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About Myself: I live in michigan I enjoy writing and singing

How I found Canterlot.com: trying to find a RP forum

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I fell in love with the songs

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle
Hi I'm SpiritLight I'm new here i hope I get along well with everyone

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I've done a bit I have a small profile of a character

Name: Spirit Light

Gender: female

Species: Unicorn

Physical appearance: Spirit's body colour is greyish white, her mane and tail colour is bluish grey, and her eyes are gold. her cutie mark is a feather quil with a few piece's of paper represents her love of writing and books she is always seen with a sliver saddle bag with her ideas and notes on her many story ideas

Personality: Spirit is very sweet and kind to ponys and very polite though she can come off as strange and werid since she tends to talk to herself when she is thinking of her ideas

Bio: Spirit Light was born outside of canterlot leaveing with 9 siblings four older sister and five older brothers her self as the youngest and the runt. when she earned her cutie mark she set out to find out everything about storys and legends to help her write her own someday she espicaly loves the storys about Pendragon and the Knights of the Alicorn's Horn keeping her own personaly copy in her saddle bag for inspiration.

Skills/Abilities: Spirit posesses sme basic magic skills of a unicorn but is queit adapted at illusion which she uses to help with her ideas as wll as healing spells

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