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Carry On (can have 12 ponies max, apply in the OOC!)

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Starbuster relaxed in her room for a bit until she heard the calling of her roommate that she was looking forward to sharing her room with so much. Limping out of her room, she trotted down to the second level, just as Wayne closed his door. Dawn Sunrise was in the hallway calling to see if anypony else was there. [colour=#4b0082]"Hey Dawnie, our room's upstairs. Room Twelve. You coming?" [/colour]She said, nudging Dawn towards the stairs to the third floor.

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Wayne heard more footsteps, but this one kind of had an awkward beat to it. It did not have the regular beat......Wait! The person was injured in their legs. Wayne hated a lot of things but more than anything he wanted to protect others around him, because he could never protect his Mother. He opened the door and looked around the hallway. He rubbed his eyes a bit to get some of the tears off. He had to find that pony! He followed the sound of the steps that led to the top. In the hallway was the filly and that mare he saw earlier, " Uh.........Wait!" He started galloping after the two. He stopped when he reached them, ".........Uh....." He could not find the words, " What........Hurt you?" He was looking at the mare. He stared at the ground so he didn't have to stare at her eyes, " You.....uh.....Really need to be careful....By the way........The name's Wayne.........." He ran back down stairs and changed his mind about going to that store. He opened the door to the entrance and closed it behind him. It was getting chilly out so he lifted his hood. He ran for the store and sooner or later he ran into that mare again. He never did get any of their names, " Oh....hi....again......Did i tell you my name.......Well......It's.....Wayne..." He was looking at the ground again.

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"Moving day.." Browneh says with a sigh today was finally the day he moves out of his parents house 19 long years being there, his mum comes in, "are you sure you want to leave, sweetie? your always welcome here" "no, i dont wanna grow up in my parents house, i wanna have a life of my own, and an apartment is the best i can do for right now" Browneh says, his mother looking at him, teary eyed says"good luck honey, just remember you can visit our home, in cloudsdale where we always will be" Browneh says" i will mum" as he gathers his things and heads out, "dont forget to write!" his mother yells as he leaves the confort of his home he comes opon the house, hmm this looks like its it, he opens the door..."hello?" nopony answered "helloo? anypony here?"

"Great an empty house with no tenements, a good way to get over my shyness, now isnt it?" browneh sighs and explores the house, finding a room with two beds, "hmm guess i could stay here, wait theres TWO beds? well then this shouldent be hard to get over my shyness! ill see 3-4 ponies everyday, well thats IF i find anypony in this madhouse" he sits down in the bed and begins to unpack.

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After hearing movement, Paradisek walked out of his bedroom and called out, "Uh, hello?" He walked down into the next room where a brown colt sat on the bed. "Uh, hi" He put out quietly. "I take it your new?"

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Dawn hopped happily through the hallway, and stopped in front of Cloud, who had just asked her a question. The filly knew a great amount, yet she hadn't known what a tenant was.

[colour=#F62817]"Oh, I- Uhh...."[/colour]

The filly has been looking down as she thought of a reply. Only to look back up to find a new stallion that stood over her, causing her to become shocked. She jumped slightly and her horn sparked, setting a few small things on fire and scorching others. She smiled sheepishly at Cloud and noticed yet another pony, a mare this time, at the end of the corridor. Who beckoned her to follow to her room. The small flames had burnt themselves out and many parts of the hall were now slightly burned.

Dawn dashed to stairs and quickly went to the third floor, happy for a change of scenery.

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Paradisek jumped as fire came out of the filly's horn and he flew to the ceiling. "Gah!" He yelled but he noticed that the flames went out on their own. "Uh...I'm kind of new, is there someone I can talk to?" He called out.

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Paradisek jumped back onto the ground after he'd had flown up to the ceiling. He turned back to the brown colt "Uh, I have no idea." he stated bluntly. "Um, my names Paradisek," he said quietly, "What's yours."

(Do realize that Paradisek is shy too.)

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"Nah, I share a room here with another colt, his name's Wayne. There was another filly here just a minute ago, though I'm not sure where she went." There must be other ponies living here though, the place isn't abandoned. But enough of that, what'cha want to do?" Paradisek smiled genuinely at the colt.

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( COLT!!!!! I AINT YOUNG !!!! I am a stallion.......a very tall muscular one. age 18!!! yea colt means young pony. stallion means adultish or mabey teen) Wayne slowly walked back to the house. He had gotten some things from the store that he was carrying on his back for the mare. The only thing he wanted at the store was a seed packet. He opened the door and let the mare in. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. That was when he saw his new roommate, " Hey roommie! Whatcha up to?" Wayne set the stuff down aside. He kept the seed packet in his pouch. The two ran around before he could get a response. Wayne shrugged and walked into his room. He hopped on the bed and opened the seed packet. He also got a vase at the store, earlier today he filled the vase with dirt. Wayne put some of the seeds in the vase and watered them with a bottle, also from the store. He set the vase in the sunlight so they could grow. Even though it has been a gloomy day, the sun is still out. Wayne decided to go to sleep until dinner arrived. He burrowed under the covers and pulled the blanket over his face. He closed his eyes and was out cold. Until his dream came about......

Wayne was with his mother going for a daily picnic. They reached the beach and she was gone. He looked around to find her but he couldn't. Then he heard buzzing noises. No! Anything but that! Wayne recognized the noise, it was the noise of the mine caving in. All of a sudden Wayne is not a small colt anymore he is about his age right now, trying to run away from the cave in. He looked behind him and saw his crew die. The heat of the mine was climbing up. He ran and ran and ran, until he tripped over something, one of his crew members.

Wayne woke up from his dream with a gasp and was sweating from heat. He found out the heat was from a small heater in the room. It was a bit chilly out. He shook his head and tried to find the source of the buzzing. He got up from bed and walked downstairs to sit on a couch. He was very cautious about the entire place. Moving his eyes at every angle to check for something that wasn't there.

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browneh and paradise explore much of the big house, they see kitchens, game rooms, a deck and many other things until , browneh sees what looks like a living room, and a stallion sitting on the couch."look another roommate" Browneh said in a soft, timid voice." come on, lets go say hi" browneh says, browneh slowly trots over to the couch, and looks at the pony "h-hi there..m- my name is...Browneh, whats yours?"

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Wayne saw two ponies come up to him, " Oh hey......" He still had a dream effect left on him, so he was very cautious of what he did. In fact, he flinched when he asked him what his name was, " The name is Wayne, a lot of my buddies use to call me Hazard, but you can call me Wayne." Wayne looked around a bit, then he decided to get up and go to the kitchen, but before that he asked, " You two fellas know how to cook?" Strange. His shyness has been completely obliterated. He looked toward the oven and turned on the stove, the flames made him jump back. He turned the stove back off and looked toward the two behind him, " Oh, sorry..........You two fellas heard of the Mining accident back two years ago? If you have......I was in that accident." He started looking to the ground, " Lets talk about something else that doesn't have to do with open flames, enclosed areas, or caving in mines, shall we?"

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"I can make enchiladas," He proudly stated. He turned back to Browneh, "See, told you there were other ponies," he smiled. He picked out supplies started cooking. He turned to Wayne "So Wayne, looks like I'm your new roommate."

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" At least some pony knows how to cook." Wayne said, he knew how to cook but he fear was fire. The reason he used to mine coal, " I'll start up the oven." Wayne grabbed some coal and shoveled it into the oven. Instantly the stove ignited with fire. The only reason they had a coal mine open was to use coal for the trains they have, " Show us your magic...."

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Starbuster led Dawn Sunrise into Room 12. [colour=#4b0082]"So this is your room, and you're sharing it with me, I hope you don't mind too much."[/colour] She smiled somewhat weakly at Dawn, wincing in pain from her beating she took. [colour=#4b0082]"I suppose I should take a bath... That may make me feel better."[/colour] She said, to no one in particular as Dawn somewhat scanned her new room.[colour=#4b0082] "I'll be in the bathroom if you need me. I should be relatively quick." [/colour]She said, stepping towards the bathroom. Entering, she saw it was quite bare. Only the essentials were carried. She stepped over to the tub, twisting the knob and letting the sound of the flowing warm water soothe her. Filling the bathtub, she stepped inside and sank into the water, soaking her wounds and making an attempt at becoming clean again.

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Wayne walked up to his room, " You two stallions seem perfect for each other you two should be room mates." He dove into his room and locked the door. He wanted to get another attempt on sleeping. He hopped onto the bed and burrowed his head under the covers. He closed his eyes once more and heard the sound of water running. He remember once more.......

" Mama? Mama?! Daddy? Is she just sleeping," Wayne was a child once more looking at his mother's lifeless body, " Yes she will always be asleep." Wayne did not understand he was taken away by his father to go outside. The weather was rain, a lot of it. The water........water..........

Wayne woke up and once more got out of his bed. He opened the door and walked up the stairs, where was he going. He sat down in the hallway on the top floor. Ugh! Why was his life so complicated. He looked out the window and saw the mine from a very far distance. Any pony could see what was going to happen. The mine was caving in. Wayne saw the mine caving in, but of course he was seeing things again.

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