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A Changling of Heart (actual RP)

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Prologue: (partial first person)

It was a dark night in Canterlot as Everypony gathered at the royal castle for the great 10 year Anniversary of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, I, a royal Lunar Guard, was on watch at the front doors. It was cold and foggy out that night, I believe the fog was a prank by Celestia, long story, but that made it hard to see. Then I saw the shadow of a pony, limping toward the castle, but I soon realized it wasn't a shadow but a pitch black pony, and upon further looking, and Alicorn! I froze and tried to think, and finally came to the conclusion that this Alicorn must have been none other then Queen Chrysalis, my fears became true as she opened her eyes and looked at me. I was about to call for back up but I looked at her eyes, hazed over and filled with sadness and suffering, I stepped down the stairs slowly and soon saw she was weak and hurt. Despite my better judgement I put on a magic and wing cuff and slowly lead her into the castle. Upon entering a loud gasp filled the room as everypony froze and made an isle toward the throne so she could be lead to Celestia who stood there next to Cadence, not having seen her just yet, then the 2 mares looked over. Cadence's eyes flared up upon seeing the Changling and she prepared to charge at her but Celestia held out a wing and Cadence stood down, then Celestia turned to Chrysalis, "Why have you dared come here!" her voice boomed loud. The Queen slowly looked up, coughed, and spoke the words I shall never forget, "I'm sorry," She rasped out as she coughed again and her chest heaved, "My race is sick any dying, there are few left, most have found a way to live on there own, but I cannot, I need your help," She rasped and I just stared in awe, as did most ponies there. Celestia slowly made her way down, Cadence at her side, "Why sound we help you?" She asked the mare and Cadence glared, "Yeah, what gives you the right to come and crash my 10 year anniversary!?"

Chrysalis gasped and closed her eyes, "I..I'm sorry Cadence, I didn't realize, look Celestia, I'm truely sorry for my past actions but I want to make a redemtion, make up for it, fit in!" she begged and Celestia and Celestia turned to Cadence, "well Cadence, I think its your choice." Cadence sighed and looked at the Queen, "Fine, we shall give you a test, if you pass then you shall be allowed a chance, deal?" Chrysalis looked up, "yes, oh please, yes anything!" she begged and Cadence nodded, "You will be locked in a room with a loving couple for one day, if you go that day without asking for or stealing love, then you pass," Chrysalis nodded and they lead her to a suite and then lead Fleur de Lis and Fancy Pants in as well.....

A Day later they opened the door and talked with the couple, upon hearing there story they nodded and poked Chrysalis awake, she looked at them with a smile, "di..did I pass?" she asked and Celestia nodded. Chrysalis sighed happily and slowly stood up, Cadence walked over, "Now you may take a little of my love and we will go," Chrysalis took a little and nodded, "where to?" she asked and Cadence smiled, "Ponyville,"

Soon they reached the train station that would take them to Ponyville and Celestia handed them a book, "please read this along the way, I think it should explain a bit," Cadence nodded and then she and Chrysalis got on the train toward Ponyville......

The Train soon reached the Station and as Cadence looked out she saw the mane 6 waiting and turned to Chrysalis, "Now I'll go out first and call you out after," Chrysalis nodded. Cadence stepped off the train, "Twilight!" she cried as the mares did there special greeting and giggled, "How is everypony?"

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Twilight Sparkle's face was the purest image of glee, her beaming smile stretched from ear to ear. Yet, as happy as she was to see her dearest sister in law and former bestest foal sitter, she couldn't hold that smile while speaking.

"Everyponie's doing just fine Cadence, while some are busy, others are on their way to meet us at the library."

The lavender unicorn took a deep breath, "so~ i hear you've got big news~" Twilight attempted to sound casual "and a surprise to go with it" she was excited, but twilight kept her cool, she didn't want to sound like a certain pink pony we all know and love.

Twilight's head was full of ideas of what Cadence's visit could entail. A new spell book? was cadence gonna become some kind of tutor for her? maybe Celestia had a new mission for Twilight and her friends? or maybe, just maybe, Twilight was going to become an aunt soon?

The little unicorn could feel her inner-self bouncing around like a filly who just got her cutiemark.

so, twilight quietly waited for cadence's response.

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Cadence put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, "Twilight, don't get to hyper there, this isn't one of those very good surprises its more of a..." she tried to think of the words to describe what this was, "..a test, yes that's exactly it!" Cadence smiled happily, "But I warn you Twilight, this will be the hardest test you have ever faced, not even close to comparison to what you achieved in the Crystal Kingdom," she explained and looked back to the train, "There has been a request made to Celestia, personally, from a certain mare, Celestia has accepted this request, as have I, and now it is your job, as well as the rest of your friends, to help..ease Ponyville of the new mare's arrival," Cadence turned back to Twilight in a bit of a darker tone, "Twilight, when that mare comes out you must promise me...no, no.....PINKIE PIE PROMISE me you shall not freak out or cause alarm to her, nor shall you treat her as a threat or fear, understood?"

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Rainbow dash was moving at top speed. she slept in... again. [colour=#008080]Oh[/colour] [colour=#008080]m[/colour][colour=#008080]an I'm going to be late. I know if I go fast enough I can make it seem like I was there the whole time. [/colour]she thought as she flew across the sky at a near breakneck pace.

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"Good, and that applies to the rest of you as well," she said to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, "You need to keep calm and do not assault her!" she directed this more toward Rainbow Dash, "she is trying to fit in, not how she used to be," she said to them and turned to the Train, "Alright Chrysy, come on out!" she called loudly.

A black holed hoof stepped out of the train, followed slowly bu the black head with a bent horn, she fliniched from the bright light, "H..hi." she said nervously as she stepped out slowly and trotted next to Cadence, she looked at the ground. Cadence smiled, "Well yeah, here she is, its..."

(leaving that open for someone to yell her name :P)

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Rainbow dash was closing in on the train we she saw HER.[colour=#000080]what the? Oh no you don't. [/colour]she sped up to near sonic rainboom ready to kick some major tail. [colour=#000080]"CHRYSALIS! YOUR MINE" [/colour]she screamed as she tackled the queen.

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But instead she found herself held just inches away by pink magic, that of Cadence. The Alicorn mare walked up to Rainbow Dash and sighed, "Did I not just tell you to NOT do that exact thing!" she yelled at the rainbow pegasus mare, "I mean really, just listen for once," she sighed, "Now appologize!"

"no no, Cadence I don't think......" Chrysalis began but was cut off, by Cadence, "No Chrysy, your going to be part of this town and they will learn that you don't mean harm, easpecially after we tell them about what we found in the book."

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As usually, Nexar studied in one of the books about unicorn magic, when he felt the need to get some fresh air. So he left his small home on the outer parts of the village and went for a walk. The changeling in disguise had no real target while he was walking trough Ponyville, but he ended up beeing around the train station, where he saw some of the more popular ponys around. But he didn't mind what that was about, as he was living here for five years already without really getting any considerable contact with ithers. And so he simply wanted to move on.

That plan changed, when his former queen walked out of the train. The light-grey unicorn with the blue mane, which he has shapechanged himself into, froze on the spot and couldn't help himself but to stare at Chrysalis. He didn't need to be a doctor or anything to see in what condition she was, as he was a changeling himself he could tell, that she looked rather weak. But after all these years he already lived outside of the hive, seeing the queen again wasn't something too pleasant. But instead of attacking her like others did, or at least tried to do, and instead of screaming out a warning to others, he kept quiet and slowly walked up to the group till he stood a little bit behind them.

(ooc: picture of him here[/]

Cutie Mark: a single filled potion bottle)

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"Again I shall repeat, when you hear what we have found out about the changlings you shall see they are not so bad as you think," Cadence, "Let's say someone took the Wonderbolts hostage Rainbow Dash, you would do anything to get them back right?"

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"Ok, now look through Chrysalis's eyes for just a moment," Cadence asked the mare, "She needs love, someone is holding the love from her, she needs the love," she said simply, "Its the same idea with you, you would do anything to save the WonderBolts, well..." Cadence pointed to Chrysalis, "She needs to do anything to live," she explained and Chrys sighed, "Rainbow Dash," the mare said softly, "Its a long story, just settle down, we found a book that explains it all, you don't get why I had to do what I did," she sighed, "My race...they were dying"

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Cadence sighed, "Oh I see, so because of one action that happened 10 years ago that I, The wife effected by this, have forgiven her for," she stared at RainbowDash, "You would let her die?" Then she smiled, "Oh by the way, did I forget to mention, she is my sister? As well as Celestia and Luna of course"

Chrysalis looked down when Cadence mentioned this, as if ashamed to be a Royal sister, though with her previous actions this was no shock to Cadence who put a hoof on her sisters shoulder, "Relax dear Chrysy, once I can convince Rainbow Dash here the rest will be easy," she said and Chrysalis nodded

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[colour=#000080]"So wait a second she is a changling while Chelestia, Luna and you are alicorns, how are you all sisters? Second why would your own sister crash your wedding?"[/colour] said the now confused Rainbow Dash

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"She didn't know she was, that memory was erased," she said and floated out a book, "This is Luna's Diary, she had somechances to break out of Nightmare moon to jot down some notes," she explained, "Celestia found it last year, exploring the Sister Ruins," She explained, "Its a long story so...."

"Sorry were late y'all, Pinkie just had to find the per....."Apple Jack said as she sprinted toward the group only to freeze as she spotted Chrysalis, "What's she doin' here?"

"Yeah, aint she evil?" Pinkie asked

"No, now come join us," Cadence said and the two mares joined the group, "Also, Rainbow Dash, she may look different but she is still an Alicorn," Cadence pointed out, "Changling is just a special name she gave her race due to the ability to use strong magic and take a new form, thats it,"

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Dopple was walking thrpugh the train station. The order of medicine has just been shipped off to Manehatten which is all he has left to do. As he walks through to get home he spots 6 familiar mares. It was them. The 6 mares that defeated his kind at the wedding. Standing with them, was not only the one of the princesses, but his queen as well. Nexar may have been scared, but Dopple was filled with joy. He has been Dr. Vital Signs for five years now. He was left thinking his kind was gone. It took all of strength no to shout like a filly. He also took great notice of her condition realiazing how malnourished she looked. Was she some sort of prisoner? He decided he would you his status to join the group. He walked up to the group quietly and looked at his queen. He smiled softly before taking out his medical tool to examine her. Although he quickly stopped to explain himself.

"Uh your majesty." It may look like he was bowing to Cadence but he was bowing to his Queen. "My name is Dr. Vital Signs and I just noticed how horrid this poor dears condition is. If I may examine her?" He wondered if Chrysalis could tell it was him. Though that didn't matter now.

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"I say dopple, not at the moment," she said having not looked at him but recognizing his voice then she froze, "dopple?" she looked over to the Stallion, "So thats where you got to!" she smiled and waved her tail to becon him over, "And relax, I just need a little love and dear Cadence here will help me," she said to him, "believe it or not your dear queen is a Royal Sister, long story"

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As Nexar slowly closed in on the group, he listened to the conversation. As he didn't move too close to the group, trying to get not too many eyes and questions on what he was doing here. As it was said, that Queen Chrysalis was a member of the royal family, the light-grey coated unicorn he used as his disguise, raised an eyebrown. Just how could an alicorn become a changeling? Just another question...

A doctor pony moved up to the queen, and Nexar felt a small relief as he saw so. Of course, it was his queen, and he didn't want her to suffer, just as he didn't want anyone to suffer. Still he was worried about the queen and Ponyville. It was such a peaceful time here, the last 5 years, and he didn't want that to end. But Chrysalis' apperance implied that exactly that was going to happen. Suddenly it turned out, that the doctor pony was a changeling. His own eyes were staring into the ones of the changeling, till they changed to their real shape becoming... green? Weren't they supposed to become blue?

Anyway, it seemed, that the changeling queen was able to look trough the disguise of other changelings. He never was able to do so, and he never heard of normal changelings to do so. So the queen was most likely able to see trough his disguise as well... or maybe not as he never was too popular anywhere and as it was already a long time ago that he left the hive. So now he decided to join the conversation by stepping a bit forward, making him stand just behind of the other ponies. "But how is it possible for an alicorn to become a changeling? I mean... it ain't like there is so much in common between them."

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