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Jester Forge (Ready)


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Roleplay Type:[colour=#282828]Mane RP[/colour]

Name:[colour=#282828]Jester Forge[/colour]


Age:[colour=#282828]Young Stallion[/colour]


[colour=#282828]Eye Colour: [/colour][colour=#282828]Aqua[/colour]

Coat:[colour=#282828]Silver with a purple circle on his mouth, and purple tipped hooves. Always kept clean and in top notch shape, especially when he going out. However, sometimes you'll catch him covered in silt, and the only thing not covered is his eyes because of the goggles he wears when he's working.[/colour]

Mane/Tail:[colour=#282828]His mane is short and flared forward, his tail is medium length and fluffy, both are purple.[/colour]

Physique:[colour=#282828]Jester is a lean pony that is taller then your average pony but still holding a bulky appearance.[/colour]

Residence:[colour=#282828]Currently living in Canterlot but looking to possibly move.[/colour]


Cutie Mark:[colour=#282828]His cutie mark is a hammer crossed over a red hot blade.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Jesters family loves to travel; he's been everywhere from the Badlands to the Gallopocus islands and everywhere in between. Jester is an adventurous pony, and that is how he got his cutie mark on one of his little adventures.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]One day in Stalliongrad, young Jester was strolling throughout the town all day, finding nothing to really do. Suddenly, Jester tripped, hitting the ground hard and bonking his head. He was picked up by a large, scruff looking pony wearing a leather apron. "Are you okay, little colt?" the large pony asked Jester. "Yes, I'm okay." he responded. "Come in, come in. You banged your head real good there... Let me get you some ice." Jester followed the larger pony into his store. The large pony got some ice out of a ice chest and placed it in a bag, and eventually into Jesters hands "Put that on your sore head, it'll help." and so Jester did. "I have to finish this piece. You can sit over here and watch if you want." The large pony walked over to a fire-pit with what looked like metal rods sticking out of it. He levitated a rod out of the pit and lay it on a large flat platform and struck it with a hammer. Seeing the first strike of the hammer hit the hot metal and sparks fly off of it, Jesters eyes widened. This beautiful sight, what was it? He struck it again, but this time Jester heard a noise: a loud ping that resonated like a birds chirp in the morning light. Jester walked over to the man and taped him on his back "Sir? What are you doing?" Jester asked, his curiosity burning in his eyes. "I'm making a sword, young man." The older pony replied, levitating the hammer closely behind his head. "Can I try?" Jester asked eagerly. The blacksmith looked him over, considering. "Sure you can, but you'll have to wear this apron." The blacksmith said, removing his own apron and draping it over Jester. It was a bit big, but it'd have to do. Jester trotted happily over to the anvil, his apron looking more like a dress because of its large size. "Okay, can you pick up this hammer?" The blacksmith asked, signalling the hammer he had just put down. Jester lifted it with little trouble. "Okay, I want you to swing it down and hit this hot piece of metal." Jester did striking the piece of metal and seeing it flatten from his hit and formed to the shape of it. Seeing this Jester smiled with eagerness. The blacksmith smiled at his enthusiasm. "You can make this piece of metal into almost anything you want, what would you like to make?" He said, looking down at the small colt. "How about a sword?" Jester responded. Jester and the blacksmith slaved away for thirty minutes. Every hit they made Jester became more and more excited till eventually they were done. The blacksmith dropped the piece of white-hot metal into water to cool it down, pulling it back out quickly to hand it to him. Jester looked at the sword with amazement and even though it wasn't pretty, it was his. Jester thought to himself: This is amazing! I can make anything I want, anything at all! "What is this practice called sir?" Jester asked, barely containing his excitement. "It's called forging." And just like that, Jester was amazed as his flank flashed brilliantly, leaving a sword and hammer on it. "Well lookie here! You got yourself a nice cutie mark, you should run home and show your parents." The blacksmith said to him. Without even thinking, Jester grabbed hold of his sword and galloped out of the door toward his house.[/colour]

History:[colour=#282828] Jester was an only child, son of Far Flyer, his Pegasi mother, and his unicorn father, Lost Compass. They were, and still are, a very happy family. Jester was born in Canterlot, but they didn't stay long enough to grow any roots. Once Flyer was ready to go, they where out on the road again. Even though they meet many people and make many friends, they were never really true friends, only knowing them for a few weeks and moving on.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Jester's Family are explorers, travelers, tourists, whatever you may call them. Jester growing up enjoyed the travelling and meeting new people, but he never had anyone except for his parents, no one to talk to no one to be friends with, no one to play with. This made Jester a very lonely pony, but he had very loving parents which made it much more bearable.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Far Flyer has no family, she is all that is left. Lost Compass has a few family members that live in Canterlot, but they don't talk much, just the occasional letter. Jester, on the other hand, wants to reconnect with his family.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Jester's life right now is good. He's not quite living his dream but he is working towards it. Jester makes everything from armor to silverware, but he most enjoys making armor and things that help keep people safe. His dream is to make armor for the Royal Guard and Jewelry for a royal princess. Jester's personal life is amazing, he has amazing friends. He is looking to travel a bit so he is undecided about leaving his friends.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Jester traveling from town to town made it easy for him to start up his store. When he traveled from town to town he learned how to make allot from nothing, but now he doesn't have to worry about that his company is doing very well. It'll all started with making silverware and candlesticks for his friends and the locals of Canterlot.[/colour]

Character Summary: [colour=#282828]Jester is a very social pony going to party's, social events, and just talking to strangers. Jester's talent is making things from nothing, but more specifically armor. All of his talents came from how he got his Cutie mark being saved by a knight. And his motivation for having and doing all of this, is to protect people.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Jester, in his free time, likes to help other ponies. He cant stand seeing anyone sad or someone with a problem. He also designs new suits of armor, reading books of far away locations, and going out and enjoying the world.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Jester is a very fun pony to be around, though he can be a little clingy at times and talks a bit to much about himself. But don't late that fool you; he would do anything for anypony. Jester loves to go out with friends and have a good time. He's also quite the flirtatious type, even though he may not mean to at times. He also jumps around going from having a lazy day, to wanting to clean up the house, or go out and meet new pony's.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Jester is terrified of of being alone, which pushes people away sometimes. Also he's afraid he'll never reach his goals in life, and sometimes it causes him to make bad decisions.[/colour]

Likes: [colour=#282828]Jester likes to meet new ponies, going out, working on his forging, and sometimes just lying around the house.[/colour]

Dislikes: [colour=#282828]Being ignored, and confrontation he will do his best to diffuse the confrontation. And sometimes in unexpected ways.[/colour]

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Your friendly neighborhood RP Helpstaffer here.

Your character is interesting. A couple of things to consider:

You mention a night saving him. I think you mean a kinght saving hiv from the doamond dogs.

How did getting saved get his cutie mark which relates to smithing? Usually getting a mark relates to a self discovery.

You're on your way to creating an interesting character!

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Well, his story can be simple as long as it shows how he got his mark. Getting a cutie mark is like a journey of self discovery, so however much you want to explain that, it's fine. Most cutie mark stories are about a paragraph long I find.

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