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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Revised: Open, Apply in OOC)


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>Applebloom "Virginia" (Freelancer Equinia HQ)

Blushing deeply as Harmony kissed her, the young mare watched her leave, mesmerized slightly. After a moment, she shook her head and cleared her throat. Grinning nervously to Washington as he led her away and began to speak to her. "...I...uh...sorry you had to see that, Wash, I know it isn't orthodox to display such emotional actions while on duty...anyway, I guess I am adjusting rather well. The...the Shade Corps training methods were extreme, but could you argue with the results...? The only reason y'all captured me was from sheer luck. Still, though, the induction was more difficult than I expected, but it wasn't all too tough. Maybe I will explain further about the Shade Corps another time...unless you want to know now, of course." As they continued on, she listened intently, nodding occasionally and shrugging. The Director...a character as mysterious as the Red Fox was. Hopefully, he wouldn't turn out to be as malevolent as the now-deceased Federation leader. Funny...just a little while ago, she had sworn loyalty to that creature, and now...well, fate had an interesting way of doing things. "...I'll take your word on that, Wash."

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=======>>> [colour=#006400]Capt. Star Striker - Equina Ruins Sector with Chrysalis[/colour]

[colour=#006400][colour=#006400]"I see... you seek redemption." [/colour][colour=#000000]Striker comments. He senses no deception on the Queen's part. Perhaps her file has her all wrong? He turns to face her.[/colour] [colour=#006400] "If you truely seek to assist me and take a significant step forward towards your goal then I will accept but, on one condition." [/colour][/colour]Str[colour=#006400][colour=#000000]iker's eyes and his body language return to his usual militant style although his face carries much serious weight. [/colour][colour=#006400]"We cannot speak here. I know of a secluded place but it is far from here. If you accept I will tell you all you need to know... within reason. So..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Striker reaches out his hoof. [/colour][colour=#006400]"Do you accept these terms, Queen Chrysalis?"[/colour][/colour]

- Still with Striker in the outskirts -

[colour=#009966]"Of course"[/colour], Chrysalis answered in her typical seductive way - not like she wants to, but its simply her character. She gave him her hoof, which was covered by holes with sharp edges.[colour=#009966] "Don't cut yourself on my hoof"[/colour], she said that with a clear meaning - not only her hoof has sharp edges, messing with her will end very badly, after all her magic is extremely strong, only limited by the amount of love she consumes and lately she had quite the meal with Cadance.

[colour=#009966]"Lead the way pony, and be ready to hold a door open for a lady."[/colour] The changeling queen giggled, signalizing Striker that it was meant as a joke and to break the seriousness of the situation.

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> [colour=#ff8c00]Kaalia[/colour] (Equinia, LEH training ground)

[colour=#ff8c00]"Hmmm,"[/colour] She tapped her chin with a hoof and smile timidly at Draco.[colour=#ff8c00] "Well, I guess I'm just like you."[/colour] She said as she poked him in the chest. [colour=#ff8c00]"Just, more raw. I use to be a normal filly, but things happened. My life changed."[/colour] She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. [colour=#ff8c00]"Enough about that for now, if you really want to know I can tell you more later, but right now you need to focus." [/colour]

The sound of metal on metal permeated the air of the training area. Draco had chosen to spar, a decision the Kaalia winced at. She lead him over to the melee pin. The dragoness stopped and watched the brutal display in front of her, the ponies in the ring were throwing blows with enough force to shatter trees and crumple armored transports. One of the knight's, a blue pegasus stallion with golden eyes, had his opponent in a full nelson lock. The unicorn struggled, but he just could get any leverage on the pegasus. Suddenly using his strong back legs the pegasus lifted his opponent up and bent backwards, suplexing the unicorn knight. The ground shook from the force of the slam and several large cracks spread out from were the unicorn hit the ground. The knight supervising the match blew his whistle signalling an end to the combat. The victorious knight reached a hoof down into the five foot deep crater he made with his opponents body and lifted the unicorn to his feet. The unicorn dusted himself off, and was no worse for wear. The two stallions shared a laugh and trotted out of the pin. Each gave a small bow to Kaalia and Draco as they passed by.

[colour=#ff8c00]"Clear the arena!"[/colour] She yelled. The entire area grew deathly quiet as all fights stopped. She looked around and spotted an earth pony knight, lounging in a pile of hay. [colour=#ff8c00]"Thunder Maw!"[/colour] Kaalia called. The lazy stallion snapped to attention and bolted towards Kaalia and Draco.

"Ma'am." He said from his low bow.

[colour=#ff8c00]"You will spar with my friend here. Do. Not. Kill. Him."[/colour] Her expression was one of utter seriousness.

"Yes Broodmother!" The stallion trotted into the pin and waited on his opponent.

[colour=#ff8c00]"If you're really sure about this, step into the pin. Tell me when you're ready."[/colour]


[colour=#000000]> [/colour][colour=#daa520]Alpha inforce[/colour][colour=#000000] (Equinia, ????)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]> Tech[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Sewers stink, never let anyone tell you otherwise. Tech had been in the bowls of the city for hours placing data taps on the lines leading to and from all of the important data centers. The taps were even connected to the cities remaining WiFi towers, any data flowing through the city Tech would see.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]"It won't be that bad he said," Tech complained as he installed his last tap. "I'm never listening to Baxter about stuff like this again." He inserted the final screw and punched in a short code on the device, causing it to flash briefly. "I'm gonna smell like spoiled pony anus for days." Tech grumbled and placed his tools back in his back pack. Almost immediately the tap started to pick up a staticy transmission. It was the archmage, calling for...craftponies...and they needed to be here immediately...what for?[/colour]

[colour=#000000]He crawled out of the sewers and covertly replaced the entrance cap. Making sure that no one saw him, he took flight and headed back to the RLF's camp.[/colour]

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he watched as the two sparred and felt a bit nervous suddenly. he had never fought a pony trained by dragons and from what he saw the he was going to get his flank handed to him. [colour=#008000]"im as ready as i will ever be.."[/colour] he said as he stepped into the pin and bowed to his opponent and then started to circle..

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[colour=#006400]Capt. Star Striker: Equinian Ruined Sector ---> Secret RLF Stronghold/Bunker[/colour]

The Captain's expression doesn't change as he carefully shakes the Queen's hoof. [colour=#006400]"Good, lets proceed." [/colour]Striker turns away, adjusts his Ranger beret, and reaches into his ragged and tattered uniform for his two-way radio. [colour=#006400]"Shade 1-3, this is Ghost. I need transport at map grid 315-29er8. Further order will be given upon arrival, over."[/colour]

[colour=#000080]"Shade 1-3, copies, Ghost. ETA, 15 minutes, sir, over and out."[/colour]

The Ranger puts away his raidio and pulls out a pack of cigarrettes and draws one with his teeth and lights it. [colour=#006400]"We are going to have a lot to discuss, Queen Chrysalis..." [/colour]he says with a puff smoke as if floats out into the rain.

-15 minutes later-

A UH-60 Black Hawk lands in a small clearing next to Striker and Chrysalis with the rotors still whirling, waiting for dust off. The helicopter is painted all black and the sounds of the engines are surprisingly quiet for that of a helicopter. This immediately reveals that the vehicle is designed for stealth. Where ever they are going they are going in secret. Striker removes a piece of cloth from his pocket and walks up to Chrysalis and blind folds her. "I'[colour=#006400]m sorry, Chrysalis, but this is still a security risk, considering where I am taking you. You must trust me." [/colour]he reassures her as he leads the Queen to the helicopter and buckles her in. He slides the doors shut and they lift up into the air. After he straps in and places his head set on he speaks to the pilots. [colour=#006400]"Shade 1-3, isolate and encript our radio frequencies and initiate stealth countermeasures. I want this trip off the record, Black Ops protocal Tango-2-VIP. Desitation is Sierra-Xray-117."[/colour]

[colour=#000080]"Roger that, sir. We are off the radar and stealth systems are engaged. ETA 2 hours."[/colour]

The Stealth Helcopter takes off and heads towards its destination. Striker taps Chrysalis on the thigh as he takes of his head gear. [colour=#006400]"Looks like we are gunna have a little of a long flight so lets talk about some things."[/colour] he says as he flicks his cigerrette in the ashtray. [colour=#006400]"What do you know about this 'Goliath?' What is it and what does it do?"[/colour]

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>Twilight Sparkle (Equinian Ruined Sector--->Secret RLF stronghold/bunker)

The mare emerged into the faint rainfall from a hidden entrance in one of the destroyed alleys of the Ruined Sector, the door-hatch shutting behind her. She gazed around, grimacing at the sight before her. This must be connected to the Ghettos in some way, if they weren't already under reconstruction...suddenly, movement caught her eye, spotting Chrysalis' flying form sweep overheard. Urgently, Twilight cast a silent spell of invisibility, cloaking herself completely as she watched the changeling queen fly off. What was Chrysalis doing in this part of the city...? Twilight had to find out, at all costs.

Stepping out of the alley with her spell still active, she spotted the changeling fly toward one of the streets ahead and settle down. Curious, she advanced in that same direction. It took her a couple of minutes to arrive, but arrive she did...only to find Chrysalis standing there with Striker. Stiffling a gasp of shock, she unconsciously hid behind some debris despite her magic, and listened in on them in silence. Was...was it possible that the changeling had hired Striker to assassinate her? Pushing the growing rage down, Twilight narrowed her eyes upon hearing of an arriving stealth helicopter. So, they need to go somewhere private...? Very well...she might as well tag along, without them knowing, of course. After fifteen minutes, she spotted the helicopter descend onto the ground, and she waited until Striker and Chrysalis were on the helicopter before making her move.

With the invisibility spell still active, she placed an anti-detection ward around herself and approached the helicopter swiftly, and as it took off, she leapt into the air and cast another spell, a magnitizing incantation onto her hooves. Feeling the magnetic forces take hold, her hooves were dragged onto the vehicle's belly, landing gently and soundlessly so as to not draw any attention. Turning off the invisibility spell to preserve her magical strength, she summoned black garbing to encompass her body...a stealth suit fitted for such missions. If there was one thing she was glad for during the Red Fox's occupation of her body...it was the growth that it had caused and the increase in her magical vocabulary. Now, feeling as the stealth vehicle took off, she cast another spell to listen in on the conversation in the helicopter, remaining completely silent as the vehicle took off and flew away.

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[colour=#009966]"I have to say, I have not much information about the goliath, but I can tell you its a super weapon of enormous power and it has a very special energy source"[/colour], her mouth was forming her famous evil grin and the look her eyes gave Striker would be stingy if she hadn't been blind-folded but you could see her expression anyway.

(Its a conversation so I will make short posts)

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>[colour=#ff8c00]Kaalia [/colour](Equinia, LEH camp)

[colour=#ff8c00]"Very well,"[/colour] She held a hoof in the air and watched as the two stallions circled each other. [colour=#ff8c00]"Begin!"[/colour]


> [colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce [/colour][colour=#000000](Equinia, stalking equines)[/colour]

> [colour=#daa520]Gilda[/colour]

A blip appeared in the griffoness's HUDs, immediately she snapped around to investigate what was approaching. The current leader of the GEF Twilight Sparkle was below her, the green border that once surrounded her was replaced with an orange one signifying that she was to be killed if necessary. The thing that caught Gilda's eye however was that all she saw was the outline, apparently the mare was under some sort of invisibility spell. [colour=#daa520]So this doesn't involve the GEF[/colour], thought Gilda.

She heard Striker's call for a chopper and waited patiently. Once the transport landed she prepared to leap into action, but something she didn't expect occured. Twilight's outline took action, one minute she was there then that next moment she was gone. By the splashing water on the ground Gilda could tell that she was advancing on the chopper. She waited until the bird took off before starting her pursuit. She flew under the chopper out of visuals. She caught a brief glimpse of Twilight stuck to the hull of the vehicle, eavesdropping on whatever was being said. [colour=#daa520]Perhaps I can get information out of her later.[/colour]

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[colour=#009966]"I have to say, I have not much information about the goliath, but I can tell you its a super weapon of enormous power and it has a very special energy source"[/colour], her mouth was forming her famous evil grin and the look her eyes gave Striker would be stingy if she hadn't been blind-folded but you could see her expression anyway.

(Its a conversation so I will make short posts)

Chrysalis' grin confuses Striker. How can she be treating this whole situation so... casually. He retains he formal military demeanor as he speaks. [colour=#006400]"I thought as much when I heard about this 'Goliath.' It is a WMD for sure. Who created it, Chrysalis? GEF? Who?" [/colour]he asks somewhat hastily. This 'Goliath' is indeed a threat to Equestria and mere mention of the thing gives him shivers.

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[colour=#009966]"I cannot tell you that"[/colour], she answered, but then noticed how this would sound to somepony that doesn't know what she actually means and she rephrases it, [colour=#009966]"I mean I cannot tell you because I don't know it. We changelings are cut off from the world more than anyone else and its just a lucky coincidence that I know anything about it."[/colour] She took a deep breath.

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[colour=#006400]Capt. Star Striker with Queen Chrysalis: RLF Stealth Helicopter enroute to Secret RLF Bunker[/colour]

[colour=#006400]"[/colour][colour=#006400]I see... d***..."[/colour] he curses at the lack of intel. Chrysalis is proving to be not to be the mass databank he anticipated her to be. [colour=#006400] "Regardless, this thing needs to be destroyed..." [/colour]he comments.

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[colour=#009966]"Yes it does"[/colour], she agreed, nodding but confused about the lack of vision,[colour=#009966] "I cannot rule over an destroyed Equestria and who knows how many of my subjects will die if all hell breaks lose? We cannot let that happen, ever. Regardless of what you ponies think about me, we have the same goal here and as long as the Goliath stands you don't have to expect any treachery from me."[/colour]

There was silence for a few moments.

[colour=#009966]"You did enjoy blindfolding me, didn't you?"[/colour]

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[colour=#006400]"WHAT?!?!" [/colour]Striker looks at Chrysalis with an annoyed look on his face which she can't see. He is red with embarassment and irritation. [colour=#006400]"Well don't you have a high opinion of yourself... Queen of the Changelings..."[/colour] he comments in an annoyed mocking tone.

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>Twilight Sparkle (????)

She listened in on their conversation, surprised at Chrysalis' ignorance of the situation...and when she heard about the 'blindfolding' part, her face also heated and she felt a twinge of...what? Jealousy? Impossible. Grimacing, she now listened more intently. Twilight grinned slightly at Striker's comment on the changeling queen's ego.

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She giggles at the irritated rage of the stallion and for a second she feared he might even slap her for her comment but then she realized this stallion was more gentlecolt than she could except from most guys these days and she was also an ally he doesn't want to upset.[colour=#009966] "Oh yes yes, I have a high opinion of myself my lovely Striker. It's what gives me the strength to try changing this world to the better. And now don't tell me you wouldn't enjoy blindfolding me again." [/colour]

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David leaves the wagon and takes the weapons, then he grins with joy. He has a small handgun and what appeared to be what the GEF has been working on for years. He injects himself with a small vile and immediately sees improvement in his muscles and height. He looks at the armor that he would be putting on. He puts his armor that exposed no skin, the last piece was his helmet. He actually was in Captain Star Stiker's unit, but he was separated. His rank in the RLF's military is a lieutenant. He went missing a couple months back. He traveled as fast as he could with his armored suit. With the pony enhancements he could run faster. He jumped into the air and flew faster. He had a small beacon placed on his armor and his helmet could activate it with one word, " Activate." The beacon went out only to RLF it could be sensed on any of the RLF's technology. He was going to Eqauinia, his beacon was set out so that any RLF members could realize thats where he was going. In a couple of exhausting hours of non-stop flight, he made it. His armored suit kind of stood out, so he did his best to look like an official GEF lab rat. A guard came up to him and asked him about the suit, " I am apart of the 115 pony enhancement project." David looked abnormally tall, so made up for that part and the guard bought it. He went around looking for Captain Star Striker, but he was nowhere to be seen. Oh well, better find some other RLF military. Now where could David find them? He walked around looking for one but he couldn't really find one. He needed to find one fast. David was glad his helmet had some sort of communication device that altered his voice when he spoke, some of the guards put up wanted signs everywhere with his face plaster all over them, including his scar. He stood in town for a while and a lot of ponies were staring at him, whispering somethings to their friends. He growled and almost at once all of them scattered, " He he." He then stopped and stood there for a while.

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Striker makes annoyed grunt as he lights a new cigarrette. [colour=#006400]"Right now I'd rather gag you more..." [/colour]he says in a smart*** tone of voice.

Chrysalis breaks out in a short but intense laughter, driven by the annoyed sounds of Striker. [colour=#009966]"I bet so!"[/colour], he really moved himself in a terrible situation with his last sentence. [colour=#009966]"Who knows what you are going to do with me once we are in that ... place, I mean, there is noone to protect this lone lady. And you are quite a strong stallion, aren't ya?"[/colour] She feared nothing, with Cadance love her magic was already going to be as strong as Twilights - just with the difference that Chrysalis doesn't know as many spells.

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>[colour=#ff8c00]Kaalia [/colour](Equinia, LEH camp)

[colour=#ff8c00]"Very well,"[/colour] She held a hoof in the air and watched as the two stallions circled each other. [colour=#ff8c00]"Begin!"[/colour]

they circled while the Thunder said[colour=#008000] [/colour][colour=#800000]"don't worry newbie i will go easy on ya.."[/colour] to witch Draco scoffed [colour=#008000]"please don't on my account "[/colour] to which he and Thunder smiled a stallion like smile of competition and thunder rushed him and tried to grapple him to which Draco Blocked and sweeped his hooves out from under him and put him on the floor and jumped back. Thunder got back up chuckling then rushed and before Draco had a chance he was in a headlock and slowly running out of breath and would lose consciousness... that is until Draco flared his wings out breaking thunders Hold on him and he put the hoof that had held him in a headlock and put it behind his back making Thunder wince before headbutting and then picking him up and throwing him outta the ring quickly and he lands against the wall with some force.... he looks rather dissy

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Chrysalis breaks out in a short but intense laughter, driven by the annoyed sounds of Striker. [colour=#009966]"I bet so!"[/colour], he really moved himself in a terrible situation with his last sentence. [colour=#009966]"Who knows what you are going to do with me once we are in that ... place, I mean, there is noone to protect this lone lady. And you are quite a strong stallion, aren't ya?"[/colour] She feared nothing, with Cadance love her magic was already going to be as strong as Twilights - just with the difference that Chrysalis doesn't know as many spells.

[colour=#006400]"Don't get your hopes up Chrysalis..."[/colour] he says with a puff of his cigarrette. He can sense her arrogance, not like she is being subtle. Is she really serious?

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[colour=#009966]"Aw common Striker! I know you are not like this. You probably are thinking how arrogant I am right now or even annoying, but I tell you what, deep inside you, you know there are much different descriptions for me, different feelings... ." [/colour]Her grin widened, this situation was so deliciously satisfying!

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[colour=#006400]"That sounds inviting..."[/colour] he says mockingly but then his voice becomes rather serious, not like military serious but emotionally truthful. [colour=#006400]"To be honest with you, Chrysalis... I would be all over you if I was younger. I was quite the casanova back in my youth, but now I am disaplined individual and..." [/colour]he stops as a sharp pain emerges in his heart. He thinks about Tender Care... after a quick moment of silence he returns to reality. [colour=#006400]"We will talk about that later. Now I am a soldier. It is what I was born to be. I am proud and strong... I hold myself to the highest standards I can with honor and... well... this should explain who I am to you, your majesty."[/colour] Striker explains as he reaches for stereo fastened to the wall and selects an

to be played. The cabin of the aircraft is lit up with music. Striker proudly sings along as he nods his head to the beat.

After the song finishes, Striker lets out a joyful sigh. [colour=#006400]"That is me in a nutshell, Queen Chrysalis. I am a warrior."[/colour]

As Striker speaks he gets this strange feeling... like he is being watched... however he ignores it. A con of being a soldier of his calibur is that you can get a little paranoid.

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