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[Pegasus] Spark Anidea [FINAL]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Spark Anidea, some call him Sparky.

Sex: Male.

Age: Young Stallion.

Species: Pegasus.

Eye colour: Green.

Coat colour: Light Brown.

Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Black and spikey.

Physique: Quite strong.

Cutie Mark: Light bulb, significant to his love of inventing.

Origin/Residence: Wooden Workhouse in, if not near, Canterlot.

Occupation: Inventing, ( More of a hobby ) but inventions can be sold.

Motivation: The idea of creating something new, something that will help make life easier.

Likes: Inventing. Science. Learning. Apple cake. The smell of fresh wood.

Dislikes: Fire and dragons. Has a fear of Heights. Large crowds. Baking.

Character Summary: ( I felt the need for creativity, so I did the summery in a autobiography style )

My life started off in Canterlot with my parents, Velvet Anidea and Flash Anidea are their names. They had a job in making bakery goods like cookies or cupcakes. Personally I never liked baking, it wasn’t that I couldn't do it was just that.... well ok maybe I wasn’t ever the best baker. But that's beside the point, I tried baking for ages, hoping that it would help make my Cutie mark come along. But after a while, I realized that baking just wasn't for me and I'd have to find something else I was good at. Then, in my early colt years, I discovered what I was meant for.

It was the princess' birthday, and my parents were put in charge of the food. However, with such a large order, they couldn't handle it, especially since all attempts for me to help ended explosively- I won't go into the details.

Anyway, watching my parents run around the bakery, cracking eggs, stirring flour, it gave me an idea: What if I could help them out that didn't involve me getting anywhere near baking?

And that's when it started, I went into my dad's old workshop which he used as a bakery before getting a new one, and got to work. Making blueprints, cutting wood and building contraptions... I never felt more alive. Sure enough, I soon built my first invention: The Cake O'Maker. A big wooden machine that would make cakes from scratch, and would cook them in a small brick oven. I didn't just surprise my parents with the Cake O'Maker, but I surprised myself too!

Well after the birthday, I was rewarded and praised for my invention, and realized that inventing was what I was made for. That's when I got my Cutie Mark. It's a light bulb, like the metaphorical light bulb someone has above their head when they've got an idea, pretty relevant for me right?

So anyway, since my success in the Cake O'Maker, I've grown up, rented my dad’s old workhouse, and took my skills of inventing to the test. So far, I've created many original inventions, all inspired to make ponies lives easier. For farmers I made the Seed O'Planter, I've improved the Cake O'Maker to allow it to decorate cakes as well as baking them. Also I've made a Mane O'Dryer, a machine for those wet, rainy days. Many ponies in Canterlot know me through my inventions, though I'm more of a shy type, so normally my inventions are the only part of me they know about.

Those who know me know of my fear of heights and some even ask me why, probably because I'm a Pegasus, and so it would be strange for me to not like heights. Believe me, if I knew why I had a phobia of heights, I would be trying to get over it by now. With some practice, and maybe someone for support, I might get over it, but with my busy life in the workhouse, I highly doubt it.

Recently, I've been travelling around Equestria, selling some of my inventions and getting my name known. My passion is inventing, not selling them, but everyone's got to make a living somehow and inventing seems to be my only talent.

My parents keep questioning me, telling me to make friends or get out and socialize some more, they say it might help me become less timid. I'm perfectly happy the way I am, but if it stops my parents worrying, I might as well try. And to be honest, when it comes to finding ideas, two heads are better than one.


^What I look like

Edited by JazzyHippo
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Your character needs to be approved first.

Though you should think about expanding your character a bit. Namely in regards to family. Since he is still a child I would ask who are his parents? What do they do? How did they affect his upbringing and personality? (You only briefly talk about the father) Also I feel like you need a bit more about history as well. Especially his cutie mark story.

Also, though you say his cottage is outside ponyville, there is a housing crisis, so that might need to be changed. I'm sure a help staff could give you some good tips on where to settle if the location you chose doesn't work. How ever I wouldn't take my word as law with that.

Over all though your app seems to be off to a good start. It just needs a bit more detail, imho. ;)

Good luck! :)

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He loves apple cake but has a fear of baking? Not necessarily a problem, just a little funny.

Anywho, I like the character overall. I don't see any glaring problems, nothing that would require a severe overhaul. We tend to want players to not post first person applications but I don't see the point in finding fault with one after the fact. There is some basic grammar issues but again nothing too worrying.

The only thing I could see being a possible flaw is the inventions. Even then we just need to tell you to make sure you follow the technology outlines that are followed for Mane RP, and as described I see no major problems.

Sending up for approval.

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