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Grisha [Ready]


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Role-play Type: World of Equestria

Name: Grisha

Sex: Male

Age: Adult

Species: Griffon

Eye colour: Gold-yellow

Coat: Dark gray feathers and fur, smooth against his body. Around his neck he wears a piece of string with his first earned bit attached, “My Lucky Bit” as he calls it.

Mane/Tail: Slicked back white feathers for the head, dark gray bushy fur for the tail.

Physique: Average, with slight muscle.

Residence: Despite having a house in Rockwington, Grisha prefers to sleep in whatever cloud looks comfortable enough after his last delivery of the day.

Occupation: Self-employed delivery.

Cutie Mark: Not applicable


Grisha was raised an only child to a family that barely had enough without the extra mouth to feed. His father, Gavril, couldn’t stand to see the family suffer and decided to take on any extra work he could find while his mother, Galina, stayed home to raise the child. The first few years were rough on all three of the family members: Gavril was barely getting enough sleep each night, and it was nearly impossible for him to get any time during the day to so much as think of his family; Galina spent all of her time caring for Grisha, barely leaving any time to sleep or feed herself; Grisha never had a chance to bond with his father in any way, resulting in an unhealthy distance and almost fearing the man that would come to his crib almost every night to wish him pleasant dreams.

During his school years, Grisha worked a paper route to help his family pay for everything; he gave just about everything to his parents to help pay off any bills or to help with food, keeping only a couple of bits to himself to save for the future. He took one of the first bits he saved for himself and pierced a hole through the center of it with a nail he found outside the house, put a string through it, and wore it from that day on as a good luck token for being his first earned bit. Whether the little coin actually had anything to do with luck or not had yet to be determined, but he chose to believe all lucky moments were thanks to his little piece of shiny metal he wore around his neck.

Even with the lucky token around his neck, school was not something Grisha enjoyed. The coin had actually been stolen from him quite a few times by other students that enjoyed picking on the essentially fatherless Griffon. He’d always get it back not long after, usually from a teacher that witnessed the whole thing or the parent of whichever bully took it that day. Bullies didn’t always want to take the little coin away from him, however; beating up the young Grisha seemed to be a common pastime shared by many in his school. Although it’s hard to believe, this was one activity he didn’t mind too terribly much. They always gave him a few seconds to run away before they beat him up. This helped him to become a faster flyer, which would play an important part for him in his adult years delivering letters and small packages faster than the normal postal service. Most times he was able to outmaneuver the bullies. Other times, though…

After the school age, Grisha decided to stick with the delivery business. Expanding from just newspapers to actual mail was a little more difficult than he anticipated, seeing as there were already many delivery services that could do his job in a relatively quick time. He needed to prove his worth first if he wanted to secure any actual work as a freelance delivery creature. He started off delivering letters from his friends for next to nothing to help start a reputation as being a faster delivery option. Thanks to all the running away from bullies he improved his speed and endurance, able to run and fly faster and longer than most other winged creatures. It took time, but he managed to convert more and more customers from using the average delivery services to relying on Grisha. With more and more creatures talking about Grisha and his speedy deliveries within the city, some wanted to really test his potential by sending him off to Appleoosa and Talonopolis.

Increasing the business from just friends and family to many, many more living in three different cities had its positives and negatives. Sure, more customers meant a much larger income, but travelling from city to city took quite a bit of time and travel that Grisha wasn’t used to. He knew he would need to travel to other cities if he really wanted to be successful, so he made sure to essentially destroy his comfort zone and tackled every delivery out of the city with a smile on his face. A few short years later and just about anyone in the western establishments that wanted something delivered by the next day could rely on Grisha to deliver it safely. He is still working on making his name better known with the eastern cities, but he knows he won’t be able to handle all deliveries by himself much longer and is looking for promising young apprentices to help him handle areas he has trouble making his way to.

Character Summary:

Grisha prides himself a little too much with his speed, telling anyone that questions his capabilities of delivering items swiftly that he is faster than any and all winged creatures. So far no one has cared enough to challenge him and his words, but he knows it’s only a matter of time before his words get him in trouble. The big mouth and relatively short fuse does not help him with making too many friends, not that he really has enough off-time to make new friends or meet up with current one. When he does get to see one of his old friends they usually end up telling him to take it easy with the work and have some fun, which he does not find necessary at the moment; he says he is a strong believer of the saying “There’s plenty of time to rest when you’re dead,” but really he just wants to save up enough during his youth to retire a very happy Griffon.

When he’s not catching up with friends or maintaining his physical performance, Grisha likes to rest on nearby clouds. If it looks big enough to hold him, chances are he’s already lying down on it. The one thing that annoys him most is a completely clear sky during his free time. Another thing he likes to do is collect any and all types of time-keeping devices. He doesn’t quite understand it himself, but he has an almost unhealthy attraction to clocks. Most of them are stored in his house back in Rockwington, but he keeps a couple pocket watches with to ensure he is on time to any and all scheduled appointments.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there. :)

I've looked at this character, and it's pretty good. I would stamp it as approved now, however I'm afraid there is one problem with it that needs to be addressed before I can do so.

"The roleplay environments will be changing soon' date=' and as such we will no longer accept any non-canon species into [b']World of Equestria, such as perytons, cynogriffons, and kelpies. These species are still available for applications in Crossovers and Free for All. There is a second roleplay in development that will have exciting new races and elements that are not currently allowed in World of Equestria, which will be an official, gated, and standardized world of its own. Stay tuned for details!"

This is straight from our site Administrator, Manestream, who decides what goes into the RP here and what doesn't. As you can see, we're no longer accepting new characters with cynogriffon as their species in the World of Equestria RP. If you wish this character to be approved, you are going to have to either:

  1. Change the RP type to Equestria Crossovers. You will be able to play the character there completely unaltered.
  2. Change the character's species to Griffon. I will then be able to approve this character for World of Equestria.

I hope you understand. Either way, I hope to be approving this app soon.

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It still says Cynogriffon a couple times in the text of the application. Might want to fix that. That said, I think I'm fine with giving you the stamp now instead of waiting, as I think I can trust your intent.



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