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Gunsmoke (Apply here, scamps!)


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Man, I'm glad I know CPR xD

and I'll make a second character if I means I get to be on your side, Star :U ....and the cookie.. x3

Oh, and will any of the other sheriffs (preferably Quatermane) take in Dust Cloud? Pleeeeeaaaasse?

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Yay! ^^ Dusty's got a home C: I would've hated to have to make my own sheriff O.o

[colour=#8b4513]"Thanks WhiteSlash! er, Quartermane! Hehehe, when are we gonna go after the bandits!? Grrr!" [/colour]

edit: right... forgot this was the OOC xD

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Name: Fine Line (Changed his name cuz I don't like the word 'deep'...)

Sex: Male

Age: Mid twenties (human scale)

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: Green

Coat colour: Grey

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Messy black mane and tail

(General appearance): A slight twinge, there is clearly something wrong with him at a glance... But it's not obvious exactly what. The dark rings beneath his eyes only add to the eerie secrets of his twisted mind, the stitches across his chest and flanks are very prominent and only adds to the effect

(Cutiemark): A surgical scalpel, yet it has been flayed off his coat, leaving exposed pink patches on either side of his flanks.

(View of the Law): "Law? L-Law gets in zhe vay... L-Law does not apply to surgeons... And zhey cannot stop me from... Practice..."

(Weapons/Fighting style): An average sized Smith and Wesson hangs from his side, although... Beneath his belly clings two massive blades, a bowie knife and a kukiri. He carries the remnants of his last companion as a tomohawk made of bone, sinew, and steel. He will shoot if he must, but he would rather get up close and personal...

(Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): "Practice! Vun cannot perform proper operations vizhout PRACTICE!"

(History): The only history he remembers is the countless mutilated bodies he has left in his wake, perfectly disected and waiting for the coroner. He believes every pleasure of life is to be enjoyed, and let's lust guide him, bloodlust, and that for his fellow pony.

(Personality): Psychopathic tendencies arise at the sight of fresh blood, while the lunacy is always present, he does not kill without proper settings and purpose. He has a thick German accent and tends to keep to himself, so don't expect his gorgeously evil voice TOO often...

"Zat iz all, danke!"

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Yay, I'm not all alone on the bad guys side!! =D He's funny! Youre so in!! I'm sorry that I haven't been on as much as I'd like to have been lately, scamps. Real life has been kind of.. Intense, lately. O//o Lol. But umm, I love you scamps, and I'll start this up for everypony tomorrow, and that's a promise C:


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I'm getting in on this Star! ^^

Name: Rose

Sex: Female

Age: Young/Middle Aged Mare

Species: Earth Pony

Eye colour: Grass Green

Coat colour: Chocolate Brown

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Medium length mane and tail. Rose red colored and straight. Brushed but a little messy for style. She has a scar over her right eye.

(General appearance): She wears a black cowboy hat and dark red and black striped vest. They look a little worn and broken-in from her travels. (Have a picture soon!)

(Cutiemark): A golden revolver with a rose wrapped around it.

(View of the Law): No opinion. Sometimes the law pays well... in bits.

(Weapons/Fighting style): Rose's specialty is her long-range-modded repeating rifle that fires a heavy .45-70 Gov't round. She nicknamed her rifle Paciencia which translates into "patience" in an old dead western language (Spanish.) She hand loads the bullets herself packing in a larger power charge for increased range and bullet velocity. She carries two types of ammunition for her rifle: hollow point copper rounds for soft targets and tungsten tipped armor piercing rounds for armored targets or if she knows that they are hiding behind a wall.

She also carries light double-action, swing-out cylinder .44 magnum revolver. She custom ordered it from an Appoloosan gunsmith emphasing weight reduction. It has a light/striped down frame and cylinder with an ash wood grip. The weapon is very light and quick on the draw but tends to overheat easily when fired repeatedly.

Lastly she has her trusty survival/utility knife. Its a standard heavy full-tang blade with a sawback.

Rose perfers to fight at range with her infamous rifle but can hold her own up close. She won many bar fights when she was younger. Some bars around Appoloosa know her as Whiskey Rose because of her drink of choice and the fact that her cheeks get red when she drinks. However, nopony dares to call her that to her face or even mutter it when around. That just asks for a hoof in the groin.

--- Paciencia


--- "The Light .44"


--- Survival Knife


(Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): Rose really doesn't have any thoughts about her future. She lives day to day completing contracts for more and more bits. Money is her only motivation. Subconciously she want's so finally settle down and buy her own ranch if she ever retires.

(History): Rose was born on a ranch north of Appoloosa. Her mother died soon after from TB so she was raised soley by her father. He taught her to shoot and live off the land when she was very young until one day bandits raided their ranch and killed her pa. Hiding under her bed, she sprang out at the sight of her father's murder with the .357 revolver her father bought her and mercilessly killed them all, avenging her father. She buried him on the ranch and then torched it marking the end of her past life. That Rose wilted. Since then she became a wandering mercenary who's loyalty belonged to the highest bidder which is how she got her cutie-mark.

(Personality): Rose is a rather emotionless individual. All the emotion she ever expreienced and ever will experience is buried and locked away since that fateful night. With the absence of her father, Rose had to fend for herself and quickly she came to realize that there are only two things you can trust in this world. Your bits and your bullets. Rose's true loyalty is to bits. Bits provide for you and they protect you, they also can't betray you. Never once has she not been paid. Rose always gets what she is owed.

Another New Vegas reference but I think this song best describes her. ^^

I couldn't make a picture so I found the closest thing to her. Just imagine this is Rose with the features I mentioned since she obviously isn't AJ. ^^


(First time RP'ing as a mare so... wish me luck. ^^)

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Woot, I'm glad that I could give your life purpose again, Shame! XD

OMG MUSTANG!!!! =D Of COURSE you're in!! I actually really, really like Rose, and I'm excited to see you playing as a mare!! So umm, here ya go ^^


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Name: Run "Gun" Silver

[colour=#282828]Sex: Stallion [/colour]

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Earth

Eye colour: dark brown

Coat colour: Light brown

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: mane is long and shaggy, tail is short and shaggy, scar on his sholder.

[colour=#282828]General appearance: [/colour][colour=#282828]he wheres an old west duster and the classic cowboy hat. along with a six shooter on his belt. has a black bandanna around his neck.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutiemark: Silver nugget[/colour]

[colour=#282828]View of the Law: Law is corrupted. give any pony a good pay day and the'll do what you want.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Weapons/Fighting style: Two six shooters and a dagger for short range combat along with[/colour]

[colour=#282828]whatever they are: Theft, Silver got his money form stealing others wealth. though he usually puts it to good use. like a cup of cider, or gift for the pore.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]History: Born an raised in the west, he devoted his life to crime as a sort of robin hood. stealing form the Rich and giving to the dirt pore. long ago during a train robbery he was shot in the right shoulder, losing some strengths in that leg. that day was also the first time he had seen things go wrong fast. His best friend was killed with a shot in the back, then falling off the train.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: Kind and light hearted. but you need money to survive, it makes the world go round.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Kinda how he looks)[/colour]




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Le gasp! I never applied!!!

Go my new OC!

Name: Ash

Sex: mare

Species: Unicorn

Coat colour: grey

Eye colour: purple!

Mane/tail/markings: my mane and tail are black with purple tips!

Appearance: ugh, always listen when someone says, "don't where your oversized black hoodie jacket robe thing to the desert." I'm dying of heat stroke... May buy one of those big hats.

Cutie mark: an oversized throwing star.

View of the law: well wanted posters never are drawn right, and fighting the law is a drag!

I guess... I'm a bad girl... I uh.. did some stuff I'm not proud of..

Weapons/fighting style: fighting??? Ugh, its a drag but yeah, I can fight, I'm good at it... I use a lot of stealth and traps... Because I'm a... Hunter, yeah that works.

Lifelong dream as a frontier pony/ whatever you are: um I'm just here to lay low for a while.. probably get a hotel room and a bottle of cider.

Knowing my luck, I'll probably run into some dashing rouge who is running from the law.. and I'll get caught up with him /her ;)

History: oh um.... You want to know more? I um... Am on the lamb.. for kil- poaching where I shouldn't have... Because I'm a Hunter.. Haha. I came to this frontier to stay out of trouble, but I'll probably get in trouble and end up "hunting" something I shouldnt. (murdered someone if you didn't catch that.)

Personality: I'm a night pony.. I don't like doing things during the day, day time stuff is usually a drag. I use the word 'drag' a lot as an adjective, because I'm kind of lazy, you know?

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Le gasp! I'm so glad that you're here, Cloudy! I knew that once it started I'd get some more apps.. xD Ash is awesome, and totally in! I love how you did the app all in character like that. She's so rocking, and her "oversized hoodie jacket robe" made meh laugh :3

Oh! Almost forgot!


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It's been a long time since I've played here, and how better to celebrate than being here for a very special mare. She knows who she is.

Name: Longshot Graves

Sex: Male.

Age: Young Adult Stallion

Species: Earth Pony

Eye colour: Yellow

Coat colour: Dark Brown

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style:

[colour=#282828](General appearance): He's a very fit stallion who stands at about medium height. He has a long unkempt black mane which hangs over his eyes, but doesn't ever seem to impede his vision in the slightest. He wears a long brown duster coat which hangs off his hind quarters and often drags along the ground behind him. A winchester rifle sits in a holster on his back beneath the coat at all times. His tail beneath the coat is a long black tail which is a complete contrast to his unkempt mane and is always straight and well taken care of, probably because the coat shields it from the dust and wind.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Cutiemark): His cutie mark is that of a crosshair, due to his often uncanny accuracy at long distance shots.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](View of the Law): Longshot is a renegade. He'll fight for the law when he feels that the other side goes against what he believes is right, but if the law gets in his way, he has no issues with fighting against them as well. He strives to be satisfied as the last man standing in most situations.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Weapons/Fighting style): He uses a long range winchester rifle as his weapon of choice. He can hit a moving target at about 20 yards away. Close quarters, he has a small revolver he keeps in a holster on his right shoulder, though it's always a last resort. He's a decent hoof to hoof fighter. He is left hoofed.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Lifelong dream as Western Frontier pony/whatever they are): He doesn't have many goals, besides avoiding his grave. He enjoys good company and good ale, and has always got a story or two to tell. If he's not getting in trouble, he's happy. If he is getting in trouble, he's happy. If he's not doing anything at all, well then, he better find a pony to stir up some conflict with somewhere.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](History): His father was a rancher and his mother died giving birth to him. Ever since he was a colt he's been running the plains and trying to find something worth living for. He hasn't been very successful. He definitely has plenty of stories to tell though. He doesn't actually know if his father is still alive or not.[/colour]

[colour=#282828](Personality): He's a kind pony until you upset him. He is known to be smiling and joking and telling you a story, and then the next minute jumping over a bar or table punching a pony in the face. He often leaps to the defense of those he feels are wrongly accused or attacked, but if no such pony ever seems to be at a disadvantage, he's also happy watching from a distance and picking at the spoils once the dust settles. He's a drifter, but he's not a loner. He has had many companions in his travels, and often welcomes them as long as they don't stab him in the back. Which has literally happened before. The aggressor didn't live very much longer.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]There you go Star~ :3[/colour]

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*Is totally the only mare here* You know, just.. Just throwing that out there.. xD But hooray! I'm glad to have you here and excited that you're joining! =D

..I actually really enjoy Longshot! Totally in! ^^


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