shaped piece of metal acting as a makeshift sheriffs badge he had made. The natives took off and left the house ablaze and he barely managed to pull himself out of the carcass of his home. Tired and hurt he took off to the nearest town he could find and since then has left his past behind him. He tends the law there now and waits for the day the natives cross his path again.

Personality: He might be what some call too sane. He understands how the world works, well at least he thinks he does. He's a stallion of his word and isn't afraid to back up his points and views with action. He is willing to do the worst to bring the worst to justice. His shoot first ask questions later mentality is well known and has been subject to question by many officials. His family values are strong and the same goes for his friendships. He understands the ties that bind two ponies together and takes honesty and loyalty as the two most desirable qualities one can possess.

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Oh man! Sorry, I totally forgot! I wrote an app, then Canterlot went down for a bit, so I put it in my notes folder and forgot about it.

Name: Marshal Iron

Sex: Male

Age: Old Stallion

Species: Earth Pony

Eye colour: Misty Grey

Coat colour: Light Grey

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: White mane cut short and an equally short, white tail. Thick white stubble on his chin and a small, trim moustache.

(General appearance): If you had to describe him in one word it'd probably be grizzled.

(Cutiemark): An Equestrian Marshal badge.

(View of the Law): "The law is there for a reason. Somepony breaks it, and they deserve to go down. Now I have a reputation of bringing a pony back dead, why? Because it's cleaner that way. The law is actually carried out. If somepony else is willing to break the law, then why should we bother sticking to the law to take them down? All it'll do is slow us down, and give them a chance to hoof it. No, those that break the law, don't deserve to use it a safety net."

(Weapons/Fighting style): "Been using the same lever action rifle and revolver for thirty years. In those years I've learnt all their ins and outs, their quirks, and now I can shoot with the best of them. All my years have seen me using other weapons temporarily, but those are my standards. Both trusty pieces."

(Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): "Honestly I live for the thrill of it. That moment where a bandit realises he's gone and goofed, and there's no way out. Sometimes it's just to know that bad ponies are dealt with in a manner that gives the victims justice. What justice is there in ten years imprisonment? I say, you just kill them, and let god work it out."

(History): One of the oldest Marshals in the country, and has more than a few cases of infractions. He's spent almost as much time working for the law, as he has working privately while on suspension. He has a long history of bringing criminals in dead. Lost both his parents to bandits, despite the fact his dad was one too. Lives alone and always on the trail.

(Personality): Has trouble connecting with other ponies. Can come across as brash and impulsive, but normally has a plan behind his spontaneous actions. Can't trust other ponies even if they can provide very good reasons to. Normally operates alone, but does understand the importance of having a local around.

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Yayyy, apps! Thank you scamps! =D Okay, Shame!! I think that I'll start this up after you app and I get the chance! ^^ *Clears throat* Okay, here goes the approving! I mean, reviewing and deciding. Yes. xD

Hooray, Slash, a sheriff!! I sort of like Quartermane better. C: Excellent character, I love the whole concept of being "too sane" and how he shoots first asks questions later. He's approved!!!!


It's tooootally okay, Cainiam! Noooo worries! Although, I think you made Talex a little nervous. ;3 So, I really really REALLY like Marshall! This quote in particular makes me love him. "The law is there for a reason. Somepony breaks it, and they deserve to go down. Now I have a reputation of bringing a pony back dead, why? Because it's cleaner that way. The law is actually carried out. If somepony else is willing to break the law, then why should we bother sticking to the law to take them down? All it'll do is slow us down, and give them a chance to hoof it. No, those that break the law, don't deserve to use it a safety net." I absolutely love the idea of an unlawful law pony in being lawful. I already see a lot of potential conflict here!


...So... I'm like, the ONLY bad guy here, correct..? Shame, I'll give you a cookie if you join me!! Cx

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