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The Welcome Wagon


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Punda could feel the suspicion in the air and decided to speak before he was completely forgotten. "Do you work for the weather team?" he asked Wiity.

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Forte caught the catch in Witty's voice, and decided to question it.

[colour=#008000]"I know you probably get this question a lot, but... What's with your wings?"[/colour]

Forte then winced, realizing how insensitive he must have sounded.

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Witty Winds twitched nervously.NO WITTY!They are going to the princess they might rat out on you.Do you want a vacation to the moon Witty?Wouldn't mother be proud?You don't want to mess with our reputation.[colour=#800080]"You don't need to tell me what to do Whipping you left me on my own...."[/colour]She grumbled then she noticed that the pony was still waiting for an answer[colour=#800080]"Ummmmm they are uh specialized wings.My real ones where uh hurt or like ah broken."[/colour]Witty Winds said nervously.

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She grumbled then she noticed that the pony was still waiting for an answer[colour=#800080]"Ummmmm they are uh specialized wings.My real ones where uh hurt or like ah broken."[/colour]Witty Winds said nervously.

Punda gasped at the pony. "I am very sorry to hear that. I apologize for Forte's inappropriate question." Punda said, he gave a light glare to Forte. His sudden shift in personality surprised him. He usually was very nervous and even shy around new ponies, but he felt for the pegasi's plight.

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(Great, so Forte is gonna become a third wheel. Haha, nah, thats fine. Alright, lets get back to the RP, shall we?)

After Witty scowled, Forte grew even more uneasy about the mare. What was she hiding?

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((Well if you want I could bring somepony in for Forte!))

Witty Winds was nervous of the pony called Forte.He looked like he wanted to find out all her secrets.What a shame would that be huh Witty?Ha ha ha.Trying to make friends in a world like this?It's pitiful really.THEY WOULDN'T ACCEPT ME WHY THE H$%L WOULD THEY ACCEPT YOU!!!!!YOU HORRIBLE UGLY LITTLE ADOPTED MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Witty flinched holding her head tears forming in her eyes as her sister yelled at her.It felt like her brain was on fire[colour=#800080]"Please stop no!It hurts."[/colour]She pleaded.The feeling subsided and her sister spoke again.You know your place never stray off that path again or it will be WORSE next time.If you feel like you can stand it stay here with these idiots....If you wish to avenge our mother fly away.Witty started to sob quietly.

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(Let see how it goes with Witty and Punda then)

Punda noticed Witty began crying. He cautiously stepped forward. "Are you alright?" he asked, worry began to form on his stripped face.

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